12 Days of Christmas: Day 4

Posted December 22, 2009 by Holly in Giveaways | 1 Comment

Today I have 3 autographed copies of books from Linda Winfree’s Hearts of the South series. Casee and I both adore this series, and I truly feel it’s one of the genre’s most hidden gems. Why the series isn’t more popular is beyond me.

Anything But Mine
Memories of Us
Hearts Awakened

Book CoverBook CoverBook Cover

Aren’t those covers gorgeous? I love them.

For today’s challenge, I want you to give me the name of at least one Christmas-themed book you think doesn’t get the credit or attention it deserves.

Email your favorite book(s) to contests @ thebookbinge . com (no spaces). Be sure to put “Day 4” in the subject. We’ll pick our favorite and announce the winner shortly after the new year!

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