Ye Old Anniversary

Posted November 6, 2009 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | 31 Comments

Happy Friday!

Today is my 16th wedding anniversary! Very cool. I can’t believe it’s been so damned long. haha

Did I ever tell you that I picked my hubby up in a bar? lol I most certainly did! I was out with 3 friends and I happened to point out my hubby and mention that he was hot (or cute or whatever the hell we were saying 18 years ago that meant hot). One of my friends said, “oh, I went to high school with him – he’s totally nice.” So having a little liquid aggression in me I asked him to dance and when the evening was over we exchanged numbers. He never called. Bastard! I threw his number away and went about my life. (Later I found out the number I’d given him had gone into his night stand with all the other many numbers he had from other girls. I dubbed it “the sea of numbers drawer” Ug. He, of course, thought of himself as the nicer person as he had actually kept my number instead of throwing it away. Yeah, like he would have remembered which cocktail napkin it was on!)

A couple of months later I ran into him again at another club (I think it was May by this time). Then a couple weeks later I ran into him yet again. We finally exchanged numbers (again) and I took the initiative and called him (wasn’t gonna wait around for him to do it – I’d learned my lesson). We had a great telephone relationship that lasted a few weeks and then somehow, some way we just stopped calling each other. No clue why. I think he was off doing his Havasu/Memorial Day weekend thing that he used to do and then summer hit with camping and tubing and all that and we just fell out of touch.

At the beginning of October I had one of my good friends, Sherri, come to visit me from Kansas. I took her to this great club on Friday night (yes, we did a lot of clubs back then. Hello? It was freaking 1991!) and we had a great time. On Saturday she decided that we’d had such a good time that she wanted to go back to the same place. Really? Well, ok. It’s a damn good thing we did. That night as I was coming off the dance floor my hubby stepped in front of me to get my attention and I hugged him like he was some long lost friend. We were never apart after that. Got married 2 years and 1 month later. We’ve had a small problem or two over the years and some huge problems but we’re good as gold and plan to stay that way for a very long time. Now if I could just get him to rinse off his damned dishes when he puts them in the sink.

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31 responses to “Ye Old Anniversary

  1. Oh no! He doesn't rinse?? Sounds like a naughty boy in need of some punishment :P…

    That's so awesome to hear your celebrating 16 years! Congratulations to you and your husband.

    Shawn and I are going on 17 years together (married 12)! It's crazy to think that I have been with him just about half my life already. And like you, we've had our small and big problems, but every body does. It's how you handle them that matters.

    Hugs, Tracy, and may you have a beautiful day today with your family!

  2. Happy Anniversary to both of you! I love your story… all those misses and then finally!! Sounds like you two were meant to be.

    Cheers! 🙂

  3. Congrats honey!!! Happy Anniversary! I hope the good Lord will bless you many many more wonderful years!!! And I do love the story. Thanks for sharing that with us!!!
    Have a great weeeknd!!!!

  4. Look at that smokin' hot couple!

    OMG, happy anniversary, you two. I love that story. Good for you for taking some initiative! I hope you do something wonderful tonight, and have many more fabulous decades.

  5. Thanks everyone – you're all so sweet!

    Amy – you're bad! lol
    I agree – it's how you handle the issues that make all the difference in the world.

    Wendy – you're a girl after my own heart. Frat party is just as good as a bar – probably better! lol

  6. Awwww what a cute story, I'm glad that you guys never parted. You guys make a fantabulous looking couple!

    Happy Anniversary Tracy!


  7. Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby, Tracy!!! 😀

    Wow, seriously, it's really fate that you two got together!! 😀 wish you many more happy years together!

  8. Wow you, Lori and us too have anniversaries in November. How wild is that??? Oh, and that man of yours is a cutie and you can tell him I said so and give him a hug from me too.

  9. Thanks again everyone – very nice of you to take the time to comment.

    Rosie – that's funny. I have 2 other friends who have anniversaries in Nov. as well – it's a good month to get married. 🙂

  10. WOW Happy Anniversary a couple of days late! I hope you celebrated well!

    Congrats and I love the story behind you two so cute!

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