Author Spotlight: Last Lisa Kleypas Hero Standing, Round 1.

Posted October 1, 2009 by Rowena in Features | 7 Comments

Another month, another author spotlight and this month we’re spotlighting a romance reader favorite, LISA KLEYPAS!

Lisa Kleypas has written some of the most amazing heroes I’ve ever read. She writes those heroes that come from nothing and fight their way to the top with their smarts. I have so much respect for Lisa Kleypas’s writing ability because she has written quite a few winners for me. This month each of her studly heroes will be battling it out to see who gets to the finish line.

We’ll be using the same format that we used last month and will just be plucking heroes off with each passing week until we’re down to the last two and then a winner will be announced on the last day of the month. It should be an interesting fight since we’ve got two LK favorites battling it out!

The heroes up for voting are:

Harry Rutledge from Tempted at Twilight
Kev Merripen from Seduce Me at Sunrise

Cam Rohan from Mine til Midnight

Rafe Bowman from A Wallflower Christmas

Matthew Swift from Scandal in Spring

Sebastian St. Vincent from Devil in Winter

Marcus, Lord Westcliff from It Happened One Autumn
Simon Hunt from Secrets of a Summer Night

John McKenna from Again the Magic
Jake Linely from Where’s My Hero?

Nick Gentry from Worth Any Price?

Max Vallerand from When Stranger’s Marry

Sir Ross Cannon from Lady Sophia’s Lover

Andrew, Lord Drake from Wish List Anthology
Jack Devlin from Suddenly You

Derek Craven from Dreaming of You

Zachary Bronson from Where Dreams Begin
Grant Morgan from Someone To Watch Over Me
Hunter, Earl of Hawksworth from Stranger in my Arms
Justin Vallerand from Only with your Love

Logan Scott from Because You’re Mine
Nikolas from Prince of Dreams
Lucas Stokehurts from Midnight Angel
Damon Savage from Somewhere I’ll Find You

Chance from Three Weddings and a Kiss Anthology

Alex Raiford from Then Came You

Gage Travis from Sugar Daddy

Hardy Cates from Blue Eyed Devil

Jack Travis from Smooth Talking Stranger

And the voting has begun! To vote for your favorite LK hero, click on your favorite hero on the sidebar poll and make sure to vote as often as you can because the more you vote the longer your hero is likely to stay and please, TELL A FRIEND! The more the merrier so come on, let’s play!

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7 responses to “Author Spotlight: Last Lisa Kleypas Hero Standing, Round 1.

  1. Scorpio M.

    Kleypas does indeed pen some of the BEST heroes. Derek Craven is #1but I luv Cam Rohan, Simon Hunt, Ross Cannon & Westcliff alot too!

  2. Luci

    I haven’t read all the Lisa Kleypas books – am still glomming her work, but I have read enough to work with I believe.

    Another great choice.

  3. Rowena


    I’m so glad that you can participate in this month’s festivities. Isn’t LK great?


    With great care sweetie! =P

    Scorpio M.,

    I love a lot of the heroes you mentioned. Simon Hunt is one of my favorites from the Wallflowers series. I heart Derek too!


    Thanks! You and I are in the same boat cause I haven’t read all of LK’s works either but I definitely will…lots of things to look forward to!


    Neither did I until I was putting this post together.

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