It’s the Las Vegas Book Giveway!

Posted September 4, 2009 by Tracy in Reviews | 27 Comments

What does Las Vegas have to do with a book giveaway you ask? Why, nothing at all! But my hubby is taking the fam to Las Vegas this weekend so I thought I’d do something special for those who are hanging around the house. Makes sense to me…come on, work with me folks.

Anyway the fam is off to Vegas today – yes, the whole family. It’s amazing what you can find to do in Vegas with kids. I think we’re gonna have a great time. Hubby, of course, is going for his Fantasy Football draft. Oh what fun. NOT! ahem Anyway, he’ll be gone all day Saturday so the girls and I are going to swim, shop, play and see a show. We have a couple of other surpises in store for the kids as well so I’m really looking forward to it.

The giveaway: It appears that this was Alpha and Omega week here at Tracy’s Place. So, in honor of that fact (which was sooooo not planned) I’m going to give one lucky person both Cry Wolf and Hunting Ground by Patricia Briggs. That’s right, both books! And they are wonderful!

All you have to do is leave a comment on this post by Monday, Sept. 7 at 11:59pm (pacific) and you’re in the running. I will ship these puppies anywhere so there’s no restrictions on who can enter. I’ll announce the winner on Tuesday the 8th right-cheer on this lil ole blog.

Have a great weekend!

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27 responses to “It’s the Las Vegas Book Giveway!

  1. Had to laugh about the Fantasy Footbal comment because my guys are all entrenched in it too. However they must be in a low rent version because it does not entail fancy-schmancy trips to Vegas to do a draft.

    Have fun! Oh, don't enter me in the contest, I already have the books.

  2. Hi Tracy,
    I hope you have a great time in Las Vegas. I have always wanted to go there. Someday!!

    I have never read anything by Patricia Briggs. I do have Moon Called in my TBR pile.

    Great contest. Count me in.

  3. Hey Tracy!!! Don't enter me in for I have both already… and let me tell you guys who are interested…. Charles is HOT!!!!
    Good luck to all!!!
    I just wanted to stop by and say hi!!! And have a wonderful trip with the family!!! Must see pictures!!
    Have a great weekend!!!
    And I will pimp this out at my side bar!!

  4. Wooohooo Tracy 😀 Have fun and a wonderful week-end with the kids and hubby 😀 and perhaps, your hubby will win money again to cover the cost of the trip? 😛

    psst – no need to enter me in the giveaway 🙂

  5. Mary D
    zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com

    Tracy, I hope you have the greatest time EVER!!! I've never been to Vegas but I hope you have tons of fun!!!

    Thank you so much for the great giveaway – I WOULD LOVE LOVE LOVE to win these two Patricia Briggs books 🙂

  6. You probably won't read this until you get back (evil computer), but I hope you and the family have a wonderful time in Las Vegas! Are you going to see Cirque du Soleil BTW?

    And since I already own one of the two books (and live absolutely miles away [read other side of the planet *grin*] please don't include me in the giveaway, but thank you 🙂

  7. Thanks everyone! We had a great time!

    Rosie – you made me laugh. The "leader" or organizer of my hubby's Fantasy Football league lives in Henderson (right next to Vegas) so he has the gathering at his house. My hubby normally does it with them online but since it was a 3 day weekend we decided to make a showing. 🙂

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