Book Bag Giveaway: Day 14 Winner Announced!

Posted September 22, 2009 by Rowena in Giveaway Winners | 3 Comments

And the winner for Day 14 of our Book Bag Extravaganza is:

You win:

The Stranger by Portia Da Costa
A Duke of Her Own by Eloisa James
Kiss and Hell by Dakota Cassidy
Mistress of the Revolution by Catherine Delors

…along with a nifty little book bag filled with other assorted book marks, excerpts and all sorts of book goodies. You definitely made out like a bandit so CONGRATULATIONS!

Please shoot us a quick email at contests[at]the book binge . com (no spaces) with Book Bag 14 Winner in the subject of your email and your snail mail addy. We’ll get your book bag sent out just as soon as we can.

We’d like to thank everyone who participated in the contest but have no fear, there are still more book bags to be won. We have 7 more bags to give away so come back and try your hand again. It just might be your lucky day!

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