Author Spotlight: The Last SEP Hero Standing.

Posted September 1, 2009 by Rowena in Features | 2 Comments

…and we’re back!

It’s been quite a while since we’ve hosted a Last Hero Standing on Book Binge for our Author Spotlight but it’s back and we’re super excited to be playing this month. When we first decided to bring Author Spotlight back, I was mostly excited to bring LHS back because for me, it was a lot of fun to bring to the blog.

This time around we’ll be doing things differently. Before, the heroes were paired up in two’s and they squared off against each other but now, all of the heroes will square off against each other and each week the heroes with the least amount of votes will be voted off the island.

So to start things off, we’ll be listing all of the SEP heroes. If you want to see your SEP hero make it to the end of the month then please, get your votes in. Each round will be a week long so you have a week to rally to get your friends and family to vote for your favorite hero and next Tuesday (9-8-09) we’ll announce the Top 10 SEP heroes so be sure to get your votes in and make them count by getting all of your friends to vote as well.

….and let the battle begin!

The heroes up for voting are:

Dan Calebow from It Had To Be You
Bobby Tom Denton from Heaven, Texas
Cal Bonner from Nobody’s Baby But Mine
Gabe Bonner from Dream a Little Dream
Kevin Tucker from This Heart of Mine
Heath Champion from Match Me if You Can
Dean Roubillard from Natural Born Charmer
Colin Byrne from Ain’t She Sweet?
Lorenzo Gage from Breathing Room
Mat Jorik from First Lady
Kenny Traveler from Lady Be Good
Alex Markov from Kiss An Angel
Baron Cain from Just Imagine
Dash Coogan from Honey Moon
Eric Dillon from Honey Moon
Mitchell Blaine from Hot Shot
Dallas Beaudine from Fancy Pants
Jake Koranda from Glitter Baby
Bramwell Shepard from What I Did For Love

And the voting has begun! To vote for your favorite SEP hero, click on your favorite hero on the sidebar poll and make sure to vote as often as you can because the more you vote the longer your hero is likely to stay and please, TELL A FRIEND! The more the merrier so come on, let’s play!


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2 responses to “Author Spotlight: The Last SEP Hero Standing.

  1. Luci

    What fun! Will tell my fellow seppies to come here and vote. Hope you don’t mind if I post a link to this site on SEP’s BB.

  2. Rowena

    Hey Luci! Thanks so much for spreading the word, we hope you guys will join us for a lot of SEP goodness through out this month!

    Welcome to Book Binge!

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