Dark Slayer is the 20th(!!!) book in Feehan‘s Dark series. I can’t believe there are that many books in the series. Crazy.
Anyway, I gave up the crack about 5 books back. Sadly Casee is still highly addicted. For those of you who aren’t as strong as I am and haven’t been able to break away (heh), this giveaway is for you.

A rumor has persisted in the vampire world of a dark slayer – a woman – who travels with a wolf pack and any among the vampires who meets her is slain. Mysterious, elusive and seemingly impossible to kill, she is the one hunter who strikes terror into the hearts of the vampires. Ivory Malinov is that woman, betrayed by her own people, by her family, by everyone she held dear and she hunts during the night with only her pack to sustain her sanity. She has not spoken to or been with any other person for a hundred years other than to feed from or slay. She stumbles across a body on her way back to her lair and discovers – her lifemate.
He is Razvan, branded a hated criminal, detested, feared and loathed by all Carpathians – he is also a dragonseeker of one of the greatest lineages of all Carpathians. Held captive nearly his entire life by his grandfather, the Carpathians bitterest enemy, he is seeking the dawn to end his terrible existence.
This is a story of two people, horribly betrayed, wounded in spirit, fighters to the death, who must struggle to unite against a common enemy.
Leave a comment here telling us why you still read the series (and why you wished you’d stopped) and you’ll be entered to win a brand-spankin’ new hardcover copy. If you haven’t read a book in the series before but would still like to be entered, tell us why.
We’ll run the contest for about a week or so.
This book is available from Berkley. You can buy it here.
In my online bookgroup we have people who enjoy the earlier books and people who enjoy the later ones. I’m one who enjoy the latter (spelling)one’s better.
To me, the series picked up after Dark Melody with one or two so-so books thrown in for good measure. But I love the series and you’ve got to pick me, cause I signed up for a google account just to comment on this post! LOL.
I have to admit I haven’t read any from this series before, but I want to…I really do. I have many of them in my TBR pile, but the more she writes in this series the more I think about how much time I will have to devote to them, so they keep getting pushed down, even though I have read other books of hers and loved them, I know I’ll get caught up in the world she has created.
Now that the new book is out I think I will create a New Years resolution right now and vow to read them all before the end of the year. Would love to win this one so that I can read the complete series from start to finish, all in a row 🙂
Okay technically I have stopped reading it but I haven’t stopped buying them. I figure one day in the next decade I will fall of the wagon and start reading them again. 🙂
well, I have not read any! I don’t know why, because they look so good. I would love a chance to win and get started reading!
Thanks so much~
Amy M
atc218 at aol dot com
I’m still addicted and just posted about this book yesterday. 🙂 The heroes can get on my nerves at times but overall I still like the world Feehan’s created (except the sleeping in the dirt part). I do like the heroines and have lots of hope for Ivory and Dark Slayer.
I’m not a full addict, I won’t buy the hardcovers, so I’d love to win this one. 🙂
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I commented earlier on Casee’s review. Dark Guardian was the first paranormal book I ever picked up. Christine is what got me into the whole paranormal romance scene and while her Carpathian series gets a little redundant I can’t help but love the characters. The alpha male does get old for me but I just can’t get enough of the world CF has created. So I’m sticking with all her series, and even though some of the books are disappointing, I just can’t help myself.
This would be a great score for me. I enjoyed Dark Curse and I think Dark Slayer is going to be good (especially after reading Casee’s review)
Thanks for the giveaway!!
I like the Carpathian series, I still read it. I don’t love it enough to buy hardcover. The only thing that really bothers me with this series is that sometimes I feel like it is the same book over and over again. But I do love alot of the characters and there is a book I really want and I think I will break down and buy that one hardcover and that is Skylar and Dimitri’s book.
Please enter me!!!
I gave up buying the books when they went to hardcover, but I admit I still tend to get them from the library and check out what’s going on. I was being strong and ignoring this one, but Cassee’s review is tempting me. I’d like to be entered into the draw if you’re willing to ship to New Zealand, but with it being a hardcover, I’ll totally understand if you don’t want to. There’s always the library. 🙂
I love the Carpathian series and I acn’t wait to read Razvan and Ivory’s story! I stopped buying the books when they started coming out in hardcovers and just waited to borrow them from the library instead.
I love the Carpathian series and I acn’t wait to read Razvan and Ivory’s story! I stopped buying the books when they started coming out in hardcovers and just waited to borrow them from the library instead.
I have all of the Carpathian books in ebook format. Christine Feehan is a great author. The over-arc story of rescuing their race from extinction as well as the individual novels arc are great.
If I got this it would be my first hard-copy edition of a Christine Feehan novel.
I’ll be honest– I’m still a Dark Series Hussy, and proud of it! LOL. I just love Feehan’s work, and her vampires were one of the first ones I read in the Romance Genre, and despite the many books in the series, she’s kept my attention with the new and twisting story lines along the way.
True, there are some series that have more witty characters or alpha male heroes that make you want to melt, but Feehan’s are still one of my favorite, and I think they always will be. 😉
Can’t wait to read this one…
This series ans one other got me back into reading again. Now I’m always looking for new authors and series to read!
I love the series; however, I didn’t start reading Feehan until after I read a book from her Drake sisters eries. Then, I became addicted! I can’t wait to read Razvan and Ivory’s story! I must admit though that I stopped buying the books when they started coming out in hardcovers first. I now just borrow from a local library instead unless I really “must have” the book then I wait until a paperback comes out to add to my collection.
I love the series, can’t wait to read this one! This was my first paranormal series and I’m still addicted. I want them all on my keeper shelf but I’m trying to wait for the paperbacks…
I’m a diehard once I get far enough into a series, so I keep reading along, but not at hardcover prices, and I want to see if things get more interesting now with the dragonseekers.
Christine Feehan was the first paranormal author that I read. I love her writing.
I looooove this series so much. Sometimes the books feel the same, but it gets better. Please please count me in.
cindyc725 at gmail dot com
I can’t help myself – Christine Feehan was one my first paranormal authors and became one of my addictions! I love this series, and yes, some of the books in the middle got a little formulaic, but the newest ones seem to keep getting better. As long as she keeps writing, I’ll keep reading!!
I love Christine Feehan books but haven’t been able to feed my addiction for the Carpathians lately due to financial restraints 🙁
i can’t stop reading them either, although i’mnotall the way caught up to #19. i love the characters and that we get to see some of them in all the books. series are great for that sort of thing.
Julie Garwood and Sandra Hill
Karen T
I’ve read all of the paperbacks. I don’t do hardcover. Paperbacks are expensive enough!
I haven’t read Dark Curse and the previous couple – maybe from Dark Celebration on, I started skimming more so than actually reading. I’m not really sure what was up. I know I started wondering why all of the really old Carpathians were only now starting to appear. And they all seemed so much stronger than the Prince.
This one sounds so great though. Feehan does a great tortured hero. My favorite was Jacques. I think Razvan and Ivory both have amazing potential. And its a great cover!
lynda98662 at yahoo dot com
This book looks absolutely awesome. I have to admit, I have not read of this series. However, if I win this book, I would become addicted. Thanks for posting this giveaway. Pick me, pick me.
Wendy C.
I admit it that I still read and love this series. I have been anxiously waiting for this book to come out, mainly because of who the characters are. For the last several books we have that the heroine in this book was dead and that the hero was the big evil bad guy. It is going to be interesting to see how the series proceeds from here.
I would love to get a free copy of this book, because it means my husband doesn’t have to buy it for me. I’m not allowed to buy books between Sept and Christmas as that is what everyone gives me.
I haven’t read this series but plan on it! I did just finish the Drake Sisters series and LOVED it!!!
Count me in!
dcf_beth at verizon dot net
Would love a chance at this book!
Didn’t read the books yet but have the first 19 books (I’m a book addict when I buy one I need them all). And I do plan on reading the 20 books soon. Just have to finish a couple series first. 😉
I started the books out of order, but luckily that was early on in the series. Once I started from Dark Prince though, I was hooked. That was four years ago and now with 19 books sitting on my library shelf, I cannot wait till the 20th! My favorite book has to be Dark Celebration since I loved catching up with characters from the past and getting introduced to future ones as well (esp. Dimitri and Skyler) This new book brings the grand end to an arch in the Carpathian story, so the future of the series can only get better, yayy!
I like her later books rather than the early ones. They are rather repetitive but I keep wanting more. But the hero doesn’t bind the heroine against her will?! I want to read this one! Enter me, please.
I’m still reading these books because I enjoy reading them and it’s a series (hard to stop for me).
Please enter me in the contest, thanks!
I have not started reading this series, but I really do want to and I have almost all of the books. And I love the cover…it makes me just want to pick it up and read it. I would love to be entered.
I am very interested in Dark Slayer, have been obsessed with the blurb, excerpt, cover, trailer for months. I don’t like the whole series, just some of the books. What I’ve heard about Dark Slayer makes me think I will love it.
Thanks for having this giveaway!
I have never been truly disappointed with a Feehan novel. She was my first venture into the paranormal genre. I love her work. This would be a real treat.
I have to say i have not read her although many of my friends have and cant say enough about them They are on my to read list but 20 book my goodness that Scary….
Contest is now closed. Winner will be announced soon.