What I’ve Been Reading This Week

Posted June 15, 2009 by Tracy in Features | 15 Comments

Another late post but this one wasn’t my fault…no, really, it wasn’t! We were having computer problems at home and things were wonky. Our back-up recovery drive wasn’t working and it was pretty much not letting us do anything else. So. Frustrating.

Anyway, I read a lot this week and read some pretty darned good books:

First up: How could I end last week’s reading with It Happened One Autumn and not immediately pick up The Devil In Winter by Lisa Kleypas? I couldn’t! I grabbed that puppy up and devoured it in a day. Sebastian and Evie were a wonderful couple and I loved reading about their story. 4.25 out of 5.
Oh, btw, if you’d like to see a wedding between Ana and Sebastian check out DIK for the next few days. Will the wedding actually happen? We’ll have to wait and see! Here’s the first post.

I of course then marched right into Scandal in Spring by Lisa Kleypas. I really loved this whole series. The men, the women…sigh…just good romance. Daisy and Matthew were wonderful together and frankly, while I found Lillian a little annoying about the whole deal I just ignored her and moved on, as her sister did. 4.25 out of 5

Next for me was ChildsPrey2: Winter Song by Barbara Sheridan and Anne Cain. I read book 3 in this series a couple of months ago and this is book 2 in the ChildsPrey series. This is a novella about Jun and Koji, fellow band members and good friends. Koji has been in love with Jun forever but with Jun’s depression about his failed marriage things aren’t going the way Koji would like. He decides to book a little getaway for them to get Jun away from his house and to hopefully get Koji into Jun’s bed. This was a very sweet m/m story and I very much enjoyed it. 4 out of 5

My next read was Hot in Here by Sophie Renwick. This was a book that I read for The Book Binge so I’ll let you know when the review posts.

Finding Farro by Amber Kell was next. This was the next alphabetical short installment in her Moon Pack series. Definitely better than some of the other books. It was supposed to be the story about Farro and I assumed him finding his mate. The story was more about the Alpha of the pack, Silver, and his mate Anthony. While there was a story line did involve Farro it was a tad disappointing to not have more of him in it but still pretty darned good. 3.75 out of 5

Another Amber Kell short was Bonding with Graven. A vampire, Graven, is looking for his mate and Steerl is taking his sister to a gathering to see if she is his mate. Turns out that Steerl is the mate. This was a very short story that was just ok. It was a very abbreviated story (16 pages) so it was hard to make a decision about the story or the relationship one way or the other. 3 out of 5

Raw Footage by Katie Allen was story that I started a while back and finally finished this week. It was a story about 2 neighbors coming together to try to save one of their brothers. Cute, hot, sexy. 3.5 out of 5

Bad to the Bone by Jeri Smith-Ready was my next read. I jotted down some thoughts about the book and will post them in a couple of days.

A Weaver Wedding by Allison Leigh was next. I was sent the book for a Tell Harlequin discussion and have decided that it will be my Year of the Category Challenge Read for the month. I love how that works out. lol So I’ll post my review for it on the 23rd.

Let’s see my next read was Cowboys Dream Too by Morgan Q. O’Reilly. This was another read for The Book Binge I started it a while ago but finally got around to finishing it this weekend. I’ll let you know when the review posts.

And last but by no means least was Chrissy Munder’s Drive Me Home. I had read some reviews of Chrissy’s books over at Well Read and after reading an interview that Jen did with the author I purchased this book. I have to say I really, really liked it. It was soooo not a story that I would normally read but it was great. Eric is the main character and the book is told from his point of veiw most of the time. Eric is completely screwed up from the deaths of his father and brother and an ensuing court case involving his sister-in-law and niece. He’s roamed around and managed to land in Las Vegas where he becomes a limo driver. He finds himself attracted to 2 men, so very different from each other, and the book is more or less about him trying to figure out who he cares more about. There were definite things about the book that I didn’t care for but I loved Chrissy’s writing and descriptions of Las Vegas as well as descriptions of Eric and what he was going through. I would definitely recommend this one. 4.25 out of 5

Happy Reading!

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15 responses to “What I’ve Been Reading This Week

  1. I'm glad you liked Drive Me Home Tracy. It's so nice when someone enjoys your recommendations.

    Only 4.25 for Devil in Winter! It's one of my favourite historicals and gets at least a 5+ from me. Sebastian is just so…*sigh*… words fail me. Plus I'm a sucker for a reformed rake!

  2. I really did love Chrissy writing in Drive Me Home. I will definitely be reading more of her work.
    You know people always ask me why I rate as I do and I have to say I just have go with how I feel when I finish reading the book. I might LOVE the characters but it's the overall feeling that I go with. And hey! 4.25 is better than very good. 🙂 And yes, I did love Sebastian!

  3. I loved those 2 books of Lisa's. Not everyoen cared for Scandal in Spring, but I adored Matthew, and how he loved Daisy. Made me swoon.

    I just reviewed Hot In Here so I can't wait to read your review 🙂

  4. So many books!! Hmm, i want to read Hot in Here, so I can't wait to see your review! and the Jeri Smith-Ready! I need to start both series…

    I've never heard of Drive Me Home… but I'll have to look into it. Overall, a good reading week, no?

  5. I'm so glad you liked Winter Song. Wasn't it adorable? Such a sweet, sexy story. It's one of my favorite Anne/Barb books.

    I think I gave Devil in Winter a 4.25 too. Very nice book.

    And I REALLY want to read Hot in Here, so I'm looking forward to your review. 🙂

  6. You read 11 books…I only read a whopping 2!! One full length and one short! (I through the short in there just so I could have another book finished!!) Woohoo, baby, I'm on a roll :P!

  7. Stacy – Matthew was wonderful. There was just something about him I really loved – besides his honor.
    Loved your review of Hot in Here!

    Nath – The J. Smith-Ready series is good. I did like book one better but this was a good one too.
    Drive Me Home is m/m…I can't remember – do you read m/m?

    Jenb – yep Winter Song was sweet and sexy. The end was fab with the wife and all. Good stuff.
    Hot in Here – sexy. 🙂

    Amy – well I guess I did. The first 3 were in the first 3 days of the week – I couldn't put them down. 🙂 The shorts were mostly all at once while waiting in a Dr.'s office…and the last 3 were this past weekend. The kids were gone a lot. 🙂
    2 books is GOOD! 🙂

  8. I'm impressed with all your reading, as usual. I'm interested in this Drive Me Home…Hmmph! And whoa, don't tell Ana you gave her love a scant 4.25!

    Can't wait to hear how you like BTTB. I so have to get on that!!!

  9. Amy – LMAO! Ok, I tried! 🙂

    CJ – I think you'd like Drive Me Home – just sayin.
    Ok – 4.25 IS NOT A BAD RATING! lol A 4 is very good and 4.25 is better than that!!! See I shouldn't read all the same sub-genre at once…I get flack. lol

  10. hey Tracy 🙂 I actually only have book 1 of the Ready-Smith… should bump it up in my TBR pile.

    As for m/m, I've never read a novel, but I've read manga… so I guess I'll be all right 🙂 However, it's e-book right?

  11. Oh, Scandal in Spring is quite possibly my all time favorite LK novel. I just loved the chemistry between Daisy and Matthew.

  12. Tam

    I can only comment on Finding Farro. I agree, it was more about Anthony and less about Farro and his mate and the story is getting more complicated with elves or fairies or whatever involved. But its like a snack that's bad for you, you just keep waiting for more. 🙂

  13. Hi Tracy, Jen was kind enough to point me over to your blog and I immediately was stopped and enthralled by your "hottie of the moment".

    I just wanted to tell you how pleased I am to hear that you enjoyed Drive Me Home especially as it may not have been the usual type of story you would pick up. Thanks for posting on it.

    You're my favorite kind of reader, a very prolific one.

  14. Nath – yes, definitely read book 1 in the WVMP Radio first because otherwise you really won't have a clue what's going on in book 2.
    Yes, Drive Me Home is an ebook. 🙂

    Barbara – The chemistry in Scandal in Spring was amazing. I think it's even more potent because intellectually Daisy is saying no, no, no but she gives in anyway. Loved it.

    Tam – OMG!! lolol That's it exactly – a snack that's bad for you. Perfect. 🙂
    And yes, the stories are becoming a bit more complicated but I think it will all pull together. Hopefully we don't have to wait until the letter Z for that to happen. 🙂

    Chrissy – thanks for stopping by!
    The hottie *sigh* isn't he fab? lol As I said I very much enjoyed DMH and I'm looking forward to reading more of your work. Probably A Simple Life is next since it made Jen cry. How could I not check it out to see why? 🙂

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