What I’ve Been Reading This Week

Posted June 8, 2009 by Tracy in Features | 9 Comments

by Amber Kell, Jennifer St. Giles, Jodi Thomas, Joely Skye, Lisa Kleypas, Michele Bardsley, Sean Michael

Greeting earthlings. I feel like I’m an alien today. The kids and I have been going and going and going since Friday and I’m pooped. It’s sad when you have to go to work to get some rest. lol And that’s just a different kind of tiring! 🙂 Being exhausted is one of the reasons this post wasn’t up on Sunday as is my usual. I just couldn’t do it. 🙂

So what did I read this week?

First was Touch A Dark Wolf by Jennifer St. Giles. I had read a couple of reviews for her latest book in this series and was interested in reading more. It wasn’t what I expected – I was expecting more of a werewolf type book rather than spirit wolf/vampire novel but it was still a good read. I will be reading more in this series. 3.75 out of 5

Next up was Rewriting Monday by Jodi Thomas. My first read by Ms. Thomas and I liked it a lot! There were a couple of editing issues in it that were frustrating but since the story ended up being so great I could ignore them in the end. Just a sweet read. You can read the review by The Book Smugglers here. 4 out of 5

Next up was Feral by Joely Skye. Kris did a post about mates and were-beings and it got me wanting to read more shapeshifters. When I went to All Romance ebooks this cover just caught my eye. I totally dig this cover. The story is about Ethan, an almost feral shapeshifting cougar, and Bram, a wolf shapeshifter who helps him escape after he’s captured. The two men find each other again and start a relationship. It was not very fast paced but steady and emotional. 3.5 out of 5

Hellbourne: Heart and Soul by Amber Kell is the last short story in the trilogy about Luc. I just love Luc. He’s just a great guy and one of those you’d love to have as your best friend. Ok, he’s Satan’s son, but still. 3 out of 5

Over My Dead Body by Michele Bardsley was my next read. I read this one for review on The Book Binge – I’ll let you know when the review posts. I should probably write the review and that would give it a chance to be posted, what do you think? lol

Following along with the shapeshifter theme for the week I read Bite by Sean Michael. Another m/m story that follows Anton and his newly hired chef, Greg. While Anton, a werewolf, and Greg are forming their new relationship Greg realizes that someone is after him. Greg is eventually taken by a rival pack and it’s up to Anton to save him. This was a story that I couldn’t seem to stop reading. It’s not a story that’s high on the relationship building (not a whole lot of the “getting to know about each other” stage) but a lot of sex. I mean a lot of sex and it’s hot, damn hot. This author knows how to write some amazing m/m sex scenes. 3.75 out of 5

My Tracy’s TBR Challenge read for the week was It Happened One Autumn by Lisa Kleypas. This has been on my shelf for at least 3 months and I finally picked it up. sigh I just love Kleypas’ historicals. She writes great romance. I didn’t love Lillian but I didn’t dislike her either in the first book but I’m so glad I didn’t skip this one as so many people said I could/should. I appreciated her personality and the fact that she stood up for herself and her relationship with Westcliff. Also I think I would have missed seeing Westcliff being brought to his knees – that was wonderful. And some of those kisses that they shared? Man, oh man were they great. 4 out of 5

FYI – I’m having some serious issues with my personal email so if you’ve emailed me I’ve probably gotten back to you. However most people aren’t receiving my emails so if you’re expecting a response but don’t get one please try me again – sometimes it works. It’s incredibly frustrating though and hopefully the problem will be worked out soon.

Happy Reading!

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9 responses to “What I’ve Been Reading This Week

  1. K, skipping all the stuff about the paranormals, and on to commenting about Lillian. I liked her well enough in her own book, and loved Westcliff again. I'd read him in the first Wallflower book, in Worth Any Price, and in Again the Magic, so this was really the 4th book for him 🙂

    It wasn't until Daisy's book that I wanted to beat her with a hammer, LMAO!

    And, sorry about your email! We've been talking about another So Cal BLogger get-together, and been introduced to another SoCal'er – VampFanGirl 🙂

  2. Tam

    I too loved Luc of Hellbourne. He was very funny and had some great lines. Son or Satan or not I'd be his friend. 🙂

    I enjoyed Bite and recently read Bitten the sequel. Its more of a joint story of Anton and Greg and Jackson and … damn, forgot his name. To be honest I got a bit tired of the Anton/Greg sex, it was pretty repetitive but I enjoyed the Jackson/other guy relationship which was more "normal".

  3. Lori – I did notice that some of the other Kleypas historicals had his sister involved – I'll have to get to those eventually.
    I’ll have to see what I think of Lillian when I get to Daisy’s book.

    Well I did GET the info about the new So Cal blogger….and see…apparently no one got my reply that I sent to everyone! I wasn’t being rude…I really sent it! Arg!

    Tam – the sex in Bite did get slightly tiring towards the end and I skimmed – which I hate doing and hardly ever do. I’ll have to let you know what I think about Bitten when I eventually read it.
    Yes, Luc is a great guy. I’m glad he ended up with the “right” guy.

  4. You've read so much! Wow! You put me to shame. I've read next to nothing this week.

    Must get hold of those Amber Kell books as you, Tam and Kris have all raved about them.

  5. I heart Westcliff..I loved that entire series…then I discovered Mine til Midnight and Merripen in Seduce me at Sunrise..sigh. I love her historicals.

  6. Sorry too hear about your email drama. Hope it gets fixed soon.

    Ugh, doesn't Kleypas write some of the best historicals? Love them!

  7. Oh, I think it's a great thing you didn't skip Autumn! Firstly, I liked Lilian. She's not my favorite Kleypas heroine, but she was fun to read about. Also, I think Autumn is really important to the set up for Devil in Winter, which is (of course) one of my favorites! Hope you get to this one, soon!

    Your shifter reading is reminding me of some shifter ebooks I have sitting in my tbr. They are calling to me. . .

  8. Jenre – The Amber Kell are good. I wouldn't say that you can't live without them but decent short reads. They definitely can't be read as stand alones – you'd have no clue what was going on.
    I read a lot this week because my oldest was home sick last Monday and I was off on Friday so no work and days to read makes Tracy a happy, happy girl. 🙂

    Mandi – You're making want to read Kleypas' entire backlist! lol I'll get it done eventually, I'm sure. And yes, I love Westcliff too – my kinda guy.

    Barbara – hopefully the email issues will be fixed soon. It's just really horrid not knowing who's getting your emails and who's not! 🙂
    Kleypas does write fantastic historicals!

    Renee – I'm glad I read Autumn as well. I think that the story was great and it was just very romantic! And I definitely think you (anyone) should read Autumn if you're going to read DiW!

  9. I read Rewriting Monday, too. It was an comfort read for me and yes, it was a sweet story.

    I've been meaning to try Jennifer St. Giles Gothic Romances. I haven't been in the mood for PNR lately but Maybe I'll give hers a shot.

    And I really need to try LK's historicals. I absolutely adore her contemporaries so I'll probably adore them too.

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