Review: Hard and Fast by Erin McCarthy

Posted May 28, 2009 by Casee in Reviews | 9 Comments

Casee‘s review of Hard and Fast (Fast Track Series, book 2) by Erin McCarthy.

Grad student Imogen Wilson realizes she’s hit on the perfect thesis for her sociology degree. If she follows the so-called “rules” on how to get a man, can she steer her way into the world and hearts of stock race car drivers, and establish their dating— and mating—patterns?

Although sexy and reckless racer Ty McCordle is the ideal test subject, Imogen knows that for the sake of science, she can’t give in to her growing attraction for him. Yet he’s the one who’s chasing after her, and Imogen realizes that she actually wants to be caught. A southern gentleman like Ty will satisfy all her curiosity—and make all the risks worthwhile…

I so wanted to love this book. I was drawn to Imogen and Ty in Flat-Out Sexy. They were such an unlikely couple, you couldn’t help but hope that they would end up together. They did end up together, but I wasn’t as drawn to them in their book as I was when they were just secondary characters.

I liked Imogen in both books. She’s abrupt (in a good way) and tells it like it is. I always respect that in any character, male or female. Imogen doesn’t pull any punches; she sees no need for subterfuge. I just loved her outlook and approach on life.

When she decides to do her thesis based on a book “How To Marry a Race Car Driver in 10 Easy Steps”, she thinks it will be a great topic. Her boss, Tamara, is married to a race car driver and Imogen has access to the track and some of the drivers. One of which is Ty McCordle. She was attracted to him the first moment she saw him, but knew that she wasn’t his type at all. So when she finds herself dating him, it definitely takes her out of her comfort zone.

Ty McCordle is completely opposite from Imogen. She’s bookish, he’s not. She’s freakishy smart, he doesn’t think he is. Even with all their differences, he can’t stay away from her. There’s something about her that Ty just can’t get over. She’s unlike any other woman he’s dated. A novelty really when you consider his ex-girlfriend.

My thoughts/feelings on Ty were mixed. I just didn’t relate to him at all. At the beginning of the book, it was made clear that he was dyslexic. I didn’t realize until almost 3/4 of the way through the book that he could barely read at all. It wasn’t the fact that he was dyslexic (or even illiterate) that threw me off. It was his approach to the whole thing. I just didn’t buy that a successful guy like Ty would just accept something like that. It seems like he just took the easy way out.

For the most part, I liked Imogen and Ty together. Even liking them, I just felt that something was missing. I couldn’t quite put my finger on what it was. All I know is that I was far less satisfied when I finished this book compared to reading Flat-Out Sexy.

3.5 out of 5.

This book is available from Berkley. You can buy it here or here in e-format.

Other books in the series:

Book Cover

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9 responses to “Review: Hard and Fast by Erin McCarthy

  1. Tabitha

    I started the first chapter of this book and stopped reading immediately. The couple didn’t interest me and I can’t explain why when both were engaging in FOS. I think I’m going through some sort of phase as quite a few recent releases (that received good reviews) also lost my attention. I need a really good book to get me back in the groove of reading. I have a 2-hr commute for work each day and I need something to read. Help! Lol…

  2. Tabitha, I think it was Ty. His character just really fell flat to me.

    Have you tried Daring Time or Wicked Burn by Beth Kery? Those are the last two books I’ve read that really “wow’d” me.

  3. Tabitha

    No, I haven’t read either books by Beth Kery. I couldn’t find copies in my local bookstore and I don’t have enough books to make it worth it to order online (*hint: more recs please*)

    haha. Thanks for recommending the books, Casee!

  4. Tabitha, email me. I can probably help you if I know more about what you like. casee @ thebookbinge . com (no spaces).

  5. Casee, your review could have been mine (so to speak). I liked the characters and really anticipated to read their story but it somehow fell short. Something was missing, don’t know what. Maybe they needed a few more scenes together, talking or arguing whatever (something beside the sex I mean).
    I have great hopes thaugh for the 3rd book of this great series… I love the second chance at love theme !!

  6. Luci

    I actually really enjoyed this book. Go figure. Am really looking forward to the third book.

  7. I actually liked this book a lot. I guess I just tried to work through the dysfunction they both had to deal with — as a true romantic I just wanted to believe that they would work it out. I liked Ty — but he spoke to me as so typical of so many young men who are just not really sure what’s going on inside themselves, much less being able to relate well to those around them. I guess I also like Erin McCarthy’s writing so went in with a different perspective. You made some truly valid points and I appreciate your honesty and your willingness to “put it out there.”

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