What I’ve Been Reading This Week

Posted April 20, 2009 by Tracy in Features | 12 Comments

Happy Sunday! Well, ok, it’s already Monday for some of you but it’s still Sunday here! 🙂

Things were nutty this week. Both of my girls were sick on Monday and Tuesday with fevers and pains in their little bellies. They recovered though and hopped off to school. But then Thursday my oldest got sent home after she started throwing up in a trash can. Niiiiiiice. Mommy to the rescue!

My oldest again recovered and was actually in a talent show on Friday night. She sang Our Song by Taylor Swift. She did pretty good. She forgot the words in the middle of the bridge and looked like she was about to cry but she muddled through. It was funny to see my laid back hubby getting anxious for her all week. I swear he was more nervous than she was! Silly men.

So…what I read this week:

I started off the week by reading Under A Silver Moon by Anne Cain & Barbara Sheridan. I won this book on DIK recently – it was my first read by either author. Now I did choose a book that was like book 3 or 4 in a series but I didn’t feel that I was missing too much by not reading the others. This was a story about a 36 year old woman who gets sent to be a nurse to a young rock star in Toyko. Love develops despite the age difference but there’s someone out there who doesn’t want these two to be together and does everything in their power to sabatoge the relationship…including kidnapping. This was a good story. I enjoyed it and will definitely read more of their work in the future.

My next read was Passion Unleashed by Larissa Ione. Another great installment in the Demonica Series. I loved this one almost as much as the last one. Wraith was great. He had so many damned issues – which I don’t blame him for at all. But he cracked me up when he was with the heroine and would do something out of character he would cuss himself out and say wtf am I saying? Too funny. Good book. Love the series and hope there are more books coming our way.

Next up was my Tracy’s TBR Challenge read for the week – Clockwork Heart by Dru Paliassotti. I read Thea’s review at The Book Smugglers and almost immediately went out and bought it. I’m not sure what the circumstances were that caused me not to read it right away but needless to say it got bypassed. So I finally got to it and it was fabulous. My first Steampunk novel and it was one of those ones you kick yourself for not reading sooner.

I read Nauti Intentions by Lora Leigh for The Book Binge and will let you know when my review is posted.

The book I chose next could pretty much count for a Tracy’s TBR Challenge book as well since it’s been on my shelf for a while but when I was looking for a historical to read it just kind of popped out at me. It was the re-release of Sabrina Jeffries The Pirate Lord. I very much enjoyed this book about pirate Gideon Horn and his dream of retiring to an uncharted island. The problem was that he and the crew needed wives – so they took control of a ship that had women convicts in it and went on their merry way. But one of the ladies on board was the step-sister of an earl. Needless to say they fell in love.
My only gripe…and it’s really not about this book specifically…but at the end of all of these pirate novels they always end up being Duke’s or Earl’s or some sort of British citizen in the upper eschelon. Not that there’s a problem with that (and in this particular book I thought it was pretty well done) but I’d just like to see a pirate be a pirate. I mean in this one they were gonna live on an island where no one cared what your station in life was so it would have been perfect. Anyway…does anyone know of a pirate historical where they’re just a pirate and not a long lost son of the ton? Let me know if you do, please.

I read You’re So Vein by Christine Warren – the next book in her Others Series. I’m thinking that I’m gonna review this one because it won’t get out of my head! lol So I’ll post a review sometime this week.

Last book for the week was Polar Reaction by Claire Thompson. After reading a blurb of the story when Claire was on DIK I bought it. I really enjoyed the story. I can’t imagine it’s easy writing a story about 3 men in a relationship and getting it to be realistic, but she did a great job. I think the thing that got me was that it was pretty darned emotional for all 3 men and it wasn’t just all about the sex – even though there was plenty of that (and it was smokin).

Have a great week and Happy Reading!

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12 responses to “What I’ve Been Reading This Week

  1. Amy

    *sigh* I wish I could read more than one or two books per week. Maybe this will be the week! I finished off two that I was reading at the same time this weekend, and now am on the hunt — yes, at 3:27a.m. est — for my new book to read. Since I napped on and off yesterday and slept for 3 more hours tonight, I’m wide-arse awake now!

  2. Hi Tracy :),
    I want to start Clockwork Heart when I finish this darn book I’ve been reading for days! Devin has been home on Spring break so not a lot of reading :). But I am really curious to see what a Steam Punk is like.

    Glad your babies are feeling better.

  3. Great reading list, Tracy!
    I’m glad you loved Wraith’s story–I love his sense of humor, too! A really great component of the novel.

    I really want to check out this whole Steampunk genre, too. I remember that same review you mention by Thea and I’ve had this book in the back of my mind for a while. I’d like to give it a go myself. 🙂

  4. I’m so glad you liked Barb and Anne’s book. All the books in that particular series stand alone very nicely. I think you’ll enjoy them all.

    I haven’t been able to force myself to try steampunk, but I might have to check out that Clockwork book. Maybe. 😉

    And I looooove Christine Warren. I’m about two books behind on this series, but I can’t wait to catch up and read Vein.

  5. Amy – wow that IS late! Hopefully you found something wonderful to read.

    Amy – I think you’ll like Clockwork Heart. You are a big fantasy fan and Steampunk mixes fantasy with speculative fiction. Here’s a good description from Wikipedia

    KB – All the kids were super cute. There was one little girl who is in my youngests class – yes, 1st grade – who played Beethoven and Mozart…and did it really well. She’s the next great concert pianist!

    Christine – yep, love that Wraith and his humor. It was so dry and sarcastic…right up my alley!

    Jenb – Oh hell I forgot to mention Barb – I suck and will fix that right away!
    Did you start the Warren book from the beginning – the ebooks ones – or from the print versions? Just curious.

  6. I read Fantasy Fix (which is now One Bite w/a Stranger), then skipped the rest of the e-books and went straight to Wolf at the Door, then She’s No Faerie Princess and the Demon You Know (LOVED this one). I actually prefer the mass market ones over the EC ones. The EC ones were heavy on sex and short on plot/character development.

  7. Jenb – Fantasy Fix was my least favorite of the ebooks. I wasn’t impressed with it all that much and looking back am surprised that I continued reading the stories! lol. There are a couple of them in there that I really liked – like Graham and Missy’s story. In fact I may have to now go back and re-read…. 🙂

  8. Sorry, Tracy. Can’t help, I’m not a big fan of pirates books… and ugh, the cover. I guess they were heavily influenced by a Disney movie ^_^;

    Seems like you enjoyed Clockwork Heart better than I did. I like the setting and the world, but the heroine… hmmm. I’m looking forward for new steam punk books though!

    Oh, can’t wait for you to review the Christine Warren. I read few and liked them 🙂

  9. *shields eyes*

    The one on this post looks like Michael Flatley in a bandana. And for the record, I don’t count that to be a good thing.

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