Review: You’re So Vein by Christine Warren

Posted April 22, 2009 by Tracy in Reviews | 8 Comments

I usually give or at least as much as possible give spoiler free reviews. This one does contain hints to what happens…just letting you know in advance.

Ava Markham is beautiful, savvy, chic, and more at home with Kate Spade than with the idea of fangs and fur. She can’t get quite used to the fact that some of closest friends have crossed over to the Other side. Then one night she is attacked by a rogue vampire, and her deepest fears are realized when her body begins a dangerous transformation from human to immortal—a change she cannot survive without the help of an alluring stranger who comes to her rescue…

Vladimir Rurikovich, an elite member of the European Council of Vampires, is on the prowl for a murderous vampire fugitive on the night he saves Ava from the clutches of death. It takes just one look for Dima to know he cannot live another eight centuries without the stunning and seductive Ava—until he discovers a secret about her bloodline that could change everything…

The blurb pretty much explains the premise of the story so I think I’m just going to start in with my thoughts, of which there are many.

I liked the book – I did, but I had so many thoughts going through my head while I was reading it. So the first thing is that Ava, who we met in the first Others book, Fantasy Fix, is finally getting her own book. YAY! I’ve been wanting this book for a long while. Ava is just a snarky bitch. She is a character that I have had a love/hate relationship with since she was first introduced. Unfortunately she kind of fell by the wayside as the series progressed which was sad but understandable because Ava hates Others. And when I say hate I don’t mean that she has a dislike of them…she Hates them. She loves her friends to death but she certainly doesn’t feel comfortable with them any longer now that they’ve either become an Other themselves or married an Other. She just doesn’t get it and she pretty much feels that it certainly isn’t love that is keeping these couples together, but she can’t put her finger on what it is so she blames it on the Others. She just doesn’t feel like the kind of love they spout is real.

Very early in the book Ava is turned into a vampire during a mugging. Vladimir “Dima” tries to rescue her in time but finds he’s too late. He can try to make her transition easier though. Now when Ava wakes up and discovers she’s a vampire she’s mad. But it’s not the kind of mad I expected. Can she do anything about being a vamp now that she is one? No. Does she realize this? Yes. She’s still mad but I expected her to be more upset. From the set up you would think she’d get her mad on and not let it go for a while. But that doesn’t happen. It’s more that she tries to ignore it and move on which she finds doesn’t really work.

Another issue that I had was real life. Ava has one…she runs a modeling agency. Yet when she gets turned and disappears and chaos ensues there is no mention of her agency, the fact that she’s missed work and not called in. Does no one care? Why do I care? It truly had no bearing on the book or the outcome but it bugged me that something that was so important to Ava fell by the wayside in the story.

Throughout the book we find that Ava’s childhood was emotionally traumatic and she has serious issues which she works on with Dima. These issues explain a lot of her reaction to her new vamptastic powers but I still thought there was something missing. I suppose I would say that that particular issues was concluded too easily.

There were good moments in the book as well: We got to see lots of the Others and their mates that were in previous books. I thought that some of the moments that Dima and Ava were together were very sweet and touching – loved those. And of course I love, as I’ve mentioned Ava’s bitchiness.

In the end we find that Ava’s & Dima’s lives as well as the psycho vamp that Dima is after are all interrelated. Ava is her wonderful snarky self and Dima, well he’s just an all around nice guy. He’s patient and seems kind – even though he is an enforcer for the Others.

There were, I felt, a few issues with Ava and Dima’s relationship that weren’t discussed and left to our imagination that could have been mentioned but you know, the book had to end somewhere! lol I know it sounds like I didn’t like the book much but I did – I just felt that it was more a Happy For Now rather than a Happily Ever After.

Rating: 3.75 out of 5

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8 responses to “Review: You’re So Vein by Christine Warren

  1. Thanks Kris! I’ve really enjoyed the series as well. Even though I had a few issues with this one I still liked it. Warren’s style of writing keeps me coming back for more!

  2. Great Review! I have this on my list to read in May. I have never been a fan of Ava’s but I’m looking forward to reading it.

  3. Anna – I think you’ll like it even not having been a fan of Ava’s. She’s been out of the series for a long time – the people who started with the mmpb’s might not even know her.

    Amy – did you start with the ebooks or the print books? Just curious.

  4. I’ve been wondering about this series. And your review has definitely sparked some more interest. I’m tempted but think I’ll pass on starting another series for now. Thanks for the review, Tracy. 🙂

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