Binge Reading

Posted March 25, 2009 by Holly in Discussions | 23 Comments

This year started out really well for me reading-wise. 2008 was a big disappointment in the reading department. I didn’t keep track of my reading, but I know I only averaged a couple books a month, as opposed to 2007 where I read over 300 books throughout the year. But my reading mojo came back this year and I’ve been going strong so far.

Including re-reads I’m up to almost 60 reads this year. Considering it’s only March that isn’t so bad. Unfortunately I read a couple wallbangers early this month and they killed my reading mojo for a couple weeks. I was averaging at least one, if not two, books a day, but I went almost a week without reading anything. I really hate it when that happens.

Last week I finally picked up a good book (The Key by Lynsay Sands) and I’ve been on a reading binge ever since. I’ve read a book a day up until this point. Currently I’m binging on Lauren Dane‘s Chase Brothers series. So far I’m really enjoying them. I’m about halfway through the 3rd book and so far I think it might be my favorite (look for reviews to come). I know I should take a break and read something in between so I don’t burn out, but I can’t stop myself from reading them one right after the other.

When I’m finished I think I might go on a Lynsay Sands binge. I really enjoyed Devil of the Highlands (which I reviewed here at TGTBTU) and The Key (review to come) and when I went looking for the book that follows The Key I realized I have about 15 of her other books TBR (my TBR is out of control). Since I’m in the mood for sweet, light romances she really fits the bill.

Last year I binged on re-reads of J.D. Robb‘s In Death series. I spent months doing nothing but re-reading those books over and over again. Sometimes I’d only read my favorite passages, others I’d read from cover to cover. It was kind of ridiculous. Now, unfortunately, I’m somewhat burned out on them. The last two didn’t hold my interest or engage my emotions as much as many of the previous entries did. I don’t know if it’s because they weren’t as good as the previous ones, or if it’s because I’m burned out on the series.

If I keep this up will I eventually burn myself out on reading altogether? Perish the thought!

What about you? Do you binge read? Do you read book after book by the same author until you’re burned out on them, or do you space them out?

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23 responses to “Binge Reading

  1. DUDE. 60? SIXTY? I’m in awe. My goal is about 100 a year, so about 2 a week. I think I’m doing a bit better than that so far, but your numbers are amazing. :O

  2. I used to binge read but I find I have so many books to read that I feel guilty if I stick with one author through a whole series without reading anything else in between. How effed up is that? lol

    You’re on a roll! Right on! 60 books is amazing. I’m so glad you’re liking Sands’ historicals – I really like her stuff for light reading.

  3. In February, I was binging on Kelley Armstrong’s Women of the Otherworld series… Now? I’m just hoping to get my reading mojo back.

    go Holly go!!

  4. I’m a definite binge reader. I did the same thing with Lauren Dane’s Chase Brothers series. I tend to binge more on erotica. If I read a really good erotica, I keep reading erotica until I get burnt out.

    My reading numbers have been good this year so far, too. Until this month. I’ve only read seven books in the month of March. Pathetically sad.

  5. I used to binge more than I do now–but then my TBR pile used to be three or four just a year ago.

    Now? I can’t bear to count them and I had to build bookcases (should post pictures somewhere) to hold them, because I had the mountain range collapse on my head once (the piles were partly on the floor, partly on the besdide table, and partly on the headboard)

    And since the TBR mountain range keeps on growing, I’m trying to be a bit more… well, equal opportunity reader, I guess would be the term.

  6. I binge when I find something really good. Suzanne Brockmann’s troubleshooters, for instance. I just discovered them last year, and I think I read the first six or seven in a row. Then I had to take a break.

    I’m totally with you on the re-reading, though. There are some books, or parts of books, that I never get tired of.

  7. I used to be a binge reader, particularly when I first became a regular reader. Now, not so much.

    You’re doing really good with your reading this year! I’m the total opposite–I have lost my reading mojo, and I wasn’t the fastest reader to begin with (I’m lucky to break 100 a year and that’s with graphic novels). Now this year I’m lucky if I read two books a month! It’s pretty sad. Ah well. I figure I’ll just read when the urge hits. No need to force myself when it doesn’t.

  8. Holly, you are such a passionate reader! I am so impressed. I love that you read 60 books this year!! Okay, I need to check out The Key. And Lauren Dane, too. Why have I not read any of her???

  9. @Janicu – It’s funny, b/c I used to read way more than I read now. Some days I’d read upwards of 4 books (yes, in one day). Now? Not so much.

    As a result I think I’m harder on myself than I need to be about finishing books and the number I read. I feel like I’m slacking, which is ridiculous, since reading is a hobby and only done for pleasure. My own personal form of neurosis.

    @Tracy – I see I’m not the only neurotic one around.

    @Nath – believe me, I know what that’s like. Hope yours comes back soon.

    @Casee – I do the same w/ erotica. I binge on it and then burn out and don’t pick it up for months at at time

    @Chris – Bingers unite.

    @JenB – Don’t hate.

    @AL – I suffer from TBR anxiety also, but I still can’t seem to help myself when it comes to glomming an author.

    @Wena – I have a couple more Higgins in my TBR.

    @Robin – Re-reading is comforting to me. I know readers who never re-read, but I probably re-read more than I read new novels.

    @DC – That’s how I was last year. I lost my mojo and would sometimes go weeks without reading anything.

    But I pulled out of it and I’m sure you will too.

    @Lauren Dane – That’s a big problem for me – binging during a glom.

    @CJ – I don’t know why you haven’t, but you need to. ASAP!

  10. Kat

    I’ve been bingeing all year. I’ll have to get a copy of The Key. I’m sold on Sands after The Switch.

    The good thing about my books this year is that they’re not all from the same subgenre, so I’ve not been burned out. Plus, my TBR is the largest it’s ever been in my life, so I’m spoiled for choice.

  11. Margaret

    I’m a definite binge reader. I did the same thing with the Chase brothers, both times I read them. Most of my binges are related to subject matter more than authors. Right now I’m taking a break from my usual fare of cowboys and shifters, and reading a wonderful chick-lit type romance – Flying into the Sun – by Ginger Blymyer. With a heroine closer to me in age, it’s made a nice change. 🙂

  12. Tabitha

    Wow, 60 books is awesome! I wish I would have that much time to read but then that would mean I’d be out of a job. Lol.

    I can binge read an author of up to about 5 books before I need a break from the author. If I continue to read the author’s books nonstop, I would end up disliking the book even if it was a good book.

  13. Rowena

    I did so well in January but I haven’t been reading as much as I wanted to be reading.

    As for binge reading, I’m on a Kristan Higgins binge right now. I’ve got two more books to read by her to finish reading her backlist and I’m really excited to start it. Love her stuff!

  14. Sixty books! WOW! I’m in awe 🙂 I went on a bit of an SEP binge when I first read Natural Born Charmer, and on a bit of a Jennifer Cruise binge when I read Bet Me. I think if it’s a new author and the books hits me right between the eyes I indulge 🙂 Otherwise, I like variety 🙂

    OT – wherever that library is (from the photo)….I wants it 🙂

  15. Anonymous

    I seem to be happiest spacing authors/genres out, though I’m always willing to break that rule if I’m really in the mood for something.

    I was also not as thrilled by the last few Robbs, but I’ve found they have peaks and valleys for me. Perhaps they will peak again. — willaful

  16. I’m a notorious binge reader. At times it gets so “bad” (not that I think its bad) I end up hiding the fact that I’m burning through a series by hiding the book covers from my husband & friends who see me reading.

  17. @Cursing Mama – I do that too! I rarely get away with it, though. My husband always notices and then makes jokes at my expense for days afterward.

    “Hey babe, we have an extra 15 minutes before we have to *insert random thing here*. Why don’t you go read a couple books while you wait.”

    Funny guy, my husband.

    @Casee – Yep, it’s historical. I really liked it. I’m going to read The Switch next. It’s the sequel to The Key.

    @Tabitha – to be fair, I’m only reading this much because I don’t have a job. Or that’s at least a huge contributing factor.

  18. I used to binge read also. Then my brain freaked out and decided if I read a great author I had to save her books. Neurosis of readers, huh?

    Lisa Kleypas? Have a lot of her back list but won’t touch them – not sure what I’m waiting for!

    When I did binge read it was one author at a time – like glomming. With LKH – I learned 3 was my limit – I would notice sentences that repeated or phrases that moved through all books. That’s when I knew I needed a break.

    JAK/Quick also taught me my limits because the H/H could be interchanged. Diana Palmer also – can’t read too many of hers in a row or I get a hate on 😉


  19. I try to space the out books in a series or by a same author, but sometimes I can’t help myself. I’m currently bingin on the Eve Dallas books, except for me it’s my first read 😀 I’m currently halfway through book 3 and I’m heading for the library after work to get # 4 and 5 – unfortunately, I already have too many home to take more than that.

    When it comes to re-reads, since I don’t have to worry about overdosing on an author I binge cheerfully and obsessively. I re-read Caressed by Ice two weeks ago and ended up re-reading the whole Psy-Changeling series. I did the same with Anne of Green Gables one week prior. And we won’t even talk about the BDB. With those I can start reading my favorite passages in a book, end up reading it all, move to re-read all the other books and start over again as soon as I’m done. LOL.

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