Guest Author: Julie James Talks About The Writing Life.

Posted February 27, 2009 by Rowena in Promotions, Reviews | 33 Comments

We’d like to welcome contemporary romance author Julie James back to Book Binge. We’re so pleased to have her here to talk about her writing and to celebrate her second release, Practice Makes Perfect. Julie has fast become a favorite with all of us here and we hope all of you will make her feel at home.


Hi everyone! First and foremost, I want to thank the girls here at Book Binge for having me here today and for posting excerpts of my upcoming release, Practice Makes Perfect, over the past three weeks. These women seriously rock! (And by now they’re probably completely Julie James-ed out, so I’ll try not to babble on forever.)

So Rowena suggested that I talk about how my life has changed since becoming an author. . . . Right off the bat, I can tell you that one of the best things was getting to see my book actually published. While Just the Sexiest Man Alive was the first novel I’d written, I’d spent several years prior to that writing screenplays. Writing-wise, those years were a whirlwind of ups and downs. Two of my scripts were optioned by producers, and each time there was an immediate flurry of excitement and activity, and I’d be flying out to L.A., and there’d be phone calls about so-and-so actor being interested in the script; and oh boy, such-and-such actress’s manager called, she loves the screenplay; and this-and-that director wants to do the project, he just needs to wrap up the one he’s currently filming in New York; and then. . .


Neither film ultimately got made. And let me tell you—because of that, I was a nervous wreck during the many, many months between the initial sale of my book and its release, thinking that something was going to go wrong. But then, on that glorious day in October of last year, it happened… I saw my book on a shelf in a bookstore for the very first time. There was this beam of sunlight streaming through the window, basking the book in a warm, golden glow as I approached the shelf with tears of joy in my eyes. . .

And then my eighteen month-old son climbed out of his stroller and swept two rows of Nora Roberts books off the shelves and we quickly had to leave.

Ahh. . . good times.

How else has my life changed since becoming published? At the top of that list has to be all the wonderful readers I get to talk to and meet. I was relatively unfamiliar with the romance genre until I discovered that I had written one myself. (Because I came from a screenwriting background, I described my books as “romantic comedies.”) At my editor’s suggestion, I went to the RWA conference last year, prior to the release of my first book, and I knew no one. In the end it didn’t matter, because I met so many fun, fantastic people there (pause for shout-outs to Jill Sorenson, Marie Force, Susan Noel Sands, and poor Erica who walked my ignorant-self around the Wednesday night Book Fair telling me who all the authors were.)

But this year when I attend RWA, not only will I know who the other authors are, but I’ll actually be sitting at one of those tables with them. Little ol’ me. On a similar note, a few weeks ago I got an email from a reader that made my day: she asked if by any chance I planned to attend the Lori Foster author/reader get-together and if I was, how she looked forward to meeting me there. That’s right, little ol’ me. So I guess, as sentimental as it might sound, that’s how my life has changed most since being published: I now feel like a part of this fabulous community of fans of romance.

But enough about me. . . maybe I should tell you just a little about my new book, Practice Makes Perfect. In a nutshell, it’s a contemporary romance about two lawyers who have to fight it out for the one partnership spot in their firm. It’s a battle-of-the-sexes, he said/she said story about two people who think they’re total opposites. And, well, you know what they say about opposites. . . If you like stories with a lot of verbal sparring and banter between the heroine and hero, then this might be a book for you.

So thanks again everyone, for having me here! And happy reading!


Isn’t the romance community grand? I’m so glad we can now count Julie as part of it, aren’t you?

**CONTEST ALERT**Julie has graciously offered three signed copies of Practice Makes Perfect to our readers. To be eligible to win one, leave a comment on this post telling us your favorite thing about the romance community and/or genre. Contest ends at 11:59 p.m. Saturday, February 28th. Winners will be announced sometime Sunday, March 1st.

Practice Makes Perfect
will be available from Berkley March 3rd, 2009. Check out excerpts here, here and here. Pre-order your copy here. See Rowena’s review here and Holly’s review here.

Just the Sexiest Man Alive is available now from Berkley. You can buy it here or here in e-format. Check out Rowena’s review here and Holly’s review here.

See our interview with Julie from November 2008 here.

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33 responses to “Guest Author: Julie James Talks About The Writing Life.

  1. M.

    First fangirl comment! Squee! I’m only 50 pages in on JTSMA but so far – all the buzz is justifying itself. I’m SO looking forward to how the heroine will turn the self-centred (and then some) hero around.

    And – great first sighting story. I have also had to leave the bookstore (and library, and grocery store, etc.) in a hurry with a protesting toddler under my arm.

    What I love about the community is readers like the bingers who provide an opportunity to ‘meet’ authors on an informal, personal level, and authors who give aspiring scribblers like me hope that yes, it can be done, even with demanding juniors twining around one’s ankles.

    And, no one asked but I’m going to tell you anyway: what I love about these two covers is: the couples happily together, and no anonymous manchests.

  2. I love the romance community because most of the writers and readers are so down to earth and approachable.

    Oh and I loved Just the Sexist Man Alive!!! I’m definitely a new fan girl of Julie James!

  3. M: Thanks so much for the compliments on the covers!! Not that I have much say in them, but I was really pleased with both. The only contribution I made was that they originally put Payton in a peach-colored suit on the PMP cover and I told them there was no way she would wear that. ; ) And keep writing– yes, it can be done!

    I love cake: Thanks! Glad to hear you enjoyed JTSMA. And I agree– overall, it’s a very down to earth community. And fun– both the writers I meet and the reviewers/readers seriously crack me up sometimes. : )

  4. I thoroughly enjoyed JTSMA. Great book.

    What do I love about the genre? So very many things – too many to list really. But I think first and foremost I just love the romance – the development of the relationship, the talks between the h & h, the coming together. I love a good HEA.

    The romance community is just fab. I’ve made some great friends and been told about some wonderful books that I might not have known about or picked up otherwise. If it wasn’t for The Book Binge I might not have picked up JTSMA and what a shame that would have been! 🙂

  5. Welcome, Ms James!

    There is not *one* thing I like best about the romance community, but one of the things that make me cheer is the diversity.

    In reading, you have every contheivable *cough* genre and subgenre combination out there, and skilled writer to make it work.

    Online, you have readers’ blogs galore, with interesting discussions going on at any given time on everything under the sun–from characters’ future to motivation to fashion to advice on rearing children or training puppies.

    Between that, and the overwhelming generosity of both writers and readers, it makes romance a rockin’ thing, doesn’t it?

  6. I’ve only recently started to follow book blogs. The ones I follow are all romance and/or paranormal. I’ve been amazed at the friendliness and generosity of both authors and readers.

  7. Hello and Thank you for stopping by Ms.James!
    I have yet to find a rude or even mean romance author or reader. Everyone is so kind and really helpful~

  8. I definitely think Just the Sexiest Man Alive would make a fabulous movie, far better than many I have watched recently. The romance community is great. I really enjoy going to places like this to talk about books and get some recommendations for some great stories.

  9. What I love about romance is there is a happy ending. I also love that there is so much out there, something for every taste. But in the end we are all readers/fans of romance!
    Thanks for the great interview

  10. Kim

    What I like about the romance community is how the authors are really going out of their way to interact with readers. Many have blogs and actually respond to e-mails. It’s a nice way to thank the author for writing such uplifting stories.

    I haven’t read Ms. James’s book yet, but based on your review, I hope to soon.

  11. My favorite thing about the romance community is how wonderful everyone is. I have been an avid romance reader for years but only starting poking around online at author blogs and other sites in the last year. Everyone has been so friendly and I’ve seen any number of published authors offering advice to people who are contemplating writing and/or trying to figure out how to submit what they’ve written. I love how warm and helpful everyone is.

  12. Liz V.

    I joined a well-known author’s Bulletin Board three years ago. I’ve become very good friends with several of the members and we’ve even met for a weekend get together. I’ve found that writers and readers of the romance genre are intelligent, witty and open minded. Wonderful community.

  13. I am just in awe of how many authors are so down to earth and amaazing people. I went to RWA in July and thought I would be the outcast. Authors I have admired for years came up to me! The last night I was in tears because I was so happy and exhausted 😀
    Congrats on everything Julie!

  14. I love reading romances because I can lose myself for a while, immerse myself in a lovely story, and forget about life’s problems and stresses. I love the guaranteed HEA endings. I gave up on watching soap operas a few years ago because there was rarely a happy ending. Sure, a couple might be happy for a short while, but it never lasted. Give me a good romance book anytime!

  15. MJ

    I’m new to blogging also. The warmth and camaraderie is wonderful. I love how all the authors celebrate each other.

  16. Anonymous

    I’ve been meaning to thank the romance community for this since Christmas.

    I wasn’t until I started reading romance blogs that I realized that there is this shared sense of humour among the community – the wit, the language and expressions used to share it. I love the *cough*, *squeeeeallll* and *ducking the flying tomatoes*. I love the raunchy jokes that are funny, dirty and innocent all at once and the simple ones that catches you by surprise and have coffee going out your nose.

    Everyone in the community shares this quirky sense of humor and it’s so much fun to read because of it.


  17. I don’t know if there’s one favorite thing about the community that I love. But the people are defintely at the top. The authors, readers, and fellow fans. It’s great to talk with intelligent people, whether we agree or disagree.

    I’ve met some great friends through the romance community, for which I’ll always be thankful

  18. I love the romance community (as I am just getting into it, having discovered some yahoo groups) because everyone, yes EVERYONE, is so nice. There is an amazing sense of humour. Everyone can joke and laugh and it is just great fun!

  19. I’m so in agreement with what all of you are saying! First, with respect to the books themselves, I say this all the time: I’m so proud to write in a genre that focuses on the HEA. Life can be stressful and crazy! So as an author, if I can entertain people and make them smile, then that makes me feel good. As a reader, I know there are times when I want to crack open a book and just have the reassurance that, in the end, things are going to work out just fine.

    As for the romance community, everything you all said is so true! Here’s a very short anecdote to illustrate that: the wonderfully funny Diana Holquist reached out to me before my first book was even released, after it had been noted on another site that my book (Just the Sexiest Man Alive) had a very similar title to her book that had come out the year before (Sexiest Man Alive). Diana emailed me and suggested we have some fun with the similar titles and came up with this whole contest/blog tour idea talking about our books in connection with the announcement of People magazine’s 2008 Sexiest Man Alive. As a brand new author, that really meant a lot to me (not to mention, I had a blast working with her!)

    I suspect you see examples like that everyday with a community as welcoming as this one. And as for the readers/bloggers– well, I couldn’t possibly say enough about how wonderful you all are!

  20. Maered

    I love the great recommendations and new authors the romance blogs have introduced me to. I would never have bought half of my keepers if it hadn’t been for these recommendations. Keep up the good work! It is much appreciated.

  21. Anonymous

    Re the community: it’s such a pleasure to be in the company of smart, creative people all interested in the same thing I am. And to be able to participate as much, or as little, as I want. For a geeky person, I have never felt very good at fandom. 😉 — wilaful

  22. The thing that I love most about the romance genre is that when I read a book I am almost guaranteed a happy ending. I enjoy reading about two people falling in love. The thing that I appreciate most about the romance community is that I get to read informed opinions about books that I am interested in and even have authors answer questions that I may have about their books. I have discovered a ton of new authors to read since I started reading blogs the last few months. I will always be grateful to my fellow readers that are willing to share their honest opinions and ideas about the books they love and even the ones they hate. There are a lot of funny, intelligent, and witty women out there that have greatly influenced my reading choices.

  23. HI Ms James *waves*

    I have yet to read The Sexiest Man Alive, but it sounds like a fun book 🙂 As for the romance genre, I like how it’s so broad and diverse. I also love how approachable authors are – I always get so excited to hear from an author!

    All the best with the release of Practice Makes Perfect!

  24. This is the best community! I was thrilled when I first started blogging and got such friendly welcomes from everyone. I can always find answers when I ask a question and it’s so thrilling to “meet” authors and learn about new books. Thanks for joining us Julie! I can’t wait to read your books.

  25. Rowena

    The people. This community is filled with some of the most caring and loving people that I am so grateful to have met. There isn’t a day that passes that they don’t make me laugh, make me think, make me feel something and I honestly do not know what I’d do with myself with all of those extra hours that I don’t spend on the blogs. =) My life would be a whole lot boringer (is that a word?) without you all.


  26. For me the best part of the romance community is how diverse the stories are. From medieval to futuristic, the foundation of the story always displays strong men and women who work hard at loving each other. That is a wonderful reflection of the people who read the genre as well.

  27. I love the romance genre because it takes you away for several hours of reading pleasure. the community is awesome – authors are so nice and approachable and respond to questions and comments.

    msboatgal at aol dot com

  28. Anonymous

    I love that the romance community is so passionate about books, and I love the romance genre because I’m a sucker for happy endings and feel-good books.


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