Review: Jinx by Meg Cabot.

Posted January 19, 2009 by Rowena in Reviews | 9 Comments

Main Character
: Jean “Jinx” Honeychurch
Grade: 4.5 out of 5

The only thing Jean Honeychurch hates more than her boring name (not Jean Marie, or Jeanette, just . . . Jean) is her all-too-appropriate nickname, Jinx. Misfor-tune seems to follow her everywhere she goes—which is why she’s thrilled to be moving in with her aunt and uncle in New York City. Maybe when she’s halfway across the country, Jinx canfinally outrun her bad luck. Or at least escape the havoc she’s caused back in her small hometown.

But trouble has definitely followed Jinx to New York. And it’s causing big problems for her cousin Tory, who is not happy to have the family black sheep around. Beautiful, glamorous Tory is hiding a dangerous secret—one that she’s sure Jinx is going to reveal.

Jinx is beginning to realize it isn’t just bad luck she’s been running from. It’s something far more sinister . . . and the curse Jinx has lived under since the day she was born might just be the only thing that can save her life.

This is my first entry into the Young Adult Challenge that I’m participating in. I read this in one sitting while I was waiting for my Dad to come out of his eye doctor appointment (which took 3 and half hours I might add) and can I just say that Meg Cabot never fails to amaze me with her entertaining stories. This is another winner for me.

This book is about Jean “Jinx” Honeychurch’s move from Iowa to New York to stay with her Aunt and Uncle after an incident happens and she needs to flee home and take a breather from her life. She’s known in her family as Jinx because she’s the Queen of Misfortune, if things will go wrong, they will most definitely go wrong for Jean because she doesn’t have the best luck. Upon landing in New York all by her lonesome from Iowa, she finds out that her Aunt and Uncle got her arrival date mixed up and she ends up having to take a cab to their house. She gets there and she meets a girl who sounds like her cousin, Tory but looks nothing like the Tory she remembers from five years ago. The Tory she knew and the Tory that she used to run around with is not the girl that is standing before her, drinking adult drinks and smoking in her parent’s gazebo with a bunch of friends, one of which is totally hot stuff.

Jinx has a secret that she hasn’t told anyone because she just wants to move on with her life and she was hoping that she’d be able to do that all those miles away from home in New York where everything is so different and so…far away.

Jinx’s cousin, Tory is in love with Zach Rosen, the boy next door and Zach and Jinx have become fast friends and Jinx has a crush on Zach herself but isn’t going to go after him out of respect for Tory but because Tory decides that Jinx is her most hated enemy, a lot of drama happens to Jinx and all of it makes for an interesting and most entertaining read.

I really enjoyed getting to know Jinx and I really enjoyed the relationship that blossomed between her and Zach. This is one of those books that keeps you laughing from the beginning to the end. It had a great supporting cast and the story was a definite page turning.

Jinx was a fantastic heroine, she had a great big heart and the way that she tried to do what was best even though she didn’t feel like doing it made me like her all the more. I loved the way she was with everyone from school, her family, Petra and most especially Zach.

Zach was a great person to have a great crush on, I facking loved this little boy for Jean, he was soooo adorable.

Tory got on my nerves throughout the entire book and I’m glad that she got hers at the end, I adored Petra and really, this book was a great way to spend a few hours cooped up at the eye doctor’s office so I would definitely recommend this to those readers out there who enjoy some great young adult books, this book was a treat!

This book is available from Harper Teen. You can buy it here.

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9 responses to “Review: Jinx by Meg Cabot.

  1. Plan on hoping on Meg Cabot’s sooner than later. I hope it’s as good as everyone says. My daughter is hooked with the princess diaries, I’ll give it a try soon 🙂

  2. Seneca

    I still have not read a Meg Cabot book, but I did get She Went All the Way. 🙂
    It’s near the top of my TBR!

  3. Rowena


    I heart that book, you should definitely read it soon!


    Meg is one of my absolute favorites so I hope you like her too! =)


    I hear nothing but good things about her Princess Diaries books so you should enjoy them.


    Meg Cabot seriously rocks my socks, let her rock yours too! =)

    J. Kaye,

    You totally should, start with any of her adult books, they’re very unique and enjoyable.

  4. Nikki

    this book is the best book 4 me !!! it really gos far and i hope so she makes a second book of this…!!!

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