What I’ve Been Reading This Week

Posted December 8, 2008 by Tracy in Features | 17 Comments

Happy Sunday!

I’m a little out of it today – sore shoulder muscle. Seems that thing is always bothering me! Damn I hate getting old! lol

So here are my little hellions in all their glory. You can obviously tell the oldest from the youngest so no need for me to point that out. Aren’t they cute? Man! I’m so biased! One of these days I’m sure they’ll show some teeth. 🙂

So the first book of the week was also my first book of the month! It was An Offer From A Gentleman by Julia Quinn. Yes, still loving the Bridgerton’s. This was truly a Cinderella story. When I first realized that was more or less the theme I was a litle leary as to how it would pan out but with Quinn’s great writing it was very entertaining.

Next up was Prince Joe by Suzanne Brockmann. A great story about a SEAL who is a look alike for a prince. Joe steps in to take his place when his life is threatened. Joe falls hard for the media consultant, Veronica, and sparks fly. I can’t wait to read the next book in the series.

After that I read a novella for review on The Book Binge (if you haven’t guessed I’m now a guest reviewer for them so I’m trying to read at least a book a week for their reviews). This book was called A Candlelight Ghost by Ellie Moonwater. I think you’ll be be able to read the review sometime this week. I’ll keep you posted.

The day it was released I ran out and got the Dead After Dark anthology. I read the novella by JR Ward first which was great but did leave me with some questions. Later in the week (Saturday – I’m kind of going out of order here) I read Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Shadow of the Moon and Susan Squires Beyond The Night. Kenyon’s novella was wonderful. The story of Fury Kattalakis and the Arcadian woman he’s always been in love with but who betrayed him. Squires novella was a good as well. I haven’t read her stuff but this may have been a short in a current series. I haven’t read the 4th story by Dianna Love yet, but I will.

Next was Be With Me by Maya Banks. I hadn’t read any of her work before but I will definitely be reading more of it now that I’ve read this one. This is the story of Regina who has been best friends with Cam, Hutch and Sawyer since her childhood. But there’s more than friendship there and they all know it. Regina is avoiding the men but the guys have decided it’s time for them all to be together. The guys also know that Regina will never choose between them so they’ve all decided that they are all going to be together. Not necessarily always in a group setting but together. The problem is getting Regina to go along with their plans. The whole story line is a tough one but one that I thought was incredibly well done. Oh, and the sex – woooey – get the bucket of water to cool off with when you’re reading this one. Those 3 men are hot, hot, hot.

Next up was Romancing Mr Bridgerton by Julia Quinn. The story of Colin and Penelope was wonderful (although IMO Penelope was the greatest part of this book, by far). I’m telling you the scene in Penelope’s drawing room when she’s asks him to kiss her because she’s never been kissed before is beautiful. It reminds me why I read romances. That wonderful feeling you get from just the simplest yet incredibly romantic moments. *sigh* So good.

Anyway, that was my week in reading. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.
Happy Reading!

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17 responses to “What I’ve Been Reading This Week

  1. Man, you have some adorable munchkins. 🙂

    I'm sick, so if this doesn't make sense…it's because I'm running a fever. 😀

    I love the Bridgerton series. Colin & Penelope's is my favorite, though they're all good in their own way.

    I haven't read Maya Banks story, though I have to say that cover is VERY sexy. 🙂 I love sexy covers.

    Spent 99% of the day in bed. It's now almost 10 pm and I just woke up about 20 minutes ago. Can't go back to sleep, but I really, really want to. *sigh* At least I had an awesome idea for Kara & Jamison's story though. One nice thing about fever dreams. 😀

  2. The girls’ pics came out great! Adorable.

    Lucky you – two JQs in one week! Yay! AND Prince Joe. Some good stuff there!

  3. Yes, you’re girls are adorable!

    I’d like to read a Suzanne Brockmann book, but she has so many. Can they be read out of order?

    And that Be With Me, I want to read it but not sure. The idea of three guys and one female…even if they aren’t always all together…I don’t know. But I have heard that she is a wonderful writer.

  4. I keep putting off reading the Maya Banks. I don’t know why, as I usually am OK with group sex. But for some reason I’ve had a hard time getting into this one. But if you liked it, I’ll give it another pass…

    Your babies are gorgeous!

  5. BL – Thanks honey – I hope you’re feeling better. Nothing worse than a fever and not being able to sleep.

    Lori – I DID read some great books! I’m trying to read all these Quinn’s that my friend checked out but I may have to give it up soon – I’m getting a little Quinn’d out! lol

    Amy – If you’re gonna start the a Brockmann series I’d say go in order. Try to get them at your local library like I did and then you can get them at your leisure. I’d start with the Troubleshooters. As I said previously to someone the first of the series was fab…the second wasn’t AS good, but still great writing and then the 3rd book is where things really took off for me. I think you’ll enjoy them. She just writes so well.

    Kati (and Amy too) – I kind of hesitated to read Be With Me and the 3 on one thing as well, but it was good. It really focused on the guys coming to terms with the whole situation as well and I think that was a nice chenge from the books with 3/1 that I’ve read in the past.

  6. Ah, the kids are at that age. One day soon (maybe not soon, but one day), they'll show their teeths. One day…far away? >_<

    The Bridgertons were a good series. I'm so glad you're liking it. 😀 Can't wait to read more on your thoughts.

  7. Aw, the girls are so cute. Love their picturs.

    I love the Bridgertons, and it's a toss-up between Anthony & Kate or Michael & Francesca as to which is my favorite. Maybe both.

    I've read a few MB books, and enjoyed them, but right now I'm so over the group thing. M/F/M, fine. M/F/M/M…not so much right now. They are too exhausting. I must be getting old.

    I'm a huge Brockmann fan and I actually have 2 sets of the TD&D series. Somewhere.

  8. Your girls are so freaking cute. You have a problem with them not showing teeth and I have a problem with mine showing too much teeth. Esp. Little Man. His smile is pure cheese right now. More like a baring of his teeth than an actual smile. Kids. LOL

    I like JQ’s Bridgerton’s, but not as much as others, I think. They’re definitely cute, but I think I might have OD’d on them.

    I can’t wait to read the Maya Banks. It looks really good.

    I’m not going to say anything about the Suzanne Brockman. 😛

  9. Love the Brigerton series! Michael and Francesa will always be my favorite, but all the stories are wonderful. Penelope is totally one of my favorite characters though. If anyone deserved happiness, it was her!

  10. Alys – yes – maybe someday soon with the teeth. 🙂

    Stacy – Haven’t gotten to Michael and Francesca yet.
    I’ve not been enjoying the whole m/f/m/m thing either but I thought this one was well done. My opinion of course! 🙂

    Holly – well, the oldest shows teeth on occasion but if you ask her to just smile for a picture it’s so fake and awkward…I guess it’s a good thing she has her mouth closed in this pic! lol
    Why aren’t you commenting on the Brockmann? Speak up woman!

    Katie – I’m with you…Penelope totally deserved happiness. Even in this book with the whole scene where Colin goes to talk to P’s mom – dear heavens I wanted to slap her mom silly! I’ll get to Michael and Francesco eventually – probably sooner than later – I want no library fines! 🙂

  11. Oh, you haven’t heard my Brockmann rants before? Well…*rubs hands together*..since you asked…

    I think all her heroines have awful cases of penis envy and act like morons who treat their men like crap. Not one single Brockmann herone deserves her hero, IMO, except Alyssa and that’s b/c Sam is a big fat crybaby puke face(literally.

    Her stories are all over the place and while they certainly have a lot of emotional depth, there’s a lot of cheese, too. Mostly it’s her characters I have issues with, though.

    Oh! Except I really, really, really love Heart Throb. But all the others? Blech.

  12. lol – omg I had no idea you loved Brockmann so much! 🙂

    I just figured out what I’m getting you for Christmas…Brockmann books. Muah!

    I love her books – just sayin.

  13. Yeah, everyone loves her books. I just don’t see the appeal. *sigh* Of course, I don’t see the appeal in a lot of books, so I’ll just go over here and sit on the bench like the fat kid during dodge ball.

  14. OMG, your kids are SO cute!!! I love those photos. Wow, you have such a great selection of books. Did you take a speed reading course? I totally need to read more JQ. I think I started with not the best one (Duke and I). Not that it was bad, but you know.

    I’ll be interested to see what you say about the Maya Banks. It looks good!!

  15. Fat kid during dodge ball *snort* oh that was funny. Hey wait a second! I was the fat kid during dodge ball!!

    CJ – thanks sweetie! Their cuteness is what saves their butts sometimes! lol
    Speed reading? Nope, no Evelyn Wood for me! 🙂 I just hogtie the kids and lock them in the closet! lol

  16. lol, it’s ok holly. I’m not a fan of her either. we can be on the outs together. 😉

    tracy, it looks like you’re making good progress through those bridgerton books. i am not sure which couple are my favorite but colin and penelope are certainly special and “awwwww”-worthy. heh.

    speaking of awwwww, your kids are adorable. 🙂

  17. Your daughters are beautiful, Tracy! We just got our school photos back recently, too and everyone is really happy with the results. Must be a good year for school pictures! 🙂

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