RSS Feed Issues?

Posted December 23, 2008 by Holly in Discussions | 7 Comments

If you’re subscribed to this blog through a feed reader, can you please let me know if you haven’t received any of our recent posts through your feed reader?

I’ve received several emails from people who aren’t getting our updated posts in their readers, Google especially. I’m working to fix the problem but I need to know how many of you are experiencing problems. I especially need to know what feed reader you use (Bloglines, Google, Yahoo, etc), if possible.

If you haven’t been receiving posts via RSS feed, can you please try to subscribe again using this address:

Will you let me know if that address works for you, if you do decide to try it?

Thanks so much! I really appreciate your feedback.

I’m thinking about making the jump and signing up for Feedburner. Anyone use the service? Can you tell me anything about it?

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7 responses to “RSS Feed Issues?

  1. I’ve been getting regular posts via Google Reader! 🙂

    I use feedburner for my blog and it definitely helped for timely feed updates. I never had trouble with Google Reader – just with Bloglines.

  2. I use Google Reader and missed the last day of the Scavenger Hunt because it stopped sending right around then. I realized a day late I hadn’t seen the last question, came to your site and found the winners and other posts, but GR wouldn’t refresh or update, so I had to resubscribe. I didn’t copy the URL into GR this time, I found the subscribe to Google on your site and did it that way and now they are coming in fine again. The original feed url was still in GR along with the new one, so I deleted the older one.

  3. I’m using Bloglines and I was having problems even after I switched from the old blog address to the new. I just subscribed to the feed address you listed above, however, and that seems to have done the trick. It’s now showing the latest posts.

    I used Feedburner back when I had my own blog and liked them. One of the best things about Feedburner is that it lets readers subscribe to your blog via email so that all new posts arrive in their inbox.

    Happy holidays ladies!

  4. YES and ah ha! You haven’t been updating properly in bloglines (vista/firefox) for a week or so, I think? Interestingly the feed I was subbed into *was* listed as a feedburner feed. ? Bloglines showed 13 people there with me.

    Subbed to the new url & it seems to be working atm…I’ll be sure to keep a close eye on it.

  5. Lori

    K, whoops! Just realized I haven’t seen any new posts for a while (like since the 11th! What planet have I been on?), and came over here to see if y’all were in a coma or what. Sure enough, I just haven’t been getting them, and needed to update my Google Reader feed.

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