Review: Dog Wild by Melissa Glisan

Posted December 17, 2008 by Tracy in Reviews | 5 Comments

This is a story about Lupercus, the Wolf Lord and a God. It journeys from birth to present with at least one trip down memory lane.

The story starts out with Lupercus being born. It’s a very fantasy like birth, in my opinion. He is born from the stars from what I can gather. He’s also a twin to Faunus who is a deer. I’m not sure from the story whether Faunus is a god as well. This part was somewhat confusing for me.

We are then thrust into present time in the life of Ashley Cooper. Ashley works at a travel agency after having being fired from her flight attendant job. Life is kind of boring but she has her dream man that she’s dreamed about for the past 10 years.

One day she meets Lupercus, her neighbor and things start heating up. Lupercus decides that Ashley is his mate and that nothing will get in the way of him making her so.

The way Lupercus went after Ashley was very caveman like to me, but he was from ancient roman times so I tried to keep that in perspective. He did kind of come to his knees for his woman by the end of the book and that was nice to see (always! ha!) so there was hope for him.

Ashley was a pretty wishy washy character in some parts of the story and then quite forceful in others. I felt she needed to pick a personality and stick with it.

This was a very different type of read for me. It’s categorized as paranormal – I’m sure because it has shape-shifters in it, but it seemed very fantasy-like. The talk of gods, being born from stars and the fact that his twin is a deer were kind of far out there for me and involved a certain level of suspension of belief. There was a lot of moving around in the book if you know what I mean and at times it was kind of confusing. Melissa does a great job with her sex scenes. Highly erotic and very hot.

The whole book was an on-again, off-again relationship for me but I think I’ll read the next one, Dog Wild 2, to see what it has to offer.

Rating: 3 out of 5

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5 responses to “Review: Dog Wild by Melissa Glisan

  1. Hi Tracy,

    I just stopped by to say thank you for taking the time to read over my story as well as to provide your insghts.

    Perhaps book two wouldn’t be your cup of tea then? Yes, Frank Horne is a god, just like his brother, and his story is the secondary love story in the book.

    Thank you again for your time and energy…Melissa

  2. Hey Melissa! Thanks for stopping by.

    I will definitely be reading book 2. There were parts of the book I loved so that will get me reading about Frank to see what’s up with him.

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