Review: Be With Me by Maya Banks

Posted December 4, 2008 by Casee in Reviews | 6 Comments

Publisher: Berkley, Penguin

Three men. One woman.

Hutch Bishop, Cam Douglas, and Sawyer Pritchard were juvenile delinquents with a reckless and wildly sexy side. But they had more in common than that. They had Regina Fallon, a wealthy but lonely girl from the right side of the tracks who formed an unusual friendship with the boys. She felt protected. She felt needed. She felt loved… for the first time in her life. By all three.

So much closer than just friends.

Today, she’s a police officer, dedicated to her badge, and wary of reigniting her relationship with the hot trio after one night of passion left her confused—and stunned—by what they wanted from her. But when a mysterious attempt is made on her life, Hutch, Cam, and Sawyer jump in to protect her again. Now, Regina and her three lovers are forming an all-new bond. It’s more exciting, more intense, and—as a killer looms in the shadows—more dangerous than ever before.

After Colters’ Woman, I didn’t expect to like this book as much as I did. And even though I still have somewhat of a mental block when it comes to three men and one woman, it didn’t make me like the book less. The way that Banks wrote this book was actually believable, which is really hard to believe.

Regina Fallon has been running for Hutch, Sawyer, and Cam for a year. Since a night of sexual debauchery that changed her life, Regina hasn’t been able to look the three men in the eye. Regina knows the only reason she has avoided them so well is b/c they allowed it. When she’s brutally beaten while on the job, Hutch, Sawyer, and Cam decide that enough is enough. No one is going to hurt the woman they love.

The three men know that they have to walk a very fine line to get Regina to agree to be with the three of them. While they know it’s not a very conventional way to live, none of them are willing to give her up. Nor will they force her to choose, which would be something that she would never be able to do. While they want nothing more than to show Regina that life with all three of them will be possible, someone wants to kill Regina, which puts the relationship on the back burner.

Hutch, Sawyer, and Cam are three extremely different men. They each bring a different dynamic to the relationship. Reggie’s obvious struggle with her feelings for three different men is apparent. With a public figure for a father and being in public service herself, Reggie does not know how she would be able to openly live with three men. I guess you could say that Reggie has a mental block herself. While she won’t just give in and be what they want her to be to the three of them, she also isn’t willing to walk away.

The men try to do everything they can to make the decision easy for Reggie. Their “meetings” were actually amusing. They all felt the tension and fully admitted to feeling envy if not jealousy when Reggie was with one of the others. They just made a pack that she would never see that envy and hope that it went away once Reggie fully accepted their life together.

I think Banks did a phenomenal job of writing such an unconventional romance. In Colters’ Woman, the heroine just accepted that she was with three men. That was that. Not so in this book. Reggie really had a hard time accepting the fact that she could be in love with three different men. She also knows that it won’t be easily accepted by the community. Just a small note for those wondering, there is no m/m action here.

4.5 out of 5.

This book is available from Berkley. You can buy it here or here in e-format.

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6 responses to “Review: Be With Me by Maya Banks

  1. Wow!! Three men. Can’t she just say they’re roomates? This sounds good, though. I love books with cops. Do I say that all the time? I’m curious about the logistics.

  2. Seneca

    I LOVED this one.
    Colter’s woman is my favourite menage (and fave erotica). I honestly didn’t think anyone (even Maya herself, could do better than CW) The author was nice enough send me an advanced copy of Be With Me back in the summer, and I gobbled it up.

    What I liked best about this one is that the emotions were real and true. I’ve had experience with more than one partner at a time (but not 3! LOL) I do not think that love and sex go together. I can do sex without the emotions clogging things all up. Dh can’t though. He has to be in looooooveeee, so our menage’s were always better for me than they were for him. So anyway, Dh went through some of the similar thoughts that the guys in this book went through.

    I’m glad you like it, Casee 🙂

  3. lorraine

    I’ve never read Maya Banks before, but my curiousity is piqued at how she can make it somewhat believable that three hot guys are all in love with one woman and willing to share. I’ll definitely be on the hunt for this one!

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