Guest Author: Pamela Clare

Posted December 3, 2008 by Rowena in Giveaways, Promotions, Reviews | 43 Comments

Pamela Clare is a fantastic author. If you guys haven’t read a book by this author, you guys are definitely missing out. Her books are wonderfully witty and her characters are fantastically written.

She’s a great favorite here on Book Binge and we are delighted that she has come to our blog today. Please give a warm welcome to Pamela Clare who has graciously agreed to let us pick her brain!

And on with the interview:

On Your Writing:

Book Binge: What is your favorite thing about being a writer?

Pamela Clare: I love losing myself in the characters. They become real to me, companions of a sort. I come to love them and care a lot about them, even though they’re not real. My favorite moments are those in which they’re telling the story, not me. I also love language. I’ve studied nine, dabbled and goofed around with probably 20. I just love the sound and feel of words and the way they can play together to generate subtle shades of meaning.

Book Binge: What is your least favorite thing about being a writer?

Pamela Clare: Writing can be very challenging and difficult, which might not be a big deal if I didn’t have deadlines. But trying to write something beautiful and meaningful on a schedule can be very hard and stressful.

Book Binge: What are you working on right now?

Pamela Clare: Right now I’m working on Naked Edge, the next I-Team book. It tells Kat’s story and that of Gabe Rossiter, a mountain parks ranger. I’m behind on it due to a series of near-catastrophes that has turned life upside down for me and my family this year, but it should be out in November 2009.

Book Binge: What genre is your favorite genre of romance to write in?

Pamela Clare: That’s a tough question to answer. Historicals are without a doubt my favorite reads, though it’s hard to find historicals these days. I don’t read Regencies, so my choices are more limited. Writing historicals is much more work in terms of the research and the language, but the storytelling is often more interesting for me as a writer because it’s not my time, and no one in the book has my day job. I love the idea of men who were brave and masculine and knew how to fend for themselves in the wild. There’s something more romantic about it than our high-tech age. Having said, that, however, it can be fun to write stories from today because I can use whatever word comes to mind and because the stories can be very gritty and real.

Book Binge: Are you a fly by the seat of your pants kind of writer or a plotter?

Pamela Clare: I do a tiny bit of plotting called a “proposal.” This I am required to do by my publishers. From then on it’s straight-up pantsing. I try to make the characters real and let them take over and write the book, so that in any given scene there’s only a single possible outcome because of who these characters are. If the hero could do one of ten things and the writer’s not sure which of those ten he might do, the characterization isn’t there or the writer has lost touch with her characters.

On Untamed:

Book Binge: Why should our readers check out Untamed?

Pamela Clare: So far the book has gotten great reviews, including a starred review from Publisher’s Weekly. It’s a very different setting than most historicals — the Colonial New York frontier during the French and Indian War. People who like true history or real meat in their historicals, or who like an epic feel to the books they read should find it satisfying. It is not “light,” but it also has an HEA. I’d like to think that readers are interested in other times and places. Readers who loved the film “the Last of the Mohicans” will probably enjoy it quite a bit.

Book Binge: What is your favorite part of Untamed?

Pamela Clare: The love story between Morgan and Amalie — how they have to betray other loyalties to be true to their love. Despite the fact that they should be enemies, they learn to trust one another and then to love. I also love the loyalty and love between the brothers — Morgan, Iain and Connor — and their men, the Rangers. The banter and teasing all comes from the deep affection they feel for each other, which has grown out of countless scouting missions and battles and facing danger together. They respect each other very deeply, and any one of them would die to save the others. And I love the history of that period very much.

Book Binge: What’s next after Untamed? Can you tell us anything about the last book in the trilogy?

Pamela Clare: Well, there’s NAKED EDGE, and then the next historical, ostensibly Connor’s story. His heroine hasn’t completely come to me yet. I’m batting around a couple of ideas, though. If given the chance, I’d love to do Lord William’s story, as well as Captain Joseph’s. We’ll see.

Book Binge: What made you choose the setting you did for this series? It’s very unique (me likey it a lot!)

Pamela Clare: I’ve always loved early American history. My ancestry dates back to the earliest beginnings of this country, so it holds a lot of interest for me. Plus I love the idea of the untamed wilderness, of the wilderness being almost another character in the book, one that can save you or kill you. It’s like the wild west in that way — good guys, bad guys and the frontier. The clash of cultures from this period fascinates me. It wasn’t just Europeans vs. Indians but also Europeans vs. each other, and yet people were coming together, too. The history in general just fascinates me; I could study it and write about it forever.

Random Questions:

Book Binge: What are you watching on TV these days?

Pamela Clare: I don’t have TV and don’t watch it. There’s nothing on it that interests me, apart from the occasional documentary. I decided one day long ago that I could either watch actors living fake lives on TV or get on with living my own. So I got rid of cable. I have a television set but I only use it for movies.

Book Binge: What’s playing on your iTunes these days?

Pamela Clare: My current playlist for NAKED EDGE includes lots of Lifehouse, 3 Doors Down and Staind, as well as R. Carlos Nakai and other American Indian artists (Kat, the heroine is half Navajo). When I write historicals, I try to list to music from that culture/time. So for the MacKinnon’s Ranger series, I’ve listened to a lot of traditional Scottish music dating back centuries, mostly Old Blind Dogs, but also soundtracks like the soundtrack to “The War that Made America” and the soundtrack to “The Last of the Mohicans” — anything to set the mood. I’m always open to suggestions for music from readers and go sample things on iTunes when I have a chance.

Book Binge: What is your all time favorite movie?

Pamela Clare: The Lord of the Rings — the entire trilogy. I could watch it and never, ever grow tired of it.

Book Binge: What is your all time favorite book?

Pamela Clare: Again, The Lord of the Rings by Tolkien. Also, A Tale of Two Cities. I just love that story!

Book Binge: What is your all time favorite author?

Pamela Clare: Just one? I’ll make a short list. J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Dickens, Mika Waltari (historical fiction), Colleen McCullough, Kathleen Givens (historical romance).

Bonus Question: Don’t you think Rowena is a great name for a heroine of a future book? =) Do you think you’ll use the name Rowena in a future book? =) If you do decide to use a beautiful woman named Rowena in a future book, can you make sure that she has chocolate brown hair and eyes and is the fairest lady in the land? LOL…just kidding, well only a little bit!

Pamela Clare: LOL! It is a nice name. Actually, my grandmother on my father’s side wanted me named something like it so that I would have the same initials as my father. LOL!

What? Rowena is a great name dangit! =)

We, here at Book Binge would like to thank Pamela Clare for being nice enough to answer every question we put to her and we’d like to thank her for taking time out of her busy schedule to pop in and out through out the day, so if you guys have any questions you want to ask her, please feel free to leave a comment here and she’ll be around to hook you up with some answers!

Contest Alert: The new book in Pamela’s series, Untamed, is out and we’ll be giving away 2 copies to random commenters on this interview post so if you want to win a copy, leave a comment and your name will be entered to win a copy of Untamed.

Be sure to check out Pamela on her site: and her blog:

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43 responses to “Guest Author: Pamela Clare

  1. Pamela, thanks for being with us today!

    I’ve been waiting for Untamed for so long, I can’t wait to read it!

    I still remember at RWA in Dallas when my friend Diana and I came to your table and you told us about Kara’s run in with the kiln having been based on your own experience. Extreme Exposure is my favorite of your romantic suspense books. I lurve it.

  2. KristieJ and Barbara have only had good this to say about Pamela. I’ve added The MacKinnon’s Rangers to my list. I’m really looking forward to reading Surrender.

  3. Hi Pamela! Great post, ladies! Casee, I have to agree I love love love Extreme Exposure.
    I haven’t read your historicals, Pamela, but have been meaning to! The premise and setting for this book sounds so interesting! I love history- and was just whiling away precious time I don’t have reading some historical facts. (Have a paper that I haven’t started due in about 6 hrs :X.)

    Also I have to say it, I CANNOT WAIT for Naked Edge. I love that Kat is half Navajo.

  4. Hi Ihave never read your books, but Untamed seem really nice and I love all books featuring highlanders, so I must will be trying it!

    PS: The cover is really hot!

  5. KarLyn

    I devoured (and loved) Untamed as soon as it arrived. (I literally opened the box, tossed it on the table and proceeded to my comfy reading chair!) I am thrilled to read that there may be additional books for Joesph and Lord William, as I justlove the unique setting of the American wilderness during the French Indian war. (And the yummy heros too!)

  6. HI Pamela *waves*

    It’s a very different setting…the Colonial New York frontier during the French and Indian War….Readers who loved the film “the Last of the Mohicans” will probably enjoy it quite a bit.

    Apologies for the paraphrasing of your quote but….it completely caught my attention! I loved the Last of the Mohicans (the book and the film 🙂 Your books sounds amazing. I’m guessing from the comments Untamed isn’t the first in the series?

    Good luck with the release of Untamed!

  7. Great interview! I’ve heard nothing of great things about Pamela Clare and her work. The setting and premise of Untamed sound unique and interesting– I’d love to be entered for a chance to win a copy!

  8. Thanks, Rowena, for having me here today! Sorry to be checking in so late, but things have been nuts at the paper today. (When aren’t they nuts?)

    Hi, Casee — I am very happy to be here. Thanks! I remember meeting you at RWA. I’m so glad you enjoyed Kara’s story. All of the I-Team books are based on my own investigations. Gotta do something with all those crazy experiences.

    Hi, Anna — I recognize you from Barbara’s blog. I didn’t know she’d read it yet. But cool! Good to see you here! I hope you enjoy SURRENDER.

    Hey, Limecello! How are you doing? EE is your fave? I know a certain senator who’d be flattered to hear that. If you love history, there’s lots of history in these books. I do a lot of research for them to make them as real as possible. But I try to be very careful not to give history lessons, which no one wants when reading a romance novel. Good to see you!

    Thanks so much, Rowena! I really appreciate it!

    Hi, Nathalie — I hope you enjoy it. If you like that cover — I’m seriously into pecs and abs — there’s a downloadable wallpaper version of it on my website at Go to the Fun Stuff page and scroll down. There are two different yummy versions. 🙂

    Hi, KarLyn — XXXX<---- Those are the kisses I'd have given you if I'd been able to crawl through the Internet after reading your Amazon review. I'm very grateful and so so happy that you enjoyed Morgan's story. You made my day that morning. So thank you! Hi, LornaMoon — Thanks very much! I’m so grateful to be able to write these stories, so knowing you enjoyed them makes it even more rewarding. 🙂 Hey, Aztec Lady — It’s been a while. How have you been? Hi, Orannia — I think we chatted on Michelle’s blog, didn’t we? I loved “Last of the Mohicans,” too. I loved how Hawkeye was a mix of European and Indian. And I love Eric Schweig (Uncas). UNTAMED is the second book in the series. SURRENDER, which was a RITA finalist, was the first. They’re not based on LOTM, but they are set during the same time period. 🙂 Hi, Margay — I’ve heard from readers that the MacKinnon’s Rangers series has the same feel as “Last of the Mohicans.” There are lots of excerpts on my blog and Web site if you’re interested in sampling it. Hi, Ashley — Thanks so much! Be sure to check out that wallpaper. It’s been on my computer since I got it. YUM! 🙂 Hi, Susan — Thanks so much! I hope UNTAMED lives up to your expectations. I tried very hard to maintain the feel of the series and the quality of the stories without being repetitive from book to book. Be sure to let me know what you think. Hi, Christine — I’m so glad you enjoyed the interview and I’m delighted to know someone is saying nice things about my books! Thanks for telling me that. Hi, Jane — I’m behind on Kat’s story but it’s coming along. I’ve got a lot of people waiting for it, but I won’t turn it in until I’m happy with it. I’m going to be meeting soon with my Uncle Ray and the real-life Kat to go over some of the Navajo aspects of the story so that they’re as real-to-life as they can be. Though I’ve spent a lot of time on the rez, I don’t speak Navajo and don’t know all of the customs. Hi, IHBG — Thank! I’m glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for posting! I’ll check back as soon as we get this &*#$ paper to press. 😉 Pamela

  9. Hi Pamela!

    I love the cover of Untamed. And the setting is original. I’m a big history buff and I love reading historicals that are set in time periods that aren’t usually used.

  10. sjay

    Great interview, thanks BB ladies. Pamela, I will have to check out your contemporary series, didn’t know about that. And I’m liking the new covers for Surrender and Untamed.

  11. Great interview ladies. I would love to read Captain Joseph’s story. I’m guessing his back story is fascinating.

    I’m reading UNTAMED now and loving it so please don’t add my name to the contest.

  12. This week’s paper has been put to bed. Hurray!

    Hi, KMont — I’m so glad you like the I-Team series. Thanks! Do you have a favorite book and/or hero from the series? I hope you enjoy the historicals as well. They’re all in print now, after being out of print for a while.

    Hi, Lori — Fun to see you here! We Buffs have to stick together. It’s snowing, by the way — that fat fluffy stuff that sort of drifts but never seems to land except on your car’s windshield. And thanks! 🙂

    Hi, ArkieRN — I take it you’re a nurse? My mother just retired after working 44 years as an RN. You know, I look for different settings to read myself, and they’re not necessarily easy to find, are they? The history for me is such a fun part about reading historicals. I love the feel of being swept away in another time and place to the point where I feel like I’m there. That’s what I look for in a historical as a reader, and that’s what I try to do as a writer.

    Hi, sjay — Yes, I started writing contemps in 2005 at my agent’s suggestion. I was getting some death threats at work — nothing new — and my agent said, “Why don’t you write romantic suspense because you live it?” and I said, “Yeah, all except for the romantic part.” So I started the I-Team series, which is based on an investigative reporting team I headed in the ’90s and early ’00s. We won the National Journalism Award for Public Service together along with a host of other national and state awards. So it’s a fun place to put all my journalism experience. I’m so glad you like the covers. I love the cover of UNTAMED for sure!

    Hi, Leslie — I like Captain Joseph so much! He has a sense of humor that makes writing his scenes fun. I’m so glad to hear you’re enjoying UNTAMED! You’ll have to email me when you’re done and tell me what you think. 🙂

  13. Anonymous

    Several people were just talking about how good Surrender is over at paperbackswap, so this is a timely post. I would love to win, but even if I don’t, I will definitely be checking your books out. –willaful

  14. Tabitha C

    Hi Pamela, thank you for doing this interview. It’s great to read an interview by an author I just got hooked on. I haven’t read your historicals but I’ve read the first two books in your I-Team series and I love them. I’ve just started on the third book today and hope there’s more! Keep them coming please!

  15. Hi, Willaful — I’m so happy to hear people are happy with SURRENDER. I love Iain and Annie myself and cried when I had to end the story. I could have kept writing. Actually, I feel that way with most of my books.

    Hi, Tabitha — So you’ve read Extreme Exposure and Hard Evidence. And now you’re biting into Marc and Sophie’s story. Just to tell you (speaking of crying) I bawled my eyes the entire time I wrote the climax of that story. I think I went through an entire box of tissues. My son was just laughing at me. When I finished the book after three intense days of writing the ending, I looked like I had prunes for eyes. I have a serious Marc crush. 🙂

  16. Rowena

    Pamela is such an awesome writer and an awesome person, she’s been so nice and I am a great big fan of her writing and of her as a person!

    She seriously writes good stuff and I can’t wait to dig into Untamed! =)

  17. Hi Pamela I absolutely love your books. The cover of this one is hot. I cannot wait to read it and if I do not win it I’ll have to buy it.

  18. Karen W.

    I enjoyed the interview, and I would love to read UNTAMED. I’m a big fan of American set historicals, and they’re not as easy to find these days!

  19. Tabitha C

    Pamela, I bawled my eyes several times in those last chapters. Julian was my crush and now Marc replaced and put him to second! I can’t wait for the next release which can’t come fast enough!!

  20. Hi, Kimmy — Thanks! I’m glad to hear that! Which ones have you read? I have to admit that this cover has been my wallpaper for most of this year.

    Hi, Amy — Thanks! So far the reviews have been very positive, which is reassuring.

    Hi, Karen W — I’m glad you enjoyed the interview. I really appreciated Rowena taking the time to put it together. You know, it is really hard to find American-set historicals. There are so few people writing it. Publishers say people aren’t interested in reading it, but I think they can’t really judge that because there simply aren’t enough novels set in Colonial America to judge what kind of appeal it holds for readers. But I keep plugging away at it, because I know lots of people who like to read something different once in a while. (Me included!)

  21. Hi, Tabitha — I know this will sound wrong, but I am SO GLAD you cried, too! Wow, so Hunt trumped Julian! That’s amazing! I didn’t think any hero would do that. Julian is such a favorite among my readers — a serious alpha bad boy. I had trouble at first writing UNLAWFUL CONTACT because I couldn’t get over Julian. My son said, “Mom, I think you need to break up with Julian.” LOL! Well, I gave Julian his reprise in UNLAWFUL and then let Marc take over. So I’m glad you love him, too.

  22. No need to enter me since I have duplicate copies of all of Pamela’s books I think – and I’d rather see someone who hasn’t tried her – or this one anyway – win. But I just have to say she is one of THE BEST WRITERS out there writing romance – in either genre. I just finished Untamed – and it is spectacular!! Rates right up there with Ride the Fire for me 🙂 Now!! I just have to get my review for it written. I was too distracted by dance tonight – and before that our totally wacko government.
    And as great as her writing is, she is just that great a person too. One of my biggest thrills was the chance to meet her in person and I truly hope to again sometime!!
    So if you’ve never tried her books – you are in for such a treat!! And if you have read her other books, but not Untamed yet – again a VERY grand treat.

  23. Hi Pamela!! This is one I’ve been looking forward to since SURRENDER!!! Did they re-release that one in anticipation for this release?

    Pamela, I get so lost when I’m reading the books as you are when you are writing them. I feel like I’ve gone right within the book, and I’m there, part of whats happening, like an observer. It happens more when I’m reading a historical, I think because the different settings have always been fascinated to me. So I do see how it is for you writing them! Who do you have on your bed-stand table to read next in a historical?

    I love reading a variety too, as you write both the historical and romance suspense. Is it hard for you to jump from one genre to another with writing? Do you have to finish a book or can you work on another book at the same time if suppose you are stuck or something?

    Thanks! Great to read your interview and fab questions too!

  24. Lori

    Hi Pamela! Welcome over here at the Book Binge! Great interview 🙂

    Hey Christine, you really must read Surrender. And the entire Kenleigh family trilogy (it was just rereleased). Oh yeah – I bet you’d love it!

    Your fellow Buff, Lori

  25. Hi Pamela!
    I have enjoyed your contemporary stories and I have the previous book in this series. I think it must be difficult to write such different stories but you have definitely managed to make each setting realistic.

  26. Hi, Kristie! You’re such a sweetheart! And you know one of my personal goals — this is true! — has been to write a book that equals RIDE THE FIRE for you. Yes, that thought runs through my mind as I’m writing. It was fun meeting you, and I hope we get to see each other again some time and grab some coffee for a long chat. I hope to make it to D.C. this year for RWA, so maybe I’ll see you there. Heck, it’s closer to Canada than Colorado is.

    Hi, Caffey — Yes, SURRENDER and all the other historicals were rereleased so that people would remember that I write historicals and so that SURRENDER would be there for people who didn’t catch it the first time. And how sweet you are! It makes my day to hear how much you enjoy the stories and that you get lost in them, too. My next historical read is Kathleen Givens’ RIVALS FOR THE CROWN. She’s a wonderful writer — my favorite historical author — and I can’t wait to dig into the book. But I won’t read it while I’m writing a contemporary, which brings me to your question…

    It can be hard to switch. It’s easier going from historical to contemp than contemp to historical, but now that I’ve done it, I’m getting better at it. Part of what helps me are my iTunes playlists. I create playlists for each book of music that has the “feel” of that novel. I don’t read or listen to contemporary stuff while writing a historical but mostly classical or traditional folk music from that era. And when I write contemps, I listen to music that evokes the story.

    And here’s the funny thing: My CHARACTERS have their own musical tastes. So while I was writing HARD EVIDENCE, for example, Julian was “making” me listen to hardcore gangsta rap that I would never have listened to on my own. I’m serious! I’m a musicholic anyway, so music means so much to my writing. But, yes, the characters have their own tastes so there are songs I listen to while writing a book that I never listen to after that.

    And I can only work on one book, one period at a time. Not enough RAM in my head for more.

    Hi, Karin — Thank you! I hope you both enjoy it. 🙂

    Hi, Livania — Isn’t Dickens amazing? I read that book in three languages when I was 18. I became rather obsessed with it. Reading it — the ending — as they were being rolled through the streets of Paris to the guillotine, I felt for the first time my own mortality. It was very powerful for me.

    Hi, Maureen — Wow! Thanks so much! I’m glad you’ve enjoyed them. I’m trying so hard not to be repetitive in my storytelling, and that all comes down to the characters. If they’re different, the stories will be different. And if I give the storytelling over to the characters, rather than telling them what to do, the books should FEEL different too. But I do compare stories while I write, and I’m always — ALWAYS — convinced that what I’m writing is the worst thing I’ve ever written because it has none of the cool stuff the other stories had.

    Hi, Zeek — Dangit, girl! You need to win one of these contests one of these days! 🙂

  27. Hi, Sue Z — Gosh, that is a tough question. I love them all, but I guess I have a special fondness for Bethie from RIDE THE FIRE on the historical side and Sophie from UNLAWFUL CONTACT on the contemporary side.
    After that by a hair it would be Annie and Amalie from the historicals and then Tessa from HARD EVIDENCE for the contemps. I don’t get asked about the heroines very often! Thanks!

    Hi, Mandy — if you read it and enjoy it, you won’t be the first person I’ve “converted” to historicals. I’ve also brought some people from reading only historicals into reading contemp romantic suspense, so that’s one fun thing about writing both subgenres is having readers come to genre-hop with me.

  28. Pamela, congrats! It’s great to see your writing in historical and contemporary. I keep looking out for the Rangers’ titles in my local bookstore so hopefully they will show up soon and I will be checking them out!

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