What Brother Rocks YOUR Socks?

Posted October 16, 2008 by Rowena in Discussions | 21 Comments

My sister just finished reading The Dark Highlander by Karen Marie Moning. She had high praise about the book and because we got to talking about the books, I asked her the same question that I always ask people after they’ve read these books.

Drustan or Dageus?

Now, I know that there are other MacKeltars that we meet in the series but I’m not here to ask you which MacKeltar you know and love because what’s not to love about Cian? That man is sex on a stick but I want you guys to choose between the twins.

Drustan or Dageus?

So that’s my question that I’m putting to you guys today. My sister is Team Drustan all the way because she thought he was the better hero. Why? I’m gonna let you Drustan fans try to persuade me that Drustan was the better hero. I’m leading the bandwagon for Team Dageus.

For me, Dageus showed me everything that I love in a tortured hero. Yes, he was the dark highlander who broke the Druid rules, he disappeared because he was too ashamed of what he did and he couldn’t face his family but he never once regretted it. In doing what he did, he saved his brother. He saved his brother and he doomed himself.

All for love.

Dageus is the darker brother, he’s the harder brother. He battles evil every single day and yet, he hasn’t turned evil himself. You might think that he did but he’s got a heart bigger than anyone you’ll ever meet.

My heart went out to Dageus at the end of Drustan’s story when I read that letter that he left behind and as much as I love Drustan (you guys will still have to tell me why Drustan is the man for you if you vote for him) and I did, he wasn’t the better hero in my opinion.

Dageus gave up his life so that Drustan can have a shot at his. To me, that ultimate sacrifice is what will always put Dageus before Drustan in my book.

So let’s see those Drustan fans come out and show me why you think that Drustan is the better MacKeltar hero. Let’s see those votes….

Drustan or Dageus? And then why?

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21 responses to “What Brother Rocks YOUR Socks?

  1. I’m on team Dageus for the exact reason you stated.

    I have his book on audio cd also. It was the first one I ever listened to.

  2. Truly one of the most difficult choices in Romancelandia.

    When I think of KMM’s HIghlanders, I think of Drustan first– noble, honorable alpha Laird of Clan Keltar.

    But Dageus has that bit of mischievousness in him, even while fighting off his possession by the 13 Dark Druids. And he DID sacrifice himself so that Drustan and Gwen could be together again.

    For me, there’s just no choosing between them as written and I have to go with whose VOICE I liked better in the audio books. Phil Gigante’s Drustan is a deep, growling brogue that vibrated from my ears to my toes and to all the girly bits in between.

    So, for the eargasmic quality of “his” voice, I’ve got to go with Drustan. ;-D

  3. Carp! Could you make the question any more difficult??? As much as I love Daegus I’d have to say that I love Drustan more…just something about him that draws me.

  4. C2

    Jumping on the Team Daegus bandwagon!

    I agree he is the darker twin and by managing to keep a sense of humor and not turn evil while hosting the evil 13 – and be scorching hawt, too – he’s my fave.


  5. Oh CARP! (TM Tracy) I just remembered another reason to love Drustan. Ya gotta love a man who is so secure in his masculinity that he desires a purple jogging suit, right?

    But then again, there was that incident at the penthouse when Dageus was at the top of the stairs,Chloe was at the bottom and he “accidently” dropped his towel and exposed his dangly bits while bending over to pick it up. I’d say HE was pretty secure in HIS masculinity too.

    Damn, Drustan’s still only leading by the sound of his voice.

  6. I finished reading this series not too long ago. But it was Kiss of the Highlander that really moved me. So, I have to say Drustan, hands down. 🙂 I’m not gonna say he is more heroic than his brother, cause they are both heroes in their own way.

    But really clenched it for me… was that whole scene when Gwen locks Drustan in the toilet and finally remembers her. That about did me in.

    And then of course the whole end of the book was very moving. It had me crying and for me that rarely happens.

  7. Hilcia

    OH Daegus, no question there for me. The darkness, the sacrifice, the hunkiness, the hotness… there was no waste to this guy! I fell for him while reading Kiss of the Highlander, so by the time I read The Dark Highlander, I was a gonner!

  8. Dagues… I loved them both, but the way he gave up his life for his brother and how bad he can be just makes me a Dageus fan. OMG, when he finally had sex with Chloe, aslkdfjalkjsdf…

  9. KC

    I own the Dageus bandwagon. 😀 He had me speechless. *shivers* He’s dark yet tender, shexy to the tips of his toes yet falls for the shy bookworm (aka me!), his a scottish druid (hello!!!), lives his life to the fullest, and protective of his loved ones even at the point of sacrificing himself. I want one of my own. *sniffles*

    Holly: that’s the perfect song *grins*

  10. Rowena


    I’m not surprised you horndog! haha.


    So you just liked Drustan better than Dageus? Alright, I can live with that.


    LMAO LMAO LMAO! You like Drustan better because of his “voice”? Oh that’s priceless!

  11. Rowena


    Carp! Crap! Whatever, I understood what you were saying, DAGEUS IS SMEXY!

    And woo hoo, Dageus is winning ya’ll! =)

  12. I found that post two hours ago and decided to keep the window open to rememebr to write my answer after I had time to think about it and chose… and I still can’t say which one I prefer. I love them both. Dageus was more dark, mysterious, with that irresistible bad-boy-woth-herat-of-gold aura, and there’s no denying that his story was infinitely more complex than Drustan’s. But Drustan was the first KMM hero I ever met, and he’s just so incredibly sweet and noble, and the fact he left his world and family behind to sleep 500 years to see his woman again??? I cried like a baby when I reached that part in my first read. So, sorry, I’m not goign to be of much help, but I simply cannot choose. :-D.

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