Review: The Trouble with Paradise by Jill Shalvis.

Posted October 6, 2008 by Rowena in Reviews | 8 Comments

Hero: Christian Montague
Heroine: Dorie Anderson
Grade: 4.5 out of 5

When Dorie Anderson meets a cute guy, she becomes a huge klutz. But one phone call has turned her dead-end dating life into an adventure: she’s won a trip on a singles’ cruise to Fiji. On board, she soon meets pro baseball player Andy, and the ship’s hunky French doctor. She’s sure she’ll fall head-over-heels in no time. Unfortunately, she’s right: soon, she trips over her luggage right in front of them. Mortifying. But a bigger disaster is just on the horizon. Dorie finds a man murdered in his bunk the same night a storm wrecks the ship, stranding everyone on a deserted shore. It’d be a perfect setting for romance-if it weren’t for the fact that there’s a killer among them.

I already knew that I was going to like this book because it was written by Jill Shalvis and I swear I have a girl crush on her. She writes my kind of romances, straight up contemporary romances that tickle my funny bones and makes me drool over the heroes.

This book was no different.

Dorie Anderson has won an all expense paid trip to Fiji on a yacht. She wants more out of her life than working at her dead end job and she hates her boss and she wants some adventure in her life and she thinks that this vacation is just the thing to jump start her new life. Until a storm hits the high seas and the yacht she’s on is being thrown all over the damn place and all throughout this, she thinks she sees someone being thrown overboard and thinks she’s trippin’ up until one of the crew of people on the yacht comes up missing.

She’s scared but the yacht’s gorgeous grumpy doctor soothes her in a way that nobody else could. When they’re all stranded on a deserted island, Dorie gets to know the hunky doctor more and the closer they get, the harder she knows it’s going to be to walk away from this when they’re saved.

This book was a laugh a minute. I was laughing out loud so many different times throughout this book. There was times when I had to slap my hand over my mouth because I was laughing at work and I just knew my hallway neighbors knew that I was not working but meh, whatever, this book was too good to put down.

Dorie was a great heroine, fun and lively. She was a down to earth, normal woman with the same kind of issues that I have. She’s a little, okay a lot on the clumsy side but man the stuff she got herself into were funny rather than annoying.

That splinter and the bet were frickin’ priceless!

Christian was a fantastic hero. I spent most of the book drooling over him and his French accent. Then I spent the rest of the book drooling over his brooding ways and the way that he took care of Dorie and the way that he got jealous of every little thing between Dorie and Andy. Christian was hot and the first love scene between these two was hot damn good.

All in all, this book is a fast read. The story flows extremely well and it’s easy to follow, easy to read and the characters are great. I enjoyed the friendship that blossomed between Dorie, Cadence and Brandy.

Cute book, check it out when you’re in the mood for a funny contemporary to take your mind off your life for a few hours, following Dorie around on her little South Pacific adventure is so cute and this book totally scores major points for Jill Shalvis giving love to Samoa in this book. This Samoan chick totally adored the mention of Samoa in this book as I have NEVER read about Samoa in any book that I’ve ever read. I mentioned that to my Mom and she laughed and then asked me to read it to her but I don’t think I could that scene against the tree to my Mom, no matter how many different times she asked me.

More kudos on another great book, Jill!

This book is available from Penguin Group. You can buy it here or here.

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8 responses to “Review: The Trouble with Paradise by Jill Shalvis.

  1. M.

    I’m so torn. This sounds great,and I’m all about the funny, but my WIP is partially set in the South Seas and I don’t want to subconsciously imitate someone else’s descriptions etc. Think I’llhave to put this on my list for after the MS is done!

  2. Dev

    I just bought this and it is currently on top of my TBR stack. Hopefully I can finish up my current read so I can start on this one.

    Great review, Wena!

  3. Rowena


    With a gorgeous grumpy doctor.


    I agree!


    Thanks, this was a great book!


    Me too!


    Oh you totally should. After of course, because it’s a totally great book!


    No problem, keep writing them good like that and I’ll keep reading them and loving them and gushing about them here. 😉


    You should, isn’t Jill great?

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