TITLE: Ill Wind
AUTHOR: Rachel Caine
SERIES: Yes this is Book One in the Weather Wardens series
#2 Heat Stroke
#3 Chill Factor
#4 Windfall
#5 Firestorm
#6 Thin Air
#7 Gale Force
Reason for Reading
I read a review on The Book Smugglers of Gale Force and was very impressed with how much they liked the entire series. Although I had thought of reading the series before, that review pretty much pushed me to finally do it.
Summary: (from Goodreads)
Joanne Baldwin is a Weather Warden. Usually, all it takes is a wave of her hand to tame the most violent weather. But now, she’s trying to outrun another kind of storm: accusations of corruption and murder. So, she’s resorting to the very human tactic of running for her life…
Along her travels Joanne picks up David who’s hitchhiking. David is a tad odd at first but you find out later that he’s hiding something as well. When Joanne finds out his secret she spills hers to him – positive that he’s the only one she can trust besides Lewis. David is amazing. He’s such a calm soul but yet you find out he has amazing power – it’s an incredible paradox. I was drawn to David like a magnet because of this and just wanted to read more about him.
David and Joanne come together under some strange circumstances but their relationship is just wonderful. You find yourself pulling for the two of them to stay together no matter what. Despite the trials – and there are some pretty huge ones – you want them to work out any differences they may have and just…make it work.
Was the author new to you and would you read something by this author again?
I had read a novella of hers that was just great – cute little story…Dead Man’s Chest in the My Big Fat Supernatural Wedding anthology and loved it. As I said before I had thought of reading her other work before but just didn’t. I will definitely keep reading the Weather Warden books ‘cuz they’ve got me hooked.
Are you keeping it or passing it on?
Well I borrowed it from the library and they don’t like it much when I keep stuff so I’ll pass it back to them so the next person can enjoy it.
Score: 4 out of 5
I came across these books a few years ago but passed on them. Did you read this one first? YOu haven’t read the other books yet? If so, did it seem okay reading it out of order?
I’ve heard about this series forever. I really need to pick it up. Your recommendation goes a long way towards that, Tracy!
Amy – I haven’t read any of the other books – this is the first. I obviously don’t know what goes on in the others but this one seems very important in the whole scheme of things. I’d start with Ill Wind if you’re planning on reading them.
MK – Oh I’m so glad I could help! lol I think you’ll like them, especially if you like UF.
Great review, Tracy!!
I’ve always been interested in this series and a lot of readers whom I trust love it. I’m going to have to see if my library has the first book, too.
I noticed at my bookstore that this series is shelved in the sci fi department. Does the couple have an HEA in this book?
I was thinking it was more UF than Sci-Fi but I guess it could go that way. IDK, the whole weather manipulation via magic aspect of the book doesn’t say sci-fi to me…key word: Magic.
It does have an HEA (more or less – let’s say it was enough to satisfy my romantic heart) but the main characters are on-going in the series I believe.
Oh yeah… I think this bookstore puts sci fi and UF together. That makes sense.
Thanks for the info!
Okay, I think it was too early for me to actually leave my earlier comment…Ill Wind is the first book, right? LOL
Thanks for the review!! My comment totally echoes everybody else’s – I’ve been circling around this series forEVER, and also wondering about the romance quotient. I like my characters to have a roll in the hay or two. So we DO get that here. Is my mind in the gutter for wanting that?
Christine – you’re welcome by birthday + 1 day friend!
Amy – You’re too funny – when I said this was the first…I meant book in the series not the first one I read! lol
CJ – it seems we all looked at the series but didn’t do anything about it – well, except the Book Smugglers! I thank them for the Gale Force review otherwise I probably wouldn’t have read it.
LOL…I told you it was too early! I shouldn’t read blogs until AFTER i’ve had my coffee
LOL – I understand! You can see this book and the names of the other books at the beginning of the review.
Great review Tracy!!!
I’m so glad you were able to pick this one up–and that you enjoyed it! This is one of my top 3 UF series’ ever–the books only get better and better
(Psst–and there’s a whole lot more David. And Lewis. Just you wait and see
To everyone out there who hasn’t picked this series up yet–do it already! It’s really that good. A great blend of well-written characters, great world building and romance too.
I’ve been wanting to read this series too. It sounds from your review that it’d be something I’d enjoy soooo….to the top of the TBR pile, batman!
Oh I love this series! They just get better and better!
I read every single book in the series (that was available at the time) all at once. My head almost exploded, but I loved them!
Oh and you should definitely read them in order (for anyone who asked). There are a lot of little crumbs to follow from book to book. Trust me, you’d kick yourself if you read book 6 first. Just sayin’.
I’ve never heard of this series, but it sounds like something I’ll be searching for now!! Very cool premise
Thea – Thank YOU for the review. I’m so glad I read it otherwise I might never have picked the series up. I’m very glad there’s more David – I just love him!
Ciara (and everyone else for that matter) I’d love to hear what you think after you read this and/or the other books.
BL – thanks for the tip. I’m anal about reading books in order so that’s not a problem for me – but it may be for others! lol
Katie – I’d never heard of Rachel Caine until I read the novella in MBFSW. I liked it so much that I checked out her site. I just never ended up reading the books.