My Poor, Poor Hubby

Posted October 28, 2008 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | 12 Comments

My husband just emailed this picture to me. He said that this is the view off of his balcony (in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico). I think I might hate him. Don’t worry, I’ll like him again when he gets back!


12 responses to “My Poor, Poor Hubby

  1. Jen

    Tracy, I went to Cancun for business a few years ago. My view was something similar to that. I was in meetings just about the whole time I was there. The one day I had some free time, it poured down rain. As soon as I went back into my meetings, the dang sun came out. ; -)

  2. My boss owns a beach house in PV and he’s always complaining about having to go down there to check on things and do work. Waaahhh. Boo hoo.

    I have no sympathy.

  3. KB – no shit! lol

    Jen – oh that sucks! When hubby and I went to Jamaica for our honeymoon there would be freak storms in the middle of the day but then it would clear up – really weird!

    Anna – no doubt. Beats CA with chilly mornings and then 102 in the afternoon!

    Jenb – yeah, I don’t feel sorry for him. You just offer to go in his place next time since he hates it so much!

  4. I hope you’re saving all the stomach bug laundry for him at least. He’s going to need a serious reality check when he gets home. Poor guy.

    p.s. Gorgeous new layout!!! I’ve always wanted three columns…. =)

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