Guest Review: Hot Property

Posted September 4, 2008 by Tracy in Reviews | 19 Comments

Everyone please welcome Katiebabs from Ramblings on Romance to the blog.
insert applause here

I must admit that I have never been a big fan of Susan Johnson’s books. I found her historical romances to be closet bodice rippers with heroes that were a bit too much, too alpha, too stubborn and just plain cruel. When Susan jumped into writing contemporary romance, I gave her the benefit of the doubt and decided to read Hot Property, which is about a former CIA agent who happens to be a tortured soul, and the woman he longs to protect. I am a sucker for these types of stories. Unfortunately Hot Property was such a disappointment, especially when the jackass hero does something so horrible in my eyes; he tries to kill the heroine during sex. Can we say major trust issue and perhaps the need for some form of therapy? And I couldn’t stand how the TSTL heroine basically forgives him because she wants to get off by his intense and forceful sex that gives her the “Big O”. Some may find enjoyment in reading this book, but as for myself I am placing Hot Property as one my worst reads of 2008.

The heroine Zoe Chandler has rented a cabin by the lake where she is busy at work writing a tell all book where she has exposed some shady dealings with some high-class art collectors. The Willerbys’, the subject of her book, would like nothing better to make this problem go away. Zoe is playing hard to get, so after trying to pay her off countless times, which she says “no dice” to, Papa Willerby will send some of his men to talk some sense into her.

The jackass hero, Nick Mirovic used to work for the CIA as an interpreter, but ever since one of the CIA agents he worked with found enjoyment in killing the men he interrogated, Nick decided to get out. And now since evil CIA baddie is up for CIA director, he is pulling out all the stops so nothing gets in his way of gaining the position, even if that means taking Nick out for good. Nick is on edge and always looking over his shoulder, because he thinks someone is going to come out of the woods and kill him. The poor guy needs a Zanex or some form of medication. He doesn’t trust anyone and that includes his new next-door neighbor, Zoe. Zoe decides Nick would be the best bodyguard even though he told he to get lost and is a bit broody. But that doesn’t stop her from asking for his protection against the two goons Willerby sent. Nick of course thinks this may be a set up by evil CIA baddie because Zoe’s story seems too convenient. He tricks himself into believing that Zoe is a mole even though he would like nothing more than having her horizontal on his bed. Zoe welcomes Nick’s touch because, well, she is alone in the woods with no other man around and I don’t think Grizzly Adams will cut it. So, what if Nick wants to handcuff her to his bed because of his trust issues. Suddenly these two are all over each other, having sex every which way, even as they go on the run because the evil CIA baddie has found them.

Hot Property should have been a hot and heavy thriller because of the amount of lust and sex both Nick and Zoe have for each other. It falls flat mainly because of my dislike for Nick who doesn’t trust Zoe has far as he can throw her. But he still doesn’t mind getting down her pants every chance he can get. Remember the scene where I mentioned Nick tries to kill Zoe during sex? When the so-called hero is in the middle of having sex with the heroine and begins to strangle her because he thinks she is about to kill him, well that makes me wonder if these two have any chance of a future with one another. I also have an issue with the way Zoe acted after being strangled and almost passed out from lack of air. I would have ran for the nearest exit or gave Nick a good kick in the balls, but no, Zoe forgives and forgets and let’s Nick finish what he had started. I simple couldn’t find any valid reason why Nick and Zoe were so attracted to each other because there was no trust between them. Because Nick constantly thought Zoe was a mole from his enemy who is out to kill him, any possible love that could grow between them was not believable in the least. Perhaps I am an old-fashioned type of girl, but I find myself wanting a more compassionate hero and one that will not try and kill his own true love while they are in the middle of making love because he is afraid she may stab him in the back.

Hot Property is a major pass. Overall grade is a D-


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19 responses to “Guest Review: Hot Property

  1. I read a few of her historicals, and never thought they were very sexy. Too clinical, imo. Ugh, I hate that. So I never picked up her contemporaries, and now I see no reason why I should. Sorry it was such a disappointment.

  2. lol. susan johnson is such a hit or miss. usually miss. sounds like this one is a doozy. a few of her historicals were good fun back in the day but they’re always pretty raunchy. heh.

    she seems to have a penchant for asshole heros tho. 🙁

  3. Boy this hero sounds like a real gem! NOT! I can’t believe that Johnson had the heroine putting up with that (of course SHE wrote the character that way)! Strangling her during sex? I would have found the nearest baseball bat and chased the man out of the house! lol

    Great review KB! Thanks for being on the blog! 🙂

  4. Wow…strangulation via sex. You know, I’ve heard some people get off of asphyxiation, but that’s just nto my bag. Ugh!

    I’m off your blogroll! 🙁 I feel so sad. *sniffle* J/K

  5. It is so funny to read this, and then MK’s…this hero really does sound like an ass. It’s always frustrating when characters won’t learn and grow.

    Start out as an ass, shame on the character. Keep being an ass, shame on the author.

  6. I’ve never tried her before. I have a couple of her earlier historicals in the TBR pile but I’ve heard she’s not like she used to be.
    So I’m glad you saved me for being the least bit tempted by this one.

  7. OMG, I used to LURV Susan Johnson’s historicals. I do agree that the heroes are often cruel and way too alpha, the not good kind. For some reason though, I loved them at the time. I can only attribute it to one of my many romance reading phases that I grew out of one day ironically enough because of one of her books.

    We shall call it my Johnson train wreck phase.

    But actually, seriously writing a scene like you describe, Katie, whereby he tries to kill the poor, brainless heroine – that is just reprehensible and takes her typical cruel alpha to all new heights.

  8. Kmont: I can forgive the hero for many things such as being a ass, but trying to kill the heroine during sex takes the cake. And then I don’t know who I wanted to smack around more, him for being such a psycho or the heroine for letting things go so he could make her come.

  9. Ew. They totally are bodice rippers, aren’t they? The few I read had some definite rape scenes. (and we all know how I feel on that cheery topic!) Very brave of you to try her again.

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