Review: Someone To Watch Over Me

Posted July 3, 2008 by Tracy in Reviews | 16 Comments

TITLE: Someone To Watch Over Me
AUTHOR: Lisa Kleypas
SERIES: I believe this is the first in the Bow Street Runner Series


I’ve heard great things about her historical romances so I wanted to check one out. It was a random pick off the bookstore shelves
SUMMARY: (From the Lisa Kleypas website)
She couldn’t remember who she was…

A temptingly beautiful woman awakens in a stranger’s bed, rescued from the icy waters of the Thames, her memory gone. Told that she is Vivien Rose Duvall, one of London’s most scandalous beauties, she finds herself under the protection of enigmatic, charming Grant Morgan. Her life is in his hands. Deep in her heart, she knows he has mistaken her for someone else…
He was the only man she could trust.
As one of London’s most eligible and unattainable catches, Grant Morgan is a man who has known every kind of woman. And the one in his arms now seems so innocent, so vulnerable, that he can’t help but be enchanted. And as his love for this mysterious beauty grows, he’s determined to unravel the secrets of her past and discover the truth — no matter what.

Although this book was a really slow start for me it ended up making up for it. I really liked Grant and even though he had a score to settle with Vivien he was still very kind and gentle with her.

“Vivien” I liked from the minute she opened her eyes after almost dying. She had strength as well as innocence and I think in this story that combination really worked.

I think all around their love story was good. I can’t imagine that trying to build a relationship while one party has no memory of her past is an easy thing to do, but Kleypas really did a great job with it.

Was the author new to you and would you read something by this author again?
Nope. I’ve read Sugar Daddy and Blue-Eyed Devil, but again my first historical by this author. I will definitely be reading more books by this author.
Are you keeping it or passing it on?

Did you enjoy the book?

Would you recommend this book to others? Sure

SCORE: 3.5 out of 5

Anything else?

I know many of you love Lisa Kleypas so if there is another of her series or historicals that you think I would LOVE then please, let me know what they were!

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16 responses to “Review: Someone To Watch Over Me

  1. You should read Lady Sophia’s Lover. Sir Ross, the head of the Bow Street Runners is the hero in this one. He is 40, horny and lonely until he meets a mysterious 28 year old woman who works for him. Great great story and one of my favorites.
    Also, Suddenly You MY FAVORITE LISA BOOK! Woman turns 30, wants to lose her virginity and a younger man comes into her life to help her out. So, so goood!

  2. Meh, I didn’t like Lady Sophia’s Lover nearly as much as I liked Worth Any Price. Nick is HAWT. LUURRRVE HIM! *sigh*

    To be honest, I can’t think of a BAD LK historical. Some are certainly better than others, but as a whole the collection is well done.

    I absolutely adore When Strangers Marry, Because You’re Mine, Midnight Angel, Again the Magic.

    I think the questionable ones are Prince of Dreams (though I adore the 2nd half…as long as I forget about the first half, all is well), Only With Your Love (horrid book..I actually think I have a review of this in the works), Somewhere I’ll Find You (which is a prequel of sorts to Because You’re Mine, but lacks the emotional depth we see in BYM).

    I know Kristie(j) and many, many others adore Dreaming of You (Derek Craven’s book) but I’ve never really seen his appeal. Sure, the book is well written, but it’s not the BEST BOOK EVAH, despite what Kristie says. 😛

    Devil in Winter on the other hand…tres exquisite. (hee hee)

    Regardless of what you start with, you have hours of enjoyable reading ahead of you. I’m jealous that you’re experiencing it for the first time.

  3. Ana

    I read quite a few of her historicals and this is my least favorite. You should really read the Wallflower’s series. Devil In Winter, book 3, is one of my favorite romance novels.

    and of course, Dreaming of You is an absolute MUST.

  4. I am the opposite of you. I have read a ton of LK’s historicals, but have yet to touch her contemps. Need to do that.

    I agree with the rec’s for the Wallflower series, Suddenly You, Dreaming of You, and Again the Magic. Then again, even her “bad” books are still pretty good.

  5. I don’t read Lisa Kleypas. But I do have a book that was bought for me by a friend who loves her books. I can send it to you if you like. It’s ‘Again the Magic’ She told me not to let it go to waste on my shelf if I found someone who would like to read it. Not a big fan of English historicals unless they are medieval. I prefer Scottish. But it’s yours if you want it :).

  6. My goodness! These are some great suggestions – thank you. I get the feeling I shouldn’t judge her historicals on just the one that I read. Ok, you’ve sold me, I’ll look into others.

    I’ve heard that Devil in Winter wonderful and you all are telling me the same thing so I’ll look into that series next.

    Amy – I’d love it if you’re not gonna read it! Thanks! You really should read her contemporaries – very good!

  7. Hi Tracy.
    The only LK novels I have read are SUGAR DADDY and BLUE EYED DEVIL (as you well know… ), but I also own the Wallflower Series, including MINE TILL MIDNIGHT. I haven’t read them yet.

    (I feel like I type that last sentence an awful lot in bloglandia these days… I just can’t read fast enough!)

  8. Lisa Kleypas is pretty good.
    I read her alot in my historical days.
    Not as good as say…Jude Deveroix
    or Judith Mcnaught.
    Still good tho!
    Her books are still on my keeper shelf tho.
    Its a long list. Couldnt tell you what I have.
    Havent read her in YEARS.
    Deff. worth the buy tho!!

  9. Other than Dreaming of You, my absolute hands-down favorite is Secrets of a Summer’s Night. It reminds me of North & South. 🙂

    Simon is so yummy and Annabelle is so strong. Awesome chemistry and a wonderful romance. 🙂

  10. Kleypas is a pretty safe rec for anyone who enjoys historicals. She has such great books on her backlist. I would agree with Holly that Prince of Dreams is her worst book. There’s a couple of other average books, but for the most part they are all good!

  11. Thank you all for your comments. It looks like I’ll have to collect quite a few for when I’m in that mood for a historical! 🙂

  12. This is your first historical by Lisa Kleypas????????? And Eh Tu Christine?

    Well!! that must be corrected Right Away.
    Dreaming of You is simply a MUST READ. Neither of you must have been around during the infamous Dreaming of You campaign. I’m not sure who started it, (heh heh heh he) but my goodness a lot of people read and loved this book!!

  13. Woo woo, also read Worth Any Price. This one is right after Lady Sophia’s Lover. Sooooo good.

    Someone to Watch Over Me is one of my favorites from Lisa Kleypas. She’s sooooooo awesome! Every one of her books so far has hit me right in the gut…area. 😉

    Diverse, realistic, and very very good. 😀 My favorite historical writer. Well, one of my favorite writers ever ever.

  14. I love this author she is a must buy must read. EVEN though I own all books I’ve only read a few *blushes* soon though she has a knack at sucking me in so much I forget what else I should be doing like writing, eating or sleeping!

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