Through The Veil Book Giveaway!

Posted June 12, 2008 by Tracy in Reviews | 19 Comments

Who doesn’t love a book giveaway? I have a copy of Through The Veil by Shiloh Walker in my hot little hand. Unfortunately it tells me it wants to go live with someone else. I shouldn’t be surprised, my kids tell me that all the time! Ok, just kidding.

Anyway, all you have to do is leave a comment by midnight Saturday (pacific time) and I’ll randomly pick a winner on Sunday and post the name here. Good luck!!

Lee Ross always knew she was not entirely human. But when the man who has plagued her dreams her entire life appears in the flesh, can she give up everything she knows to follow him to another realm?
Read exerpt here.


19 responses to “Through The Veil Book Giveaway!

  1. Ooh, this looks so good. And I finally read my first Shiloh Walker earlier this week, so I can’t wait to try THROUGH THE VEIL. Good stuff!

  2. I haven’t read THROUGH THE VEIL as yet. I’m a fan especially of Shiloh’s HUNTER series so this would be great to read. Put my name in the hat.

  3. LOL LB – When you commission one of those capes let me know and I’ll order one too! 🙂

    Good luck to all! :0)

  4. Well, there better be hot sex in it! That’s the only reason I bought it last week!

    Haven’t read it yet but it looks pretty good.

  5. I don’t think I’ve read one her books that DOESN’T have hot sex in so I can only assume. Hate to say I haven’t read it yet, but there it is!

  6. I just read my first full-length SW this week too. I’ve been following her blog hopping for the new book. It looks very intriguing.

  7. Jen

    I love Shiloh Walker. I still have all the e books I have on my e-reader because I’m not willing to delete them to make room for more books.

  8. Hey, thanks for stopping by my little slow going blog. I would love to get my little hands on this book. It looks great!

  9. Jen – I’m a sucker for her Hunters so I understand completely!

    Drea – it’s always slow going at first then your brain takes off and you’ll have a hard time keeping up with it! 🙂

    Steph – Thanks for the compliment chickie – glad you popped by. LOL you know me and my kids *sigh* never a dull moment!

  10. OMG it did it again here WTF? I don’t think Blogger likes me… That’s it I quit by and by you already gave the book away but don’t worry I have a copy *pouts* stupid blogger

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