Review: This Charming Man by Marian Keyes.

Posted June 17, 2008 by Rowena in Reviews | 6 Comments

Grade: 3.75 out of 5

Paddy de Courcy is Ireland’s debonair politician, the “John F. Kennedy Jr. of Dublin.” His charm and charisma have taken hold of the country and the tabloids, not to mention our four heroines: Lola, Grace, Marnie, and Alicia. But though Paddy’s winning smile is fooling Irish minds, the broken hearts he’s left in his past offer a far more truthful look into his character.

Narrated in turn by each woman, This Charming Man explores how their love for this one man has shaped their lives. But in true Marian Keyes fashion, this is more than a story of four love affairs. It’s a testament to the strength women find in themselves through work, friendship, and family, no matter what demons may be haunting their lives. Depression, self-doubt, domestic abuse—each of these women has seen tough times in life, and it’s through Keyes’s wonderful storytelling ability that these subjects are approached with the appropriate tone and candor. Her deft touch provides a gripping story and, ultimately, a redemptive ending.

I have never read a book by Marian Keyes before. I’ve always wanted to but I’ve never gotten around to it until now.

It’s easy to see why Marian Keyes is so popular and well liked. She tells a story in a unique manner that pulls at your emotions. She’s funny, she brings up real life issues and her storytelling keeps you turning the pages.

This story worked for me.

I say that it worked for me because I enjoyed it but I know that Holly wouldn’t enjoy this book. I think Holly would want to murder Lola and Casee doesn’t enjoy chick lit so this isn’t the book for her either. But there might be some Marian Keyes fans out there that will enjoy this book if they can get past Lola.

Lola, was such a bore at times and at other times she got on my hot damn frickin’ nerves. I mean, I feel for her because of what she went through in this book but ugh, she was a bit much to take, I guess.

Then there was Grace and Marnie. Grace is a journalist and Marnie is her sister who’s first love was Paddy de Courcy.

Then there was Alicia, Paddy’s fiance’ who is trying to be the best fiance’ ever but things just aren’t working out that way for her.

The way that these women band together to bring that fool Paddy down made for some interesting reading. It had it’s high moments and it’s low moments but as a whole, I think this book was good. It’s one of those journey stories in which the characters are working through some trying problems and dealing with things and you see them growing as people right up until the very end. It’s one of those stories that will have you laughing, tearing up and just glad that you finished it.

It drags a bit in the middle of the story and Lola, Lola, Lola is a trial but if you can get past her dumbness then I’m sure you’ll enjoy this story. It was a good first story for me to try by Marian Keyes and I’m glad that I read this book so I will be reading more by her. This was a bit dark to be ‘chick lit’ but I still enjoyed it.

Should you read it? Sure you should, it’s a good read.

This book is available from William Morrow. You can buy it here or here in e-format.

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6 responses to “Review: This Charming Man by Marian Keyes.

  1. I have read almost everything by Keyes, and like most of them. This wasn’t my favourite book by her though, and Lola was the main reason for me as well. Not only because she was a bit much to take, but also because of the voice that Keyes used for Lola – the structure of the dialogue was very choppy and incomplete.

    Definitely give some of the other Keyes a go.

  2. Rowena

    I will definitely be checking out more MK for sure. Thanks Marg and Lola, ugh…she got on my nerves.

  3. Just started this book. On about page 80 and I had to see what others were saying because I am getting a headahce reading this. The awful sentence structure and so so so many omitted words in sentences is making me go crazy.

    I adore every other book by Marian Keyes, I think she is amazing and was so excited to read this book. I’m still excited to read this book — But the writing.. or bad editing or whatever the issue is, is driving me nuts. I had to get that out there!

  4. Eadaoin

    I’d just like to say i’ve also read most of Marian Keyes books. Including this one. I live in Dublin and although i can see where you are all coming from in relation to the bad dialogue style for Lola. I really liked the character. In fact she was my favourite.

  5. Lorraine

    Same. I am just about finishing this book. Can’t wait to see how it turns out, but I agree 100%. The choppy journal/diary style of the Lola sections are really taking away from this story. I find myself filling in the omitted words as I read her sections. Otherwise, I find it to be a good story.

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