**CONTEST ALERT** Win Bet Me by Jennifer Crusie!

Posted May 19, 2008 by Holly in Giveaways, Reviews | 21 Comments

Bet Me by Jennifer Crusie is one of my all time favorite books. As Rowena and I said in our review, it’s fun, fresh, has interesting characters and witty dialogue and is just all around wonderful.

But sadly, despite my constant praise of the book and assurance that it’s fabulous, Casee still refuses to read it. Isn’t that awful? One would almost think Casee doesn’t have faith in my recommendations, wouldn’t one? No matter that I’ve yet to steer her wrong, or recommend a bad book to her. *sigh* Isn’t that terribly depressing?


But hope is not lost. Why, you ask? Because I’ve decided to enlist your help. Yes, all of you. Here’s the thing, I think we can get Casee to read Bet Me. Ok wait, let me rephrase: I think all of YOU can get Casee to read Bet Me. It’s not going to be easy, but I have faith in you.

So here’s what I propose:

Leave a comment here, or write up a blog post of your own and leave the link the comments here, telling Casee why she should read Bet Me.

Because y’all want me to shut up about it? Because it’s the bestest book evah? Because you hated it and want her to agree with you? Because you’ve never read it and want her to tell you if you should?

Then, we’ll let Casee tell us who talked her into finally reading it. I’m sure y’all will find a way to convince her, because I refuse to believe Casee is that pigheaded Casee is pretty reasonable for the most part. =)

Now, here’s the thing. I think you deserve a prize for finally talking Casee into reading Bet Me. So I’m going to offer a hardback copy of it as a prize to the person who Casee says talked her into reading it. Exciting, no?

If, for some odd reason (and really, I don’t think this will happen, because I have complete! faith! in! all! of! you! *hinthint*) Casee isn’t convinced, I’ll be extremely disappointed select a winner at random from those who commented/linked. But really, I think you can do it.

Not interested in the hardback? I’ll get you a paperback instead (I know some of you like all your books in one format), or the eBook if you prefer.

As a bonus (and for added incentive) I’ll also throw in an extra prize: A (pre)order of a new release of your choice, from May – August. Hardback or Paperback, doesn’t matter.

But there’s a catch (isn’t there always?)…you only have until tomorrow at 3 p.m. to convince her.

So come on, get creative and talk Casee into reading Bet Me!!

P.S. Love you, Casee….

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21 responses to “**CONTEST ALERT** Win Bet Me by Jennifer Crusie!

  1. Hi, Casee!

    I think you should totally read Bet Me! Not only because it sounds fabulous – she knows the gorgeous Cal isn’t the man for her practical, white-cotton-bra, several-pounds-over-thin, self.

    And Cal is blindsided by the lust he feels for the voluptuous, sensual woman he glimpses behind Min’s actuary exterior.

    While Cal and Min struggle to deal with their mutual distrust and attraction, their friends and families try their best to interfere and direct the progression of the unlikely romantic connection.

    Doesn’t it sound funny and very romantic? And who doesn’t like such books? No one, I say, no one!

    So reason to read Bet Me #1 – it sounds like a great book and #2 – Holly will be very, very happy.

    Plus the cover’s so cute and Crusie’s such a great author – do I need to keep going?

    Lastly, there’s lots of good reason to read it! 🙂

  2. And! one more thing – look at Holly and Wena’s review of Bet Me – BOTH gave it 5 stars!

    If that isn’t enough to want to read this book, I don’t know what is..

  3. Casee,
    I think Wendy should win. She came up with the best answer already!

    #2 – Holly will be very, very happy.

    See….cuz you know, it’s all about me. LOL

  4. Casee,

    This book has it all, there’s drama, romance, great dialogue, a sexy guy and it really is very funny.

    Give it a go, I bet you will be glad you did.


    An evil idea just came to me. Why not get your hands an an audio recording of the book, skip to the first chapter (so she doesn’t know what she is listening to), grab Casee and tell her to listen to this. Just let her listen to a bit of it and maybe that will entice her into reading the book!!

  5. C2

    Casee – I think you should read “Bet Me” because Jenny Crusie is one of the best contemporary writers around and because Holly will never leave you alone if you don’t. LOL

  6. I think that Casee should read Bet Me already for two main reasons:

    First and foremost, and because everything is definitely about her, to make Holly happy. This should be enough of a reason, obviously, but just in case more encouragement is needed, there’s reason number two.

    Which is, because then Casee can convince me–a confesed non-Crusie fan–of just how great and wonderful a book it is, so that I read it as well. (In case the unthinkable happens and Casee doesn’t like the book, then she can reassure me I’m right in not reading Crusie–but we know the likelihood of such a thing is really low, ’cause both Holly and Rowena like this book)

    Good luck!

  7. I already have a copy of Bet Me so I don’t need another 😉 – but it’s one of my favorite books, and I’m always up for the chance to convince someone else to read it. Bet Me has some of the most fun characters in romance – very enjoyable and humorous. Smart, funny, and human.
    Also, Cal is a perfect hero. Clueless, charming, very squishable. Also, they talk about Elvis – Presley and Costello, ice cream, have a crazy wedding, evil bridesmaids, and stealth butterflies. Come on – don’t you want to know what that’s all about?
    Also shoes. Lots and lots of fabuloius shoes – worn by a demented shepherdess.
    Heck, I’ve convinced myself. I haven’t read it in a while, and I think I should pick it up for a re-read ;).

  8. Anonymous

    it is a wonderful book, trust me. i could put it down, one of the best book of the year was nominated too for RT and rita. love the charcerters, they are great, and the herione is a plus size and has reality issues with herself. so u should pick it up. jen cruise one of the best authors.

    kim h

  9. Maered

    Ok – I was just reading my copy of Bet Me before I saw this contest (spooky!) so I have to comment. We finally have a book about a heroine who is very easy to relate to. Min is frumpy and plain but smart. Cal, the hero, only asks her out on a bet. The secondary characters are great and add to the story. I esp loved Cal’s nephew Harry.

    So come on, don’t you want to read a hilarious, charming, heart- warming, contemporary? Cal is one of Crusie’s best hero’s. He’s gorgeous, rich and cool but is slightly clueless at times. And he feeds Min – bread and doughnuts. *sigh* What a guy.

  10. Ooooh, fun contest. Okay, first off I think the question we need to be asking is why, WHY Casee doesn’t want to read this book. Then I could taylor my suggestion to counteract why she doesn’t want to read it. Having said that, I will start with why I enjoyed the book.

    First and foremost, the clever, witty dialog. There are a great cast of characters in this book. You have three guy friends and three girlfriends all with different personalities and it is so fun to read them all cutting it up when they get together.

    Secondly, Cal and Min are very relatable. They are just regular people with regular fears about themselves. They have problems with their family. They are just so normal it is very easy to relate to them.

    Thirdly, this book is a quick read. If you started it in the morning I am sure you would be finished by the evening. (Ya know, working in between chapters.) That’s how I know it’s a good book, when the laundry doesn’t get done because I want to see what is going to happen next to Cal and Min.

    Okay, are you convinced yet?

  11. I feel the need to point out that Holly hasn’t left me alone about this in about 2 years. I didn’t think it could get any worse until yesterday. LOL

    I also want to let you all know that I started this book once or twice. Maybe I just wasn’t in the mood for this type of book at those times.

    So keep it coming. Convince me!

  12. Casee, you have this book?


    And you have started it and put it down more than once?


    Okay, that’s it.

    Casee, you have to read Bet Me now.

    Think of the poor book! Languishing in the bookshelf,unfulfilled. Wondering what’s is it that’s so wrong with it that you won’t read it all the way through!

    Think of the book!!!!!

    *shooing motions* Go. Read it.


  13. Casee,

    You should read this book because the characters really make the story. Min is just a normal person who wants to be left alone (even though she makes herself miserable), and Cal is the only one who won’t let her do that. The book is light and fun, so if you want a book taht is going to put a smile on your face then you need to read it. I think it’s one of Crusie’s best. The humor reminds me of SEP’s Match Me If You Can and the new one (Charmer smthng…) so you should def read the book.

  14. So let me get this straight – you have the book.. yet you haven’t read it? Casee! why are you leaving the poor book all by it’s lonesome self? Just read it, woman! 🙂

  15. Casee,

    Find a nice quiet comfortable place to sit.
    Comfy? Okay.
    Now, close you eyes and breathe slowly and evenly. Let the world fade away. Just relax, sink into that comfortable chair. Concentrate on your breathing, breathe in, count to four and breathe out. Breathe in, count to four and breathe out. Feeling relaxed? Good.
    Keep your eyes closed, you are feeling very relaxed. I want you to now start saying to yourself ‘I am going to read Bet Me. I am going to read Bet Me. I am going to read Bet Me’.
    Slowly open you eyes, you are still feeling relaxed. Now go and find your copy of Bet Me and start reading it!!

  16. orannia

    Hey All,

    OK, this is attempt 2 at posting (and convicing Casee to read Bet Me) as attempt 1 has vanished, which is a shame as it was beautiful 🙂

    Did I read correctly Casee? You’ve already tried to read this book a number of times? Hmmm….there isn’t any point in picking up the book if you think you aren’t going to enjoy it…because you won’t. So, I would say don’t pick it up just yet (no, this isn’t an attempt at reverse psychology 🙂 Leave it in your TBR pile until you have one of those days…you know the ones – when everything goes wrong and you just feel like screaming? It isn’t just me that has those kinds of days, is it? Anyway, when you feel like that and you want to read a book that will cheer you up, make you giggle and snicker and laugh out loud (there are some very witty conversations between various characters) – THEN pick up Bet Me. It is definitely a ‘pick you up’ kind of book. It’s also a good book to read on a day when….when you’re looking in the mirror and wondering what went wrong 🙂 Because the heroine isn’t a size zero and she isn’t drop dead gorgeous. But saying all that, it is a light and fluffy book…but sometimes we need those between the dark and heavy books (at least I do 🙂


    orannia *who now wants to re-read Bet Me* (I only read it for the first time 2 months ago…well, at least I convinced someone 🙂

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