Crazy in Love by Lani Diane Rich
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
Publication Date: October 1st 2007
Genres: Fiction
Pages: 336
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Flynn Daly is turning thirty. And thirty is the age where she has to, gulp, get a job. Not just any job, but a job working for her real estate magnate father, a man who's tired of supporting his daughter through her many careers. So when their great-aunt Esther Goodhouse, proprietress of a historic inn nestled in Nowhere, New York, dies, Flynn finds herself smack dab in the country, contending with a hotel staff that's unsure of their new boss, a scruffy, sexy ex-policeman named Jake Turner who's convinced that Esther's death wasn't as natural as it seemed, and the ghost of Aunt Esther herself, who starts showing up in Flynn's dreams and undoing all the personal touches that Flynn tries to make to her new home.
This was an enjoyable book. Light and easy to read. I breezed right through it.
It was laced with humor. Flynn has an excellent sense of humor and often made me laugh out loud. When her grandmother starts haunting her, Flynn’s way of dealing with it (Turning the music up as loud as possible, hiding under the covers, etc) was hilarious.
Flynn and Jake were interesting characters, and though the novel could have been dark because of Jake’s quest to prove himself innocent of an embezzling scheme he had nothing to do with, it was rather fun instead. The secondary characters were interesting and worked well with the plot. I especially liked Jake’s sister, Mercy.
Even though the story takes place over the course of a few weeks, rather than months or years, I still felt the relationship between Flynn and Jake was well developed. But towards the end a conflict arises between them that seemed rather contrived and came out of no where. I don’t want to spoil it, but that element just didn’t work for me.
The rest of the story was enjoyable, however, and I’d recommend it if you’re in the mood for something lighthearted and fun.
4.0 out of 5
Sounds like a cute book for a certain kind of mood. I do like scruffy ex-policemen. Sometimes the cartoon covers really turn me off, though.
It was a cute book, Carolyn. I enjoyed it for what it was. I agree about the covers, too.