Today, Wena and I (Holly) are going to going confess some of our reading
sins quirks. Feel free to do the same in either the comments section or your own blog. They say Confession is good for the soul, right?
Holly: 1. Unless I’m reading a series book (like the Study Series by Maria V. Snyder) and don’t want the end ruined, I almost always read the end of a book before I read the beginning. Sometimes it’s just the last page, but more often than not it’s the entire last chapter. I figure if I’m curious enough about how they got to that point, I’ll read the book. If not, I just move on.
Rowena: 2. I have 2 copies of my favorite books, one that I can read everywhere and one where I read in the bathroom!
LMAO! No you didn’t
What? I do. LOL.
I don’t have two copies, but I won’t go in the bathroom without a book. Dude, it’s BORING in there.
- I buy 90% of my posts in e-format, but if I like the book I have to buy it in paperback, because I need it on my shelf.
oh, and I’ll do 4, too.
- I don’t share my ebooks, because it’s illegal and I’m married to a cop, but I still don’t see what the big deal is. I share my other books, so why can’t I share these?
I’m not married to a cop but I have a friend who is and I’ll be damned if I admit to her that I share ebooks…LOL.
I’m not a cover snob at all. Really, I’m not just saying that. I’m not a cover snob. But when my mom bought a book because the guy on the cover was hot? I had serious issues with that.
I have my books plopped open in my office everyday and I’ll read, read, read and then work, work, then read, read, read and then work. That’s how I roll.
I read eBooks at work. I don’t have an actual office (or even a cubicle) so my boss would catch me if I tried to read a paperback. But I can read HTML or PDF’s at work and he’s none-the-wiser.
Hey, I do that too! haha.
- When Brenna was a baby and we lived in San Diego, to get her to quiet down and go to sleep, I would lull her to sleep while I read aloud to her….whatever romance novel I was reading at the time.
I used to do that with my kids, too, but then The Girl said something about sex or a man rod to one of her teachers and ruined it for me.
- Sometimes, I hide in the bathroom and read. Like, for an hour or longer. Because it’s the only quiet place in the house.
man rod…haha. Dude, you better be careful with that reading in the bathroom, don’t stay too long or the toilet will grow onto your butt, LMAO!
- I still hide my books from my parents. I know they know that I read romance novels and I know that they’ve seen my books before…but that doesn’t stop me from hiding my books when they come over.
Ugh. That’s so wrong! Nasty. That poor woman. (heh)
- Sometimes I stay up late and read. Like…all night. So then I’m too tired to get up for work in the morning and I come in late. But I totally make up some other excuse for it.
are you serious?
- I take better care of my books than I do my clothes.
I don’t care how my books look. The spines crease, the covers get bent, whatever. They’re for my reading enjoyment. I can’t enjoy reading them if I’m worried about the spine or whatever.
me too dammit! I even dog ear my books and I ain’t too proud to beg …for a book! LOL.
- I still like Johanna Lindsey dammit.
I’m mad at Karen Marie Moning for deciding to write in first person and abandoning her Highlander series. That’s the real reason I haven’t read her Fever books.
Oh dang, serious? Is she not going to write any more MacKeltar books or are you just impatient for them?
- In Church, I sometimes read my ebook reader in class, people think I have my scriptures on my ebook reader, but shhhh, I don’t. I know, I know, I’m going to that dark place, sigh I can’t help it.
I don’t know, but it’s been what? 3 years since the last one came out and there’s no news about a new Highlander release, is there? Yeah, that’s what I thought.
Dude, you’re going straight to h e double hockey sticks. LOL
- I’ve only listened to three audiobooks in my entire life, and even though I enjoyed them, I haven’t bought one since the last. And that was almost 4 years ago.
Alright, I already know where I’m going so I’m okay.
- Sometimes when my friend ask if they can borrow a book and I know I won’t get it back, I’ll lie and say that my sister in Colorado has it just so that I won’t look like a b-word and say no. and
I’ll take 20, too.
- I didn’t go to Chelsea’s (my niece) bday dinner cause I wanted to read but I told them I wasn’t feeling good. haha
You’re going straight to the dark place, Ween. No joke.
Alright ladies, don’t be shy, share your confessions with us.
Before I purchase a book I automatically go to the last chapter to see if the hero and heroine have their HEA.
I also have to find at least one sex scene that will make my buy the book or take it out of the library. Sometimes if the cover is too sexy or risque, I move on, because I do have a habit of choosing a book by its cover or snappy title.
I always read the end of a book before I start it. I want to be sure it ends the way I want it to, otherwise why bother??
Also, my books are probably my most prized possessions. No dog-ears, damaged spine, or bent pages on my copies. Ever. And if I loan a book (which I’m seriously considering not doing anymore) you’d better return it to me in the same condition I lent it to you, or you’d better plan on buying me a new copy.
You know, I should have added another confession:
21: Even though I don’t care how *I* treat my books, if I loan one out I expect it to come back in mint condition.
Yes, I’m contradictory like that.
And I think it’s terribly rude to borrow a book and then not take care of it. Actually, twice I’ve had to buy a new book for someone because something happened to the one I borrowed (i have children and dogs, it’s inevitable..LOL).
I find the cover discussions fascinating because my blindness means I have no idea what people are talking about. And I do share ebooks, too. Not with the Interwebs, but I do sometimes send books I particularly recommend to friends, and people have scanned books for me that they know I can’t get as ebooks and sent them along.
LOL, these are great, I think I relate to about 99% of those. and more.
I smuggle books – I buy so many books, I have no room the in house anymore so my partner is always telling me off. So I get them delivered to work and bring them home one at a time.
Sometimes, when a book is really good and I can’t stop reading but I have to do house chores, I do them with the book at hand: cook, hoovering, etc. LOL. I even take them into the FREAKING shower – that is a hard one to keep the water away from the book *g*
Yeah, we are probably all mad.
I have spreadsheet for organizing purposes only that I am always redoing or adding to.
I reorgainize my books monthly. I spend more money on books then anything else.
I always have a book on me somewhere even tradebooks. I went out and found a purse big enough to hold a hardback just in case.
I am one of those sick people that judges books by their cover. If it is too chessy count me out I will have to read a lot of good reviews about it before I will purchase it.
I rarely buy used books b/c I want the author to get the money. Usually only buy out of print books used.
Whew that was a lot but it feels good to get it off my chest!
I want all my books in perfect condition. I hate spine creases. And You Dog-earers. I loath you! LOL.
I hate lending books to people because they always come back looking worn. My books, even my favs. that I’ve read over and over, still look brand new. I refuse to lend books to my roommate. I lent her a new book and it came back looking like it went through a shredder.
Anyway, I NEVER read the end before I start a book. You are sick sick people. 🙂
I HAVE to read books in order. I started an SEP that I thought was the next in the Chicago Stars series. Was about a quarter through it when I realized I’d missed a book. I seriously debated for like the rest of the DAY whether to quit reading, go back read the other or just continue. It about killed me but I ended up finishing it.
Le sigh.
Hmmm, I’m guilty of number one. I need to know how it’s going to end… sometimes, I’ll try to restrain myself, but it doesn’t work. I’ve start buying “keepsafe” copies of my favorite books, so I don’t have to bother about the condition of my non-keepsafe copy. I usually carry them in my bag, so they get tears, torns, bent pages and etc.
I don’t do e-books. I used to read really late into the night, but I can’t do it anymore, because I start work way too early. Sometimes, I’ll hide somewhere in the lab and read… but rarely, because I’ve been caught ^_^;
LOL, luckily, I think my parents have no idea at the amount of sex in romance… so I don’t need to hide the books from them 😛 I’m not a cover snob… but I have to admit I’m sometimes embarrased by them. I prefer pretty covers, but I’ll buy a bad cover if it has a good blurb or it’s a rec.
I don’t mind lending my books… seems like ppl around me are more careful than I am LOL 🙂
Mollie, i’m right there with you about the series order. In fact, I listed in the post I just finished. I started commenting on here and realized I was writing too much for a comment and turned it into a post on my blog. 🙂
Oh I have another confession! I have different books for different times. I always must have 2 books in my bag as I go into work. Great reading on the bus!
And then I must have another book for bedtime and a spare one downstairs in my living room if there is nothing in tv.
And as for bathroom reading…
Mollie, I would just like to point out you’re the minority here with your OCD self. LOL
Wonderful confessions, girls. Do you feel better now?
Oh, and just so y’all know..
It doesn’t matter one whit to me if I read in order or not. Unless it’s something that HAS to be read in order. And even then I’m meh about it.
You know, I don’t read the end…I just start the story and hope for the best but if the ending isn’t to my liking, you can bet the farm that I’ll be right here on Book Binge, ranting and raving all of the injustices of how much I hated the ending…haha.
And I don’t really care how my books look, when I say I take better care of my books then my clothes, what I mean is that I know where all of my books are and they’re always accounted for, I have spredsheets with all of the books that i have, the books that I borrow from friends and the books that I love and don’t love and all that. With my clothes, I don’t keep up with them. I have a Calvin Klein jacket that I loved with everything I was, I have no idea where it went and I was more bummed about losing my JM book than I was about the jacket.
Yeah, I know…I’ve got issues, but please save your tissues cause I got all the tissues I could ever possibly need.
I love this post.
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I keep ALL my books. Love, hate, indifferent, series, standalone, paperback, hardcover, tradepaper. Doesn’t matter. I keep them all. That is a sickness.
I read the ending first too. I don’t like the suspense. 🙂
I’m so glad I’m not the only one who reads the end first. HA!
K, waaay late to this discussion but I was on vacation. And am now promptly swamped again at work. But I have to say – I swear we were separated at birth, Holly (ok, birth + xxx years!). Yup, if I had to confess, they’d be a carbon copy of yours.