August Series by Lora Leigh

Posted February 19, 2008 by Book Binge Guest Blogger in Reviews | 8 Comments

I finally finished the three August Brothers books (I think there’s a fourth one but I’m not dying to read it) by Lora Leigh. In case you’re not familiar with the titles, here they are in sequential order: Marly’s Choice; Sarah’s Seduction; Heather’s Gift.

I know these are super old books, and I’m sure there are a ton of reviews already out there, but I was never brave enough to give these books a try until recently. Honestly, I’m very disappointed. I usually love LL’s cookbooks (that’s my code for ‘erotic books’) but these were just recipes of disaster.

The first one wasn’t so bad actually. Marly grew up under the protection of the August brothers (Cade, Brock and Sam); she loves all of them, but her heart belongs to Cade (LL hammers that thought your head throughout the series). Cade knows he shouldn’t be lusting after Marly, but finally gives in, after her life is threatened by a stalker. I guess he figured the only way to protect Marly was to make her ‘his woman’ so that of course means he finally gives into his lust for her. At the end of this book Cade talks Marly into screwing not just him but his other two brothers as well. Like a nice cozy family gathering.

The rest of the series is similar, each brother finding his own ‘heart’ and then sharing her with his other brothers. Since the men were physically and sexually abused when they were younger, they felt the only way to repair their brother bonds is to share their woman. Twisted huh? I mean, come on… if you wanna share your lover with your brothers, be my guest. I already read that in Colters’ Woman. But at least in CW, there was no bizarre reason for it; those brothers were just downright dirty.

I think I would’ve enjoyed the series much more if LL didn’t try to keep justifying the men’s behavior. Then when Sarah came along, she was all weirded out by the sharing thing (ok good that sounds normal)… only to later accept it and have sex with Cade while Brock was screwing Marly. WTF! That was so creepy reading about Marly and Sarah staring at each other while they were both being screwed by the wrong brother. Ugh. Wrong wrong wrong. Even I have my limits. And let’s not forget the side story of the killer/stalker in each book. Talk about lame.

You know what else bothered me? Why were the men always in sweat pants? I don’t know why but there’s something about sweatpants that makes me cringe and think of the perviness in another level. There’s pervy.. then there’s creepy pervy. That right there, is creepy pervy. It’s like hearing about men going to a strip club with their buddies at night…. versus a guy going to a strip club in the middle of the day in his sweat pants, and eating lunch there. Disgusting!

Anyway, I’m done rambling. After reading this series I’ve fallen out of the whole cookbook phase….for now. *wink*

Guest blogger – Daphne

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8 responses to “August Series by Lora Leigh

  1. Hey Zeek! Yah I thought it was uber lame too. I haven’t read the breeds, you’re actually the first person I’ve heard say they’ve read it. I might give those a try.

  2. Lori

    LOL, I have to admit, your review made me laugh, Daphne. Cause, they are rather creepy, but this series is hot.

  3. bwaahaaa!!! Love the reviews. LOL

    You know, most families have Sunday dinner, but the August’s are more for Sunday group sex. Dinner table optional.

    In my review of Dawn’s Awakening, these are some of the train wrecks I was referring to. Honestly, I could not figure out why I continued to read this series. Plus I liked it.

    If you get a sec, Daphne, can you email me? caseek at gmail dot com.

  4. ROTHFLMAO!! Sweat Pants!! I just recently read Marly’s Choice and thought it was terrible. Cade was a jerk and there was way too much mental lusting. Not to mention just a general creepy vibe. I remember there being one scene where the guys were wearing sweat pants and I thought to myself, “How is this sexy? Sweat pants are not sexy.” This review was just too funny! I never made it past Marly’s Choice and I don’t think I will 🙂

  5. Chantal – you started with this as your first erotic? wowza. talk about plunging head first… you know what’s sad though? i’m so used to multiple men now that when i read an erotic with only one guy one girl, i’m usually meh about it. hah!

    Lori – I know what you mean. I kept saying it was sick and twisted and wrong, but I honestly read these back to back. Could not put them down for some reason.

    Casee – Yah no kidding about the Sunday night thing. The August men probably don’t use their dining table for eating food. I also forgot to mention how LL specifically pointed out that their couches were wide and big, to accomodate the fun and games. Geez, how wide of a couch can that be?

    Jill – Yah I still can’t get over the over-the-top use of the sweatpants. Aren’t they supposed to be ranchers or cowboys or whatever? Sweatpants?!

    Zeek – Haha, exactly! Sweatpants means no fumbling with your zipper to get your cash and prizes out. Just slide them down. LOL, sick!

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