Booking Through Thursday: 11/15/2007

Posted November 15, 2007 by Holly in Features | 5 Comments


Today’s question comes from Conspiracy-Girl:
I’m still relatively new to this meme so I’m not sure if this has been asked yet, but I’m curious how many of us write notes in our books. Are you a Footprint Leaver or a Preservationist?

Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response (so people don’t have to go searching for it) in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!

Rowena Says:

No, I never write in my books. I don’t leave any kind of written notes on my books, but when I’m researching stuff for posts or for a book discussion or something, I can get kind of crazy with my post its, to save a certain part so that I can include it in a post or whatever I need it for…but I don’t ever actually write in my books. I don’t have the heart to do that, I never did that in school either, in school, I wrote down the page number and paragraph in my notebook ….now for Church lessons, I mark up my lesson book with little notes and I highlight things I want to include in my lesson, but I have to do it very neatly so that it’s still pretty. I’m a dork like that.

Holly Says:

People actually write in their books? I think that’s got to be sacrilegious or something. LOL Obviously I’m not the type to write in my books. I’m actually kind of anal about that. If I need to mark a passage, I use a sticky note or a piece of paper to hold the page or I write on a separate piece of paper. Unlike Ween, I don’t color code them. I’ll tell you, tough, having an eReader helps with this. You can add markups and notes to your books w/ the device and then clear them when you no longer need them. It’s really nice to have.

Casee Says:

Dude, people actually write in their books? I never have. Ever. Not even in my text book for my Accounting class. I got a highlighter to highlight some helpful things and I couldn’t bring myself to do it.

So the answer is no. I’m most definitely not a footprint leaver.

Isabel Says:

No, I don’t leave any notes in my books. No book marks, nothing. In my college text books I did. I’d high light stuff but that was about it.

What about the rest of you? Do you leave footprints in your books? Ever gotten a book that had footprints in it?

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5 responses to “Booking Through Thursday: 11/15/2007

  1. Dev

    Nope, never. Like Izzy, I highlighted my college texbooks, but as far as my reading books? I try to keep them as pristine as they started. No dog ears, no bending back the covers, no placing them page down on the coffee table ~ none of that. I had lots of bookmarks, and believe me, I use them.

  2. I prefer not to write in mine, but sometimes when I must, I will do so in pencil which I can erase later. I was pretty free with the highlighter in college–the books were already pretty used (I could never afford to buy new text books), and so it didn’t seem to matter much at that point. I have no guilt about that at all. I graduated and that was all that mattered.

    Sometimes footprints can be quite interesting. I tend to prefer to read a book without them, but in certain circumstances, it can be quite enlightening.

  3. I’m not a neat freak with my books, so sometimes, they end up really well-read and pretty bad condition, but I’ve never written in it! (that’s the least I can do)… the only books in which I’ve written was my textbooks (but even then, not that much…) and I have Sailor Moon manga… which I colored ^^; What can I say, I was young… LOL

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