Am I the ONLY One..

Posted August 3, 2007 by Holly in Discussions | 11 Comments

…in Romancelandia who lurrrves the secret baby plot? Well, ok, to clarify it has to be well written, but I don’t hate them. On the contrary, I quite enjoy them. Sometimes I take them from my shelf and love them and stroke them. Other times I throw them carelessly across the room because the reason behind the “secret” are the stupidest thing evah, but overall, I’m not a hater.

Am I alone?

Just curious…

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11 responses to “Am I the ONLY One..

  1. Wendy,
    I agree about the stupid reasons our heroine comes up with to live in poverty so her hero won’t find out. *rolls eyes* As I said, they have to be well written.

    Sybil had something up today about “Avonization” and Wendy mentioned there she didn’t think anyone online would cop to liking the “secret baby” plot device.

    It got me thinking..I’ve only ever heard people complain about it, so am I alone in my love?

    Apparently not. Thank you for making me feel not so alone. LOL

  2. I used to LOVE them. But one day, I guess my brain reached its TSTL threshold and I started getting annoyed at stupid reasons for keeping the baby a secret. But done well, I do love it still. Then again, I can get past most things in fiction if it’s done well.

  3. Wendy

    I don’t hate them, but they have to be done well. Also, I don’t actively seek them out, but if a well-done secret baby book falls in my lap I’m totally kosher with it.

    My huge pet peeve with this plot device is when the heroine doesn’t tell the father he’s a father for some stupid reason and she’s pinching pennies living below poverty level. Yeah, having the guy throw some child support your way would certainly be the end of the world ::dripping sarcasm::

    But yeah, you might be the only reader online I know who openly admits they like the plot. Everyone else claims to hate it with a burning, seething passion.

  4. I love you Holly sweets but I hate the secret baby plot. In order for this plot to be well done the Hero has to pretty much see the child and be able to do math. Anything other than that and I’m thinking he’s TSTL.

    I know there are many reasons for women to keep things to themselves and there are two women close to my heart who are single mothers. Difference is the men knew they were pregnant and wanted nothing to do with it. I know that people talk about child support but with that comes custody issues. Both women have raised their children with no help from the men (my cousin is now 22 so my Aunt did very well even though I know it must have been tough). My one best bud lives in fear that the man will show up one day and decide he wants parental rights. I think there is a time when that is no longer an option legally but I know her fear is very real.

    The difference here is that both men knew and made asshole choices as far as I’m concerned.

    The thing about secret baby plots is that one conversation can make all the difference and I think I got burned by them one too many times in the 80s. I could easily accept it in a historical however, but I’m still going to be sighing and grumbling 😉


  5. Chantal

    I love them, too. Thats why I like harlequin presents so much. They are full of them.
    Virgins, A wedding ending, Amnesia, etc.

    Heres the thing. I hate the Heroine when she doesn’t tell the father that she is pregnant. I still love the book though. Weird.

  6. I don’t hate the secret baby element but I’m not a big fan of ‘reunited lovers’ type books so I tend to steer away from them. That means that I generally pass on the secret baby stories.

    I like the friends having a baby together and the sperm bank plots though.

  7. hi Holly 😀

    I like them 😛 but as Wendy says, they have to be well-written and it’s definitively nicer when the mother doesn’t live in poverty… the thing though, is that I prefer when the kids are still young… and not in their teens.

  8. Well, I don’t claim to hate it, but babies mostly just don’t scream “romance” to me, so I avoid them. Yet I’m reading a Harlequin called Nine Month’s Notice right now…

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