E Reader Envy

Posted June 19, 2007 by Book Binge Guest Blogger in Discussions | 14 Comments

I just have one thing I gotta say:

E books sucks and every one just needs to stick with paperback or hardback so people who don’t have e readers don’t have to print out every single fricking chapter. Cause not only does it suck printing out every single chapter but then you have all these papers that end up getting tossed.

As you can tell, I’m the person who doesn’t have the e reader. I don’t like reading e books on the computer cause I like to sprawl on my bed or couch and read. Can’t do that on the computer.

So excuse me while I, the only person who doesn’t have an e reader and has e reader envy, check on the printer and throw Holly and all you other e reader owners a dirty look.

Of course if I even buy an e reader my tune will totally change. Until then, dirty looks!

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14 responses to “E Reader Envy

  1. It’d probably be a lot more economical in the long run to buy an e-reader, than to continuously spend money on refilling print cartridges. I don’t know about your printer, but the cartridges for mine are kind of pricy and they run out fairly quick. If I printed out books, I’d be running to the store all the time! I feel your pain, though, because I don’t like e-books much myself—I just don’t like being confined to a computer, but I rarely read e-books so investing in an e-reader wouldn’t really pay-off. You should definitely check ebay out and other places to see if you can find a low-priced deal—at least to start out with and see if you like it.

  2. First of all….


    Love you.


    I’m all about instant gratification. That’s what I get when I buy an eBook. Since I moved, my bookstore is now an hour from my house. I don’t want to drive an hour to get a new book. So, I buy eBooks and I don’t have to wait to get them. Nice, right?

    Having the reader makes all the difference, though, because I don’t like being chained to my computer either.

    And now that almost all of my favorite authors are releasing their books in E-format, too, I’m even more excited. 🙂

  3. I don’t have one either! Wwwaaaahhhh! But I don’t print out e-books. I just sit at my computer…but it is a pain!

  4. Can I recommend the eBookwise Reader? It’s not expensive, relatively speaking ($140, compared to over $200 for others). It’s low-tech, relatively speaking. The battery lasts 11-hours between charges (huge convenience). It’s got a backlit screen – terrific for nighttime reading. And it will read most anything you throw at it. Plus the eBookwise bookstore is chockablock with new releases.

    Go here: http://www.ebookwise.com/

    You’ll see a BUY NOW! link in the upper right to buy the reader.

  5. Gwen,
    That’s what I have. I’ve been trying to talk the girls into buying one, but they’re not having it at the moment. Help me convince them, will you?

  6. Chantal- I think so too. But I want a new camera too. WHich is more important? hmmm.

    Dance Chica- Shhh don’t tell, but I don’t print the chapters at home. Yeah, naughty me. I know. I don’t really read e books all that much either. That’s another thing. Do I really want to spend the money on it? Plus, I like my paper back books. lol

    Holly- I hate you.

    Marg- I tried reading on the computer, I got distracted and started playing with other stuff on the net.

    Thanks Gwen! I’ll check that out.

  7. I don’t have an e-reader either but that’s because I’m a stubborn cheap mule. And I don’t buy e-books because they look like crazy money for stories that are too short. Maybe this has all changed but until I see stories I can buy for a couple bucks, I’m not forking out for a reader.

    Just think, the longer you and I wait, the bigger and better and cheaper they will get. Then who will be laughing 😉


  8. Cindy,
    That actually has changed. I thought the same thing you did, but now almost all the big name authors/publishers are releasing their books in eFormat. The nice thing about this for me (and I bet for you too, since you have issues like me..lol) is that when I order a book, I don’t have to wait for it. This means I don’t have to go to the store and I don’t have to wait on the postman. I bet this would be good for Kristie(j), too. 😉

  9. Lori

    I have the ebookwise, too. I say go for it! Next time they have a sale, I’ll send you a coupon!

  10. LOL 😀 Isabel… I don,t have one either!! I don’t want to make the switch 😛 although, I don’t read much e-books either 😛

  11. Rowena

    I want an eBook reader (one that works mind you! haha) but I’m iffy on dishing the money out because I don’t read that many eBooks and I’d RATHER have the paperbacks instead of the eBooks…but that’s just me.

    You’re not alone Iz, I’m jealous but I’m also too cheap as well! LOL.

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