Tag: WTF Cover Saturday

WTF Cover Saturday (5)

Posted March 2, 2013 by Rowena in Features | Tagged: , | 4 Comments
WTF Cover Saturday (5)

I saw this week’s cover and immediately said, “WTF this this?”  So how could I not post it? “Their sterile marriage threw her into a sin spin?” She looks embarrassed and well, can you blame her with him putting her on blast like that?  Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha…

WTF Cover Saturday (4)

Posted February 23, 2013 by Holly in Features | Tagged: , | 7 Comments
WTF Cover Saturday (4)

Today’s WTF cover is an oldie. I’d completely forgotten about it until JenB reminded me on Twitter yesterday. The cover itself isn’t so bad. I mean, it isn’t great, but on its own I probably wouldn’t feature it here. But coupled with the content? This definitely deserves a WTF. Ummm, yeah. W.T.F.

WTF Cover Saturday (2)

Posted February 9, 2013 by Holly in Features | Tagged: , | 9 Comments
WTF Cover Saturday (2)

Todays’ WTF Cover comes to us courtesy of Ellora’s Cave. I have to admit the background of this one isn’t so bad. Half naked chick being mauled by half naked dude isn’t something we haven’t seen before. What disturbs me is that random arm wrapped around dude in the foreground. Where did it come from? […]

WTF Cover Saturday (1)

Posted February 2, 2013 by Holly in Features | Tagged: , | 5 Comments
WTF Cover Saturday (1)

I’ve seen some bad covers in my day. Ellora’s Cave always has some awful ones. Plus, I remember all of those scary, terrible ones from the glory days of Ebookwise.com. shudder But this cover? HOLY YIKES, BATMAN. I might have nightmares after seeing this. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. I did not want the image of […]