WTF Cover Saturday (227)
Another week, another bad romance cover. This is such a cringeworthy book cover. I’m proud to be a romance reader but that cover?? No. Just, no.
Another week, another bad romance cover. This is such a cringeworthy book cover. I’m proud to be a romance reader but that cover?? No. Just, no.
We’re back for more WTFuckery, lovely readers. Let’s see what’s in store for us today, shall we? This cover is a hot mess of crap shadowing, even crappier photoshop skills and just a whole lot of bad cover. Lots and lots of WTF.
We’ve been doing this feature for 225 weeks. That’s a lot of WTFuckery, guys. The party is still going with this week’s cover too. Check it out: First off, there’s too much going on. From the cartoon God that apparently took that real life heroine and the ugly font then there’s that title. WTF?
This week’s cover comes courtesy of our friend, Sandy. It’s another whopper too. WTF??
I honestly have no words… …other than, WTF is this?