WTF Cover Saturday (317)

The bulging veins. Why is he naked? Does he play hockey naked? The crown. Does he wear it or just play with it on? Just a strange one.
The bulging veins. Why is he naked? Does he play hockey naked? The crown. Does he wear it or just play with it on? Just a strange one.
Oh Lord, my eyes. My eyes. They are burning. This cover cannot be unseen. The shimmering abs? The color of the legs which don’t match the rest of him? Which makes me wonder, how is he even tan when he’s a Sea Lord? And the weird bulges on his left arm. Gross.
I understand this is an alien novel. I have no issue with the blue or the scales. No, it’s the platinum hair. What is happening here? Who’s his stylist anyway?
What do y’all think? A couple of things come to my mind. 1) What is the actual title of this book? 2) Does this guy look Unearthly to you? 3) What is immediately under “Book II”? Some food for thought on your Saturday morning.
Our cover this week is courtesy of blogger Lynda the Guppy (thanks, Lynda the Guppy!). This one is a real gem too, ladies and gentlemen (yes, gents, I know you’re out there). From the weird ab like thing sticking out from the man on his right side and his hair? Then moving right along to […]