WTF Cover Saturday (332)
I’m throwing it back today. I don’t know how these covers made it through any sort of art process. This is partly why romance is given a bad name. Even with that, I smile every time I see a cover like this.
I’m throwing it back today. I don’t know how these covers made it through any sort of art process. This is partly why romance is given a bad name. Even with that, I smile every time I see a cover like this.
This cover is just creepy to me. What say you?
This cover is eye-rolling. I could say the obvious “who rides a motorcycle like that”, but I can’t even be bothered. This cover is just too much.
I don’t understand how anyone can think this is attractive. This is a true head-scratcher for me.
At first glance, this didn’t really look like a WTF cover. Then my eyes went to the gun. In his pants. Do people really do that? That being said, I still plan on reading the book.