Tag: worst of 2014

Worst of 2014: The Books

Posted January 9, 2015 by Rowena in Features | 8 Comments

worst of 2014_books

Rowena: I read a lot of great books this year, but I also read some duds. Here are the books that made my not so best list of 2014.

  1. An Outlaw in Wonderland by Lori Austin. I read this book for a buddy review with Ames but I couldn’t get past the first few chapters. The whole thing started off boring and by day 3 of trying to force myself to read it, I threw in the towel.

  2. Waiting on You by Kristan Higgins. This book pissed me off. Colleen got on my nerves, Lucas’ Aunt and Uncle got on my nerves and so did Lucas. I hated that Colleen got diarrhea of the mouth every time Lucas was in the same space as her and I hated that Lucas never told his Aunt and his Uncle to shove it. I hated the games that Colleen played to get Paulie and Bryce together and then as if that wasn’t enough, we find out some dirty crap went down between Colleen and Bryce? Ugh, this whole book just didn’t work for me. At all.

  3. Irresistible Force by D.D. Ayres. Every time I start a Romantic Suspense, I hope and pray that stupid shenanigans don’t go down. The kind of shenanigans that make me want to roll my eyes down the street. You know, the whole we’re fleeing for our lives because the bad guys are shooting at us and trying to kill us but I can’t stop thinking about the heroine’s ass in those jeans. Let me stop dodging bullets so that I can push the heroine up against the wall and bang her real quick. That happened in this book and I wanted to throw my iPad at the wall. On top of that, I got a good chunk into the book and still didn’t care about either the hero or the heroine.

  4. Before We Fall by Courtney Cole. I couldn’t get into this book. I’m not even sure why. I just kept trying to get into the story and then I’d get thrown out of the story because stupid crap kept happening until finally, I just quit. I thought Dom was such a dick in the beginning and after a while, I just stopped caring.

  5. I’ve Fallen and There’s a Tentacle in My Butt by Edward Naughty. I have no words for this book and I’m not even going to explain why I read this book…just know that I hated it. A lot. Probably the most of all the books I hated this year.

Holly: I still can’t believe Rowena read I’ve Fallen and There’s a Tentacle in My Butt. Hilarious. I read some really great books this year, but most of them were just okay. There were a few that definitely made my “worst of” list, though.

  1. Rhett by J.S. Cooper. Y’all, this book was  a trainwreck. The writing was choppy,  editing was terrible, the characters were a hot mess and the plot made zero sense. Not to mention the misogyny, double standards and plain old wtfery.

  2. Meeting Trouble by Emme Rollins. The premise was good, but the lack of maturity on the part of the heroine, poor editing and blatant disregard for the merits of safe-sex killed it.

  3. Torn by K.A. Robinson. The heroine was an immature baby who whined a lot and made terrible decisions, and the hero was controlling and acted the jerk more often than not.

  4. Against the Cage by Sydney Halston. I wanted to like this book, but the characters all read like teenagers, even though they were all established adults in their (near) 30’s. The lack of communication, constant giggling and avoidance tactics used by all parties drove me crazy.

  5. The Promise by Kristen Ashley. This wasn’t the worst book I read in 2014, but it was the one that disappointed me the most. I’d been waiting years for Benny and Frankie’s book, and I was severely disappointed. Benny acted like an inconsiderate jerk and Frankie allowed herself to be walked all over. I really expected more.

There you have it, our worst reads from 2014. Have any wallbangers you want to share? 

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