Posted October 9, 2008 by Rowena in Discussions | 16 Comments
Can I just tell you guys how frickin’ awesome Holly is. I don’t know how she did it but she did it and my dark mood? Not so much anymore. So everyone, take time out of your day today to tell Holly how awesome she is because she saved Book Binge from my dorkiness.
And thanks to whoever helped Holly because I was very, very freaked the hell out last night.
And thanks to everyone else (all you lovely readers) for being patient while I broke things and Holly fixed them!
And Holly and Casee, sorry I broke Binge Binge!
Tagged: Holly Rawks, Wena is Going Crazy, Wena Says, Wena Says
Posted October 9, 2008 by Rowena in Reviews | 13 Comments
I’m just freaking out a little bit.
I’m working on the blog and I’m trying to fix it so you might be seeing this for awhile. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Alright, until I can figure out how to fix our other blog template, you’ll be seeing a darker side (to match the mood that I’m in) of Book Binge and for those of you readers out there who have been with us since we started Sanctuary’s Finest, then this template should look familiar to you. It was one of the first templates we used on Sanctuary’s Finest.
Wish me luck guys.
ETA: We’re still not 100% cool yet, but we’re close. So sorry for all the confusion around here tonight. Keep your fingers crossed that we get all the kinks worked out for tomorrow. 😉
– Holly
Tagged: OMG, Reviews, Wena is Going Crazy