Tag: Wed in the West

Review: Reining in the Rancher by Karen Templeton.

Posted June 1, 2009 by Rowena in Discussions | 4 Comments

Rowena’s Review of Reining in the Rancher by Karen Templeton.

Hero: Johnny Griego
Heroine: Thea Benedict
Grade: 4 out of 5

“You’re what?”

Thea Benedict had been about to–honest to God—tell her ex loveer Johnny Griego she was pregnant. Until Johnny’s teenage daughter her to it with her big news!

Thea knew that Johnny wasn’t a happily-ever-after kind of guy. And now he had his little girl’s impeding motherhood to think about. So you could have knocked Thea over when the sexy rancher asked her to be his wife! She should have guessed Johnny was the type to do the right thing by her. Except Thea had some crazy notion about marrying for love…

I read this book yesterday (just in the nick of time) for K Mont’s Year of the Category Reading Challenge. I’m glad that I picked this book up because I enjoyed it. It’s been a long time since I’ve read about a rancher or a cowboy that I actually liked. The last couple of books with ranchers and cowboys made me want to punch someone in the eye because the heroines were too stupid to live. I’m happy to say that this book wasn’t anything like those other books that drove me right up the wall.

This book was a short but definitely a sweet one. I thought that this book did a remarkable job of sucking me in and giving me a few hours of entertainment. I thought that both Thea and Johnny were three dimensional characters that leaped right off the pages. They were solid characters that made me glad to have gotten to know them as I read their story. As short as this story was, I never once felt that there wasn’t enough background to carry this story. I thought Karen Templeton did a fantastic job of writing characters that I fell in love with and a story that I could enjoy.

Thea was a fantastic heroine. A heroine that I was rooting to get her happy ending. She was stubborn as a mule but her reasons for being stubborn were reasons that I totally understood and totally respected. I thought that the way that Thea handled things with Johnny before they got married were kind of iffy at first but as her reasons came to light, I felt that they were the right reasons for holding back. I’m glad that she didn’t fall into the cycle that her mother set for her when she was younger and I’m also extremely glad that the beef between Thea and her mother were squared away and dealt with. It was good to see the example that Thea’s mother set for her all these many years later.

Johnny was your typical man. Completely obtuse when it came to the female sex and totally oblivious to every little thing that should have been obvious but wasn’t. He was a man that I totally connected with and a man that I grew to love over the course of this story. I thought he was a great father to Rachel and there was no doubt in my mind that he was going to be a great father to his baby with Thea. His reasons for fighting the love he had for Thea were understandable and I thought Karen Templeton did a great job of fleshing his character out. I’m glad that he was finally able to let go of the past for good and move on with his future, with a clear and open mind..and also a willing heart. The way he loved Thea was cute and I really enjoyed his character.

Overall, the story was great. It was a fast read that was perfect for what I needed right now. A quick jolt to get me out of the semi-reading slump that I seem to have fallen into. This book was very entertaining, cute to fall into and enjoyable throughout. I definitely recommend this to those Harlequin fans out there because there’s a lot of things to recommend this story. The only blip for me was the way the delivery was written out, it was much too fast and much to tidy for me which left a slight shadow on that part of the story since I said out loud, “Yeah right, having a baby outside of the hospital without any drugs is not this tidy or this quick!” but I didn’t let that part of the story get to me because this is a category book and it was a much shorter story so I let that part slide. Aside from that, this book was enjoyable and I would definitely pimp this to people who like short and sweet. This is the book for you.

This book is available from Silhouette. You can buy it here or here in e-format.

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Review: A Mother’s Wish by Karen Templeton

Posted January 26, 2009 by Holly in Reviews | 5 Comments

Winnie Porter just couldn’t forget the child she’d given up for adoption all those years ago…or the wonderful family that had taken him in. Now it was finally time to see her son one last time.

Still reeling from his wife’s untimely death, the last thing Aidan Black needed to deal with was the unwed mother who brought his beloved Robbie into the world. Especially when she was all grown up into a beautiful, vivacious young woman who’d immediately drawn his boy into her spell—not to mention Aidan himself. Would Winnie’s secret shatter Aidan’s family—or make it whole again?

After reading Karen Templeton‘s Guys and Daughters series, I fell in love with her writing. She does an amazing job of writing real characters that face real issues. A Mother’s Wish is another hit.

Although Winnie gave her son up for adoption when she was 18, she never forgot him or stopped loving him. Now, 9 years later, after her grandmother’s death, Winnie finds herself in desperate need of seeing him. Making sure he’s ok, well loved and well cared for. She has no intention of speaking to him or alerting him to her presence, but she just has to know.

But things have a way of going in the direction we least expect, and Winnie is shocked to realize she’s actually staying in a cabin owned by her son’s adoptive parents. She’s even more shocked when she realizes Aidan, her son’s adoptive father, is now a widow. One she’s in danger of losing her heart to, despite his churlish behavior.

Winnie was definitely a strong woman. Though she’d faced adversity more often than not in her life, she still managed to retain her sense of humor and an optimistic attitude. She tried to find the good in every situation and dealt with her emotions straight on. She also said what she thought and didn’t allow herself to wallow in self-pity.

Watching her get to know her son was heartbreaking. She and Aidan agreed to keep it a secret until the time was right to tell him, and watching her try to hold herself back – while not really being able to – really tugged at my emotions.

Too often kids aren’t portrayed in a believable way in novels – especially when it comes to emotional issues. I think KT managed to write Robbie beautifully, however. His actions and reactions – from dealing with the death of his mother to falling in love with Winnie to finding out she was his birth mother – were exactly as I imagine those of a 9-year-old would be. His sadness and angst over losing his mother to cancer and his fear and worry for his father were real and believable. His anger over finding out Winnie and Aidan had kept a secret from him was also every believable and so much better than an easy acceptance would have been.

Aidan was also a wonderfully drawn character. Moody and brooding, his natural compassion and sympathy really rounded him out and made him into a three dimensional man. I wanted to be angry for him, for turning his back on his son and allowing things to slide so far out of control, but his absolute bafflement over how to fix things – and his genuine want and caring – saved him for me. At times I wanted to smack him upside the head and scream WAKE UP STUPID.

(…) Then suddenly he turned to Winnie and said, “D’you ride?”
“Do you ride? Horses,” he added irritably, like she was hopelessly slow. And if he hadn’t looked so frustrated – although about what, she couldn’t begin to imagine – and if she hadn’t become used to his brusqueness, she might have taken offense. But it would’ve been like taking offense at a frightened dog’s growl.
“It’s been awhile, but yeah -“
“What else?”
“Good. I’ve got horses boarding at a ranch near here, they need to be ridden. We’ll take the boys with us so Flo and Tess won’t have to worry about them. Day after tomorrow,” he added as an afterthought, the stomped out of the kitchen through a sea of discarded plastic bags.

But generally Winnie came along and did it before I had a chance to get good and mad at him.

She found him on the deck, glowering at the beginnings of the sunset.
“Back where I come from,” she said, making him turn around, “it’s the custom to ask a woman if she’d like to do something. Like go riding, for instance. So.” She crossed her arms. “Care to try this again?”
Aidan looked back out toward the setting sun. “I’m thinking about going horseback riding on Saturday. Wouldya be interested in goin’ along?”
“I’d love to,” she said, then turned smartly on her heel and walked away.

Their banter and sexual tension came across well, but it was really the emotional connection the three of them shared that really made this novel. I really liked the secondary characters that made up the small town of Tierra Rosa and I’m glad to see the next book in the series, Reining in the Rancher, is about characters we met during the course of this story.

There were definitely flaws, the major one being the rather cheesy epilogue, but I was able to look past them.

Karen Templeton is an absolute must read. A Mother’s Wish is a powerful tale of love and longing – and the things a woman will do for the love of her child. Excellent book, highly recommend.

4 out of 5

Book CoverBook Cover

This book is available from Silhouette Special Edition. You can buy it here or here in e-format.

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