Tag: Virgin River

Robyn Carr: Q&A

Robyn Carr: Q&A

Robyn is here with us today to answer reader questions! Here are a few to get us started: Q: Does Rick end up with Liz? Rick’s story is ongoing and I really can’t give anything away without spoiling the outcome, which will come in the 6th book in the series. Suffice it to say, he […]

Robyn Carr: Life and Death Decisions

Posted October 24, 2007 by Casee in Promotions | Tagged: , , | 4 Comments
Robyn Carr: Life and Death Decisions

Believe it or not, deciding on death for a character is not an easy decision. Everything you do in fiction must have a purpose, and if it’s not a bad guy who dies, it has to be carefully thought out. There has to be a motive internal to the story – drama, sentiment, an emotional […]

Robyn Carr: The Impact of Readers

Robyn Carr: The Impact of Readers

Robyn Carr tells us how readers have impacted Virgin River. . . . Authors’ web sites, email, blogging and chat sites have changed the writer’s world. Whereas we once got occasional letters, usually forwarded by the publisher, we now have access to our readers’ opinions and comments with shocking immediacy. There are more reviews than […]

Guest Author: Robyn Carr

Guest Author: Robyn Carr

Don’t forget, this week the lovely Robyn Carr is with us. She’ll be available later this week (I believe on Thursday) for a Q&A session with all our readers, and we’re planning a contest (Just FYI: Robyn has been very generous…) you won’t want to miss. Check out her first post below, and be sure […]

Robyn Carr: Giving Birth to a Town

Posted October 22, 2007 by Casee in Promotions | Tagged: , , | 7 Comments
Robyn Carr: Giving Birth to a Town

Robyn Carr gives us insight into the creation of Virgin River. . . . It has seldom happened in my writing career that I’ve had to go back and look at a published book and try to figure out what I did right, but such was the case with the Grace Valley trilogy. The books […]