Tag: Violetta Vane

What I Read Last Week

Posted May 21, 2012 by Tracy in Features | 5 Comments

Happy Monday!
It’s a happy Monday for a couple of different reasons. First is the fact that my back is much improved. My back ended up being much worse than I originally thought and not only was it screwed up but I somehow exposed my sciatic nerve. Oh fun. I didn’t actually work at all last week except for 2 hours and was on some serious drugs. I’m a happy camper to be back at work. Second is that my youngest is back at school at feeling much better as well. Yay for good health! lol
The winner of the Joely Sue Burkhart giveaway is Ames. Congratulations! 
Since I was home all of last week it was a quiet week so there’s not much to say – I’ll just get on with what I read.
First up was a paranormal story that I got for free from Amazon called Samson’s Lovely Mortal by Tina Folsom. This is the story of a woman who is in San Francisco for work and accidentally meets Samson, a vampire. He has been impotent for about 9 months but when he meets Delilah things start looking up so to speak. But there’s someone who is after Delilah and they find out that that issue is related to Samson’s company. There were miscommunications and trust issues in the story and of course the whole he’s a vampire thing didn’t work in his favor. It was a good book but not fabo – not bad for a free read. 3 out of 5
Next up was my TBR Challenge read for the month – Everything and the Moon by Julia Quinn. This was the story of two people who are broken up for 7 years by their own huge misunderstanding. You can read my review here. 3.5 out of 5
Diva and the Frat Boy by Daisy Harris was my next read. This is the story of flamboyant Nathaniel and staid and conservative Greg and how they came together. You can read my review here. 3 out of 5
Cruce de Caminos by Heidi Belleau and Violetta Vane was a novella that takes place, for the most part, in New Orleans and deals with a guy who is on drugs and heading down the wrong path in life. He is assisted in a very strange way by a man who may be a god of some sort. You can read my review here. 3 out of 5
Crazy on You by Rachel Gibson is a novella in the Lovett, Texas series. This is the story of Lilly and her reputation for being a nutcase and the relationship with her younger next door neighbor, Tucker. My mini-review will post on Wednesday. 3.5 out of 5
Next up was The Governess Affair by Courtney Milan. The story is about a governess, Serena, who is basically raped by a Duke. The duke’s assistant, Hugo, is sent to get rid of her when she refuses to leave the premises without her demands being met. Hugo and Serena have an odd connection and end up falling in love. This is seriously one of the best novella’s I think I’ve ever read. It definitely is one of the top 10…and near the top of the list. The story is kind of a prequel to the Brothers Sinister series and tells how the Brothers Sinister came to be. The odd but compelling romance between Hugo and Serena was so very touching and sweet and warmed my heart. Definitely a must read and one that I will re-read many, many times in the future. 5 out of 5
Alien Mate by Eve Langlais was up next and was the story about Kor who’s from another planet who comes to take his mate, Diana from Earth, back home. The story deals with Diana’s resistance and how Kor deals with it as well as his crazy brother once they get back home. Not bad for an erotic sci-fi novella. 3 out of 5
My next read was The Harder They Fall by Trish Jensen. This is the story about a woman who is trying to save her families restaurants from being sold to a large corporation. Darcy and the rep from the corporation end up in a relationship but it’s not all fun and games. My review will post on The Book Binge – I’ll let you know when that goes up. 3.75 out of 5
The Malorie Phoenix by Janet Mullany was a historical novel about a woman pickpocket who has a tryst with a man one night at Vauxhall Gardens. She ends up getting pregnant and when she believes she’s dying not long after giving birth she finds the man and gives him the baby. Seven years later she’s asked to impersonate a woman and ends up engaged to her daughter’s father. It was a good romance as well as having some suspense involved. The hero started out ok in my mind but went downhill throughout the book. I didn’t hate him by the end but my admiration for his good deeds quickly died near the end. Another Book Binge read – I’ll let you know when my review posts. 3.5 out of 5
Somebody to Love by Kristan Higgins was the story about Parker who is a single mom of 35 who suddenly has lost her fortune (well her dad lost it all) and is left with very little money. She was left a home in Maine that she wants to flip so she heads up. Her fathers lawyer heads up to help her and the two start a relationship. The story is about Parker finding her way now that she doesn’t have millions as well as her romance with James. I’ll post my review later this week. 3.75/4 out of 5
Next up was Undone by Her Tender Touch by Maya Banks. This is about Cam who has a one night stand with Pippa and no plans for either of them to ever contact the other. But Pippa ends up preggo after a condom breaks and the story deals with Pippa and Cam dealing with the situation as well as their feelings for each other. I’ll post my review later this week. 3.5 out of 5
Last for the week was Coveted by Shawntelle Madison. This was a strange paranormal story about a werewolf woman with OCD who is a hoarder. She has fear and anxiety issues as well and is subsequently kicked out of her pack for being weak and according to them, a little bit nuts. Natalya tries to deal with her issues along with a rival pack trying to take over her old pack in New Jersey but they’re after Natalya and she can’t quite figure out why. Then there’s her ex boyfriend Thorn who was the love of her life. He left to go to San Diego 5 years prior and never contacted her. Now he’s back in town but his father, the alpha has promised him in marriage to someone else. The story is about Natalya trying to live a normal life, deal with her feelings for Thorn, going to a support group for others like herself and trying to remain alive. The story was ok but kind of all over the place. It wasn’t a romance at all but had a few romantic elements in it with Nat and Thorn. I never truly understood why Thorn left all those years ago and never returned nor ever contacted Nat if he loved her so much. The pack treated her like crap and her family did too for the most part. It was an odd story but definitely readable. 2.5 out of 5
My Book Binge reviews that posted last week:
Happy Reading!

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Review: Cruce de Caminos by Heidi Belleau and Violetta Vane

Posted May 17, 2012 by Tracy in Reviews | 3 Comments

This book is part of the Riptide Rentboys 2012 Collection

Warning: This reviews does contain some spoilers

Street kid Sean O’Hara has never had it easy, but New Orleans has driven him to his knees. His girlfriend’s broken up with him for a sugar daddy, a gun-toting pimp has robbed him of everything but the clothes on his back, and he’s down to his last two Oxycontin. Sean’s no seasoned streetwalker, but he’s not above it either, not when he’s already itching for his next fix.

A familiar-seeming stranger named Ángel may be his ticket to some quick cash, but only if Sean’s willing to help him indulge a high-class john’s weird fetish for the night. As Ángel tells him, in this city and this business, you have to get a little weird to survive.

When night falls on the French Quarter, Sean realizes Ángel and the john want more from him than he was expecting to give. What once seemed merely strange soon crosses the line into supernatural and sinister. And Ángel, the man Sean had viewed as a partner and protector, might also be his otherworldly judge and executioner.

Sean is down and out. His girlfriend has left him, he’s been robbed and now has no money for food or shelter. He turns to panhandling and then turns to prostitution. Ángel turns up as Sean is about to make a bad decision with a john. Ángel says he’s an males escort and he has a client who wants brothers together. Sean feels extremely comfortable with Ángel so he agrees. After cleaning up they head to the appointment. Sean is having serious doubts but trusts Ángel so moves ahead. Unfortunately Sean was drugged and blacks out. He wakes up the next morning and can’t remember a thing.

Ángel is not who Sean thinks he is and seems to keep showing up when Sean least expects it. But what he is saying to Sean is basically that he’s fuckin up his life and if he keeps heading on the drug induced road that he’s on that the future will be bleak and short. When Sean describes the man to his girlfriend Cristina she believes that Ángel is a some sort of God and since Ángel said that Sean should leave the city Cristina’s anxious to go and not tempt fate.

Sean and Cristina get to Florida but life keeps getting worse and worse and eventually Sean has to truly think about the things that Ángel told him.

Let me start by saying this is not a romance. It’s stated to be erotic horror but frankly I didn’t find it too erotic or horror ridden. It was definitely in the odd/bizarre category for me but it didn’t seem it all that dark.

Sean is definitely in a bad place in his life. He has his priorities screwed up beyond belief and Ángel shows up when he’s truly needed. Ángel was an enigma as he was never truly explained. Yes, we heard who Cristina thought he was but it was never confirmed.

Ángel and Sean share some hot kisses with the john that Ángel had who wanted the brothers and though the warning on the book says “non-explicit rape” I never got that. I actually didn’t see the warning until after I read the story and was actually surprised as what happened was a blank. It was weird and unexplained and a bit disturbing, I guess, but that was all.

There is m/m in the book but Sean thinks himself in love with his girlfriend and that presented a strange angle for the story. He didn’t seem all that into the m/m aspect although he was getting hot for Ángel there for a bit.

The story was not something I would normally read as it wasn’t a romance but the rentboy aspect of it intrigued me. While I liked it the book showed us a portion of Sean’s life and how he dealt with it. As a reader I think I would have liked the story to be longer as I wanted more information on Ángel as well as Sean. His life experiences once he left New Orleans was told but not shown and I think that would have added a more in depth aspect to the story and made it a tad more emotional for me.

From what I understand we will be able to read more about Sean in the upcoming book The Druid Stone which is an m/m urban fantasy. I have to admit that I’m interested enough in Sean after reading this story that I might just pick it up.

Rating: 3 out of 5

Violetta Vane
Heidi Belleau

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