Tag: Urban Fantasy

Review: Wicked Wish by Veronica Douglas & Linsey Hall

Review: Wicked Wish by Veronica Douglas & Linsey Hall

It appears this is a spin-off of another series, but it’s the first book by the authors I’ve read. I enjoyed it and didn’t feel like I missed anything by starting here. Neveah Cross works for the Order as a researcher, but she’s trying to get promoted to investigator. When her best friend, Rhiannon, (who […]

Review: Shifters in the Night by Molly Harper

Review: Shifters in the Night by Molly Harper

Shifters in the Night (Mystic Bayou #5) by Molly Harper brings us back to the magically eclectic town of Mystic Bayou, where magie (magical beings of all kinds) have lived in harmony for centuries. Thanks to the recent outing of magie in the world, people are flocking to Mystic Bayou in droves. As a result, […]

Joint Review: Wild Sign by Patricia Briggs

Joint Review: Wild Sign by Patricia Briggs

Anna and Charles have worked with the FBI in the past, and they have a tentative truce between them, but not the kind where they’re prepared for the FBI to show up on their doorstep. They’re requesting assistance to help locate a missing mountain community. Anna and Charles agree to investigate, and they set off […]

Review: Last Guard by Nalini Singh

Review: Last Guard by Nalini Singh

Canto Merchant & Payal Rao are both A-Psy. As anchors for the PsyNet, it isn’t just their job to keep the PsyNet from failing. It’s a compulsion for them. They can’t not do anything & everything to save the Psy race. When Canto contacts Payal about being the voice for the anchors, he has no […]

Sunday Spotlight: The Adversary by Thea Harrison

Sunday Spotlight: The Adversary by Thea Harrison

Sunday Spotlight is a feature we began in 2016. This year we’re spotlighting our favorite books, old and new. We’ll be raving about the books we love and being total fangirls. You’ve been warned. 🙂 I’ve been dying to find out what’s happening with Dragos and Pia in the Other lands. The Adversary is available […]