Tag: Urban Fantasy

Review: Magic Rises by Ilona Andrews

Review: Magic Rises by Ilona Andrews

Magic Rises by Ilona Andrews is the 6th book in the Kate Daniels series. I love Kate, Curran and all the rest. I’m always excited to fall back into this world. This book really brought Kate’s past to the forefront and gave us insight into what she’ll be dealing with when the fight with her […]

Joint Review: Clean Sweep by Ilona Andrews

Joint Review: Clean Sweep by Ilona Andrews

Clean Sweep is the first book in the Innkeeper Chronicles by Ilona Andrews. It’s my favorite of all their series (maybe), and I forced Casee into reading it because. Just because. Dina Demille runs an Inn for otherworldly beings. In order to keep Earth safe from other races with superior technology, it was made a […]

Review: Gunmetal Magic by Ilona Andrews

Review: Gunmetal Magic by Ilona Andrews

This is set in the Kate Daniels world but told from Andrea’s point of view. I’ve been chomping at the bit to see what was going on with her and Raphael. Andrea and Raphael have been circling each other for months. They started dating and fell deeply in love, but Raphael thought Andrea chose her […]

Review: Magic Slays by Ilona Andrews

Review: Magic Slays by Ilona Andrews

Magic Slays is the fifth book in the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews. As its the fifth book in the series, it’s nearly impossible for me to write this review without including spoilers from previous books. Fair warning. Kate has set up her own investigative firm, Cutting Edge, and she’s all settled in with […]

Joint Review: Magic Strikes by Ilona Andrews

Joint Review: Magic Strikes by Ilona Andrews

Casee: Lets get this party started. Where does Magic Strikes fall for you in terms of rating out of the all the books in the series? Holly: It’s hard for me to talk about this one without spoilers, but some major things happen that influence decisions Kate and Curran make for the rest of the […]