Tag: Travelling

And She’s Off

Posted July 24, 2009 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | 13 Comments

Today at 6:45pm (pacific) I will be on a train that will be heading to Kansas City, Missouri to visit my sister. My parents, my 14yo niece and my two girls and I will spend a fun filled week at my sisters house after which I will fly home. The rest of the crew though will then take a train to visit my other sister in Huntsville, Alabama where they will stay for about a week and a half then take the train home to California.

I have to be honest with ya…I’m not looking forward to the train ride. Maybe if the trains were as they used to be in the 40’s where everyone got a sleeper car it would be great. But we’ll be sleeping in our seats for 2 nights (the sleeper cars add about $1000 to the price of the ticket – yikes). The kids of course think it’s the best thing since sliced bread. Me? Not so much. I’m really looking forward to seeing my sister though so it will all be worth it in the end. :0)

So I was packing last night and standing in front of my bookcase trying to figure out what books to pack. So. Hard. I’m just not the type of girl who likes to plan my reading in advance – even for 1 week. I know, suck it up Tracy, right? It’s just that I want to walk up to my books and peruse the shelves for a few minutes and decide what I’m in the mood for. I did put a bunch of books on my ereader but most of those were m/m. Some were contemps so I brought a few paranormals and a few historicals in print to round things out. Hopefully between all of that I won’t get into a slump! lol
I won’t have access to email or the internet while I’m on the train so won’t be able to get online until I get to KC on Sunday – which will drive me slightly batty but I’ll deal.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I’ll talk to you next week!

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