Tag: The Real Duchesses of London Series

Review: Linnette, the Lioness by Lavinia Kent

Posted August 3, 2011 by Rowena in Reviews | 0 Comments

Rowena’s review of Linnette the Lioness (Real Duchesses of London, Book 2) by Lavinia Kent

Hero: James Sharpeton, Duke of Doveshire
Heroine: Linnette, the Dowager Duchess of Doveshire

Regency England just got real(ity)
Episode 2: The One with the Fake Baby

Rumors abound – everyone has heard that Linnette, the Dowager Duchess of Doveshire is pregnant. Beautiful, young, with more freedom than any respectable woman should want, Linnette is no stranger to a little gossip. But her friends can’t help her brave the fallout, because this time Linnette has done something naughty…

This is a 30,000 word novella.

Book 2 in the Real Duchesses of London e-book series written by Lavinia Kent and I’ve got to say I really enjoyed this short story. A lot more than I enjoyed the first one. I really like that in this short amount of space, I felt like we got a full story. I mean sure, we don’t get to know the hero and the heroine as well as we would have if this was a full novel but I think Kent did a pretty bang up job of telling Linnette’s story.

Linnette’s story starts when she meets James, the new Duke of Doveshire (the guy who inherited her husband’s title) when they were young and fell in love. Linnette was engaged to her late husband since she was five years old and because she fell in love with James was going to run away with him and live happily ever after somewhere far away so that she could be with him because she loved him so. Only the night before they were supposed to run away, he left. Without her and it devastated her so she went ahead and married Charles.

Charles dies and now the story picks back up, several years later and by a sick twist of fate, James is now the new Duke of Doveshire and is brought back into Linnette’s orb. Linnette isn’t very happy about this since she can still feel the abandonment like it was just last week, month even but you know what they say, the heart wants what the heart wants. It’s not long at all before they’re back where they were all those many years ago, except older (and better in bed, haha). They think they’re wiser this time around and discreet but that isn’t the case when another cartoon comes out with Linnette pregnant and the man standing behind her this time around? None other than James, the new Duke of the title her late husband held.

Oh the drama in this short story was enough to keep me turning the pages. Of all of the Duchesses and what not in this series, Linnette is my favorite. She’s stubborn (but not in an annoying way), she’s passionate and she’s not above causing a little scandal to bite back at those she thinks betrayed her. Though I did enjoy her character overall, it’s not to say that she didn’t annoy me from time to time in this book. Mostly, the way she cared so much what everyone thought left much to be desired with her but at the end of it all, I liked her most. I think because she has the most personality of the women so far.

I loved James, I loved that he didn’t give two figs about what everyone thought and what they were supposed to do. He wasn’t ashamed of his affair with Linnette and he wanted to marry her. I loved that he wanted to make Linnette see that he does love her enough to slay dragons for her and really, he was just too cute.

After reading this book, I must say that I’m anxious for the rest of the stories in this series. I’m most looking forward to reading Annabelle’s story. I think her story is going to be another great one.

Overall, this was a great quick read with a hero and a heroine that were fun to read about. I’m glad that I read it and can’t wait for more from these characters. I hear that Elizabeth is next and really, I love to hate her so it’ll be interesting to see how her story turns out.

Grade: 4 out of 5

This book is available from Avon Impulse. You can buy it here and here in e-format.

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Review: Kathryn, the Kitten by Lavinia Kent.

Posted July 6, 2011 by Rowena in Reviews | 1 Comment

Rowena’s review of Kathryn, the Kitten by Lavinia Kent.

Hero: Robert, Duke of Harrington
Heroine: Kathryn, Duchess of Harrington

Regency England just got real(ity)

Episode 1: How Kathryn Got Her Passion Back
Kathryn, Duchess of Harrington, has the perfect life: a handsome duke for a husband, riches to spare, a house in Mayfair, and the right group of friends. The only thing she doesn’t have is her husband in her bed. But she’s about to change that. Enlisting the aid of her best friend, Linnette, who knows about these things even though she’s a duchess herself, Kathryn begins her seduction plan.
But Linnette knows a secret and it involves Kathryn’s husband. And, when that comes out, Kathryn’s marriage isn’t the only thing at stake. Can you say Afternoon Tea Catfight?

Kathryn, the Kitten is the first installment to the Real Duchesses of London series. The series will feature novella’s for a cast of characters that are introduced in Kathryn, the Kitten and I’m curious to see how it will all come together.

This book features Kathryn, the Duchess of Harrington. To the world, Kathryn has it all. She has the looks, the house, the husband but Kathryn doesn’t feel perfect. She had a miscarriage and her husband hasn’t come to her bed in three months and she wants all of that to change. She wants to try again to have another baby, to fulfill her duty as the Duchess and secure an heir for her husband. More than anything, Kathryn wants to connect with her husband. She was taught to do her duty but she’s lonely and wants the company of her husband.

Being an innocent came as a complete surprise to me because she’d been married to Robert but innocent, she was. Kathryn does what any normal woman would do when they want to learn more about how to please their husband. She goes to her friend, Linnette. Linnette is a widow and hasn’t lived her life as a monk since her husband died so who better to teach her how to please a man than Linnette?

Right before Kathryn is to seduce (and succeed) her husband, she learns some unsettling news that pissed her the hell off. Well, first she was hurt but then she got good and pissed. This is when the story jumped off for me. It jumped off because this is finally where Robert and Kathryn finally communicate. All of the misunderstandings came together and seeing Robert and Kathryn finally talking to one another instead of tip toeing around each other brought about a sense of relief in me because goodness, how the heck were they going to resolve anything without talking?

This story was short but it wasn’t boring. Introductions are made, future stories are baited and Kent did a great job of weaving it all together into one short story. I would have liked to see more of Robert because at the end of the story, he was still a stranger to me. It would have been nice to see more Robert and Kathryn, but overall I still enjoyed the story. I’m looking forward to reading the other stories as well so we’ll see how it all turns out.

One thing I really loved was the part where Robert and Kathryn finally talk and they just finished getting busy and Kathryn wonders aloud at what made her so mad at Robert before she came home, Robert’s reply to her was priceless and super hot!

He said, “I. Do. Not. Care.” He punctuated each word with a kiss.

That had me grinning for the rest of the afternoon. Overall, it was a great introduction to a new series but it did leave me wanting more from the hero.

Grade: 3.5 out of 5

This book is available from Avon. You can buy it here and here in e-format.

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