Tag: Tease Publishing

Review: Muse by Adra Steia

Posted June 28, 2007 by Book Binge Guest Blogger in Reviews | 7 Comments

Isabel’s review of Muse by Adra Steia.

Leah and Miguel have been separated for ten years, after the birth and adoption of their child when they were just teenagers. Reunited, they discover their psychic bond is as strong as ever. Miguel is now a troubled artist, and Leah is struggling to make a life for herself. As they decide to resume their turbulent, passionate romance, Miguel summons his Muse, a seductive, violent spirit that haunts their home. After several violent, bloody attacks, Leah learns very quickly that his Muse is not all he claims she is, and that the vindictive spirit will stop at nothing to possess Miguel. To save him, Leah must sacrifice everything.

Holly and Casee did a review of this book earlier. You can read their review here. Since they went over the plot summery, I’ll go straight into what I liked/disliked.

What I Liked:

Holy crap, I was wiped out when I was done reading this. I was hooked after reading the first chapter. I wanted to throttle Leah’s jerk employer. I wanted to kick Jose in his butt a few times and there were times I wanted to throttle La Mariposa and Miguel. I was getting jealous with Ophelia telling Leah how it took a lot to get Miguel going in the bedroom. That’s how drawn in I was. I felt something towards almost every character.

The twist with La Mariposa. Damn. Did not see that coming. Like Leah, I didn’t want to believe it. I did not see that coming at all.

All in all, it was a good story. I made sure to read it during the day so I’d have time to read/watch something happy. This book did give me creepy crawlies. I did read a chapter once while eating my breakfast before work. I swore I heard weird noises.

What I Disliked:

I don’t hold this against the book at all by the way but that fact it was a freaking e book. I started off printing the chapters so I could read in bed. But that was wasting paper so I ended up just reading it at the computer. Didn’t care for that.

I didn’t dislike Jose or Miguel, they just irked me sometimes.

Jose. He was such a jerk wad to Leah at first. He was mean to her because 1) He felt it was Leah’s fault Miguel became depressed. You see, after their baby was born, Miguel left Leah. Miguel failed to tell Jose this. So when Leah came back into their lives, Jose feared for his brother’s health. Which I get he was just being protective. 2) Jose never really understood/believed Miguel and Leah’s psychic abilities. What he didn’t understand freaked him out. 3) Jose felt Leah was a little know it all. Because she was always the one with the high grades and all that. So he felt Leah was one upping him on purpose. 4) He had a crush on her. You know how in elementary school boys tease the girls they like. Towards the end, Jose redeemed himself. After he realized the truth and saw Leah for the loving caring person she is.

Miguel. Oh Miguel. Poor boy was falling for a ghost. A very vengeful and possessive ghost. He had a great woman in Leah and yet he was drawn to La Mariposa. His muse. He saw how La Mariposa hurt Leah, yet he was convinced Lead did it to herself on accident. Yet, I still hoped that Miguel and Leah would have their HEA despite me getting irked at him.

Additional Comments:

Like Holly, I’m torn with the end. I can’t say much cause I don’t want to ruin it. I am still deciding if I’m ok with it or maybe… I don’t know.

This story was good though. I really enjoyed it. Go read it.

Grade: 4.5 out of 5

This book was available from Tease.

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