Tag: Team Elizabeth

Sweet Valley High News!

Posted July 26, 2010 by Rowena in News | 7 Comments

How many of you guys out there read and loved the Sweet Valley High books when you were younger? Okay, so obviously I’m not talking to the teenagers of today but the teens from when I was a teenager (in the 90’s).

I did.

I freaking loved this series and since it came out when I was in middle school, it was one of the only series that I was addicted to back then. I wasn’t much of a reader back when I was in high school but I did read a lot when I was in middle school. In middle school, I wasn’t boy crazy the way that I was in high school so I had a lot of time to watch TV and read books.

Lots of my friends from middle school were fans of Jessica but for me, it was all about Elizabeth. I wanted to be studious just like Elizabeth and while Jessica was the “cool” sister, I thought she was such a freaking brat! She was so drama and I spent a good amount of time wanting to kick her in the mouth.

But anyway, my feelings on Jessica (Team Elizabeth all the way!) is not what this post is about but about the new book that will be coming out next year from St. Martin’s Press.

Not much information is out on this book right now, the cover will be released early next year but you can read the first chapter of the book over at Sweet Valley Ten Years Later.

Can I freaking squeal like a ten year old please? I’m so facking excited about this because seriously, I’m dying to know what Jessica and Elizabeth are doing these days. Are they married? Who did they marry? Whatever happened to Todd that Jessica the hussy tried to steal away from Elizbeth. Man, I have so many questions that I’m dying for answers.

March of 2011 is too freaking far away. I guess I’ll go read the first chapter.

Who is squealing in delight with me over this news?

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